2010 Guestbook Archive

2010 Guestbook Entries

January 2-December 30, 2010
In reverse order


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Date: December 30, 2010, 10:02 PM, EST
Host: unknown host
Name: Alev
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: Everytime I listen to her songs I get goosebumps and start crying…I can’t believe how unfair life is, taking away Eva, a young woman who is full of life and talent, and leave us missing her…Happy Xmas and New Year Eva 🙂 we love you

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Date: December 30, 2010, 3:23 PM, EST
Host: 82-171-254-141.ip.telfort.nl
Name: Jack de Vries
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: For the 11th time Dutch Radio 2 organises the top 2000 which they broadcast this week before New Year. Listeners, Millions of them, could choose their favourite artist they want to hear on the radio. A lot of them chose Eva with Fields of Gold, on position 319 0f the 2000 and Songbird on 774. Next Year higher??

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Date: December 29, 2010, 11:33 AM, EST
Host: 95-39.200-68.tampabay.res.rr.com
Name: Annette K Kitterman
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: What a beautiful voice! I was just today turned on to her by a dear friend. I am so very impressed, what a great person she must have been, very inspiring!! Definitely looking into getting her music.

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Date: December 28, 2010, 4:27 PM, EST
Host: 99-181-43-108.lightspeed.rcsntx.sbcglobal.net
Name: Melanie Dunker
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: I just recently came across Eva’s songs. WOW! Her songs really “speak” to me. My sister-in-law was battling colon cancer and someone gave my family a CD. It gave us such support to listen to such a beautiful voice from an amazing person! Sadly, my sister-in-law, Penny Dunker Polek, lost her battle with cancer too at age 35. I hope Eva’s family knows what support and happiness her music gives families that have a loved one battling cancer. Her voice is such a comfort.

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Date: December 27, 2010, 2:22 PM, EST
Host: cache-dtc-ab14.proxy.aol.com
Name: Diane Pakulski
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: One day in 1999 my best friend Connie called me and said “just be quiet and listen.” By the time Eva’s “Over the rainbow” was finished I was weeping. NEVER have I heard anything so beautiful or moving. This year on March 30 (my birthday) my best friend Connie died of brain cancer. Eva’s “Over the rainbow” was requested by Connie to be played at her funeral. A beautiful song for a beautiful friendship that lasted for 60 years. Thank you Eva for the pure beauty.

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Date: December 27, 2010, 12:06 AM, EST
Host: 99-3-100-153.lightspeed.clvsca.sbcglobal.net
Name: Keith Vogt
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: Cassidy family,

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Date: December 26, 2010, 10:50 AM, EST
Host: pool-70-22-114-169.balt.east.verizon.net
Name: Chris Flohr
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: I just finished listening to my xmas present “Songbird.” How fortunate I am for WPFW 89.3 and “Sunday Kind of Love” to learn of this heart stirring music.
Thank you to the Cassidy family for helping to keep this amazing woman’s music alive for us to enjoy!

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Date: December 24, 2010, 9:11 PM, EST
Host: c-67-170-65-64.hsd1.wa.comcast.net
Name: Dorothy B
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: Best wishes to Eva’s family . the Eva Cassidy band and especially Laura, who gives all- to keep this wedsite going so we can all enjoy everything EVA! Thank you laura!!-

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Date: December 24, 2010, 10:07 AM, EST
Host: 66-189-15-118.dhcp.oxfr.ma.charter.com
Name: Linton
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: Happy Holidays to Eva’s parents, relatives, friends and fans all over the world!

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Date: December 24, 2010, 6:48 AM, EST
Host: customer60460.101.kt.cust.t-mobile.co.uk
Name: Erol
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: Wishing Eva’s family, friends and fans a Happy Christmas and new year.

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Date: December 24, 2010, 4:54 AM, EST
Host: 99-3-100-153.lightspeed.clvsca.sbcglobal.net
Name: Keith Vogt
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: If you have just now heard of Eva, you have been missing one of the all time greatest singers this world or any other world could have ever known. To think that there are still ignorant people who don’t even know of her and absolutely wonderful voice and pitch perfect delivery is a real, real shame. She actually really is the greatest ever and we all DO LOVE EVA!!!

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Date: December 23, 2010, 10:49 AM, EST
Host: pool-173-73-118-90.washdc.fios.verizon.net
Name: Quinn Warwick
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: One more post. I try not to be too delusional in my old age. I know I never knew Eva, but reading about the kind of person she was, it’s what all musicians should strive to be.
Whether we live to be 33 or 103, our time on life is short. Oh, how I wish I could go to Blues Alley and see her tonight. She would probably think I’m a crazed stalker, as I wait to tell her how she touches me.
I love all the pics here. My favorite one is of her and Laura when they were little girls.

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Date: December 23, 2010, 10:31 AM, EST
Host: 210.Red-81-37-51.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net
Name: Jon
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: I didn´t know anything about Eva Cassidy. I have just heard her version of Time after Time. So moving and the best version without any doubt. Sorry to find that she died with 33 years old. I LOVE HER VOICE!!!! SWEET!!!! I´m gonna search more songs from her right now.

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Date: December 22, 2010, 9:43 PM, EST
Host: docc4226.oc.warwick.net
Name: Gloria Williams
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: It’s nice to see so many people still remembering Eva on this guestbook.
I chose Kathy’s Song because it was the first time I ever heard her voice, as this song was used as background on a tv show. I waited until the end credits to find out who had this amazing voice, then did my research. I had no idea who she was, and was saddened to see she had already passed away. Thank goodness the family has enabled us to continue to enjoy her amazing talents. To all the family, and especially to my friend Margret, I wish you all a Very Merry Christmas, and Peace and Love in the New Year!

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Date: December 22, 2010, 2:50 PM, EST
Name: Michael S. Brant
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: I really don’t know what to say….I’m very happy to have heard her and yet very sad to know she’s gone.

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Date: December 21, 2010, 5:29 PM, EST
Host: unknown host
Name: Tony Green
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: My favorite version of Danny Boy.
What a talent, treasure and pleasure.
I will miss her.

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Date: December 21, 2010, 8:30 AM, EST
Host: pool-173-73-118-90.washdc.fios.verizon.net
Name: Quinn Warwick
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: Want to wish everyone on this board and the Cassidy family a Merry Christmas. I enjoy reading the guestbook. This beautiful angel continues to touch the world, making it a better place.

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Date: December 21, 2010, 3:06 AM, EST
Host: unknown host
Name: Young Gi
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: I miss you..

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Date: December 20, 2010, 9:53 PM, EST
Host: unknown host
Name: Kathy curran
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: Have just discovered Eva, what an amazing talent. From reading her bio she may not have enjoyed the fame. Thank for seeing that she is not forgotten

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Date: December 20, 2010, 8:28 PM, EST
Host: c-69-251-80-194.hsd1.md.comcast.net
Name: Joe
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: http://youtu.be/gnnl1deAGAo

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Date: December 20, 2010, 9:13 AM, EST
Host: pc006-120.misc.umds.ac.uk
Name: Tony O'Connell
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: I would like to wish all of Eva’s family and friends a peaceful Christmas and New Year.

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Date: December 19, 2010, 12:18 PM, EST
Host: c-76-18-207-16.hsd1.fl.comcast.net
Name: Lisa M. Smith
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: I am glad to hear Blix Street Records is releasing “Simply Eva” in January 2011. I can’t wait!

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Date: December 19, 2010, 8:38 AM, EST
Host: 166-205-138-163.mobile.mymmode.com
Name: Mirriam rada
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: I like the screenplay by Laura Claire Bligh! Eva’s voice is the Best!

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Date: December 18, 2010, 8:44 PM, EST
Host: adsl-a-37.taylortel.net
Name: J T
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: Hello Laura and family and friends of Eva Cassidy. It has been 5 years or so since I have posted but my regard for Eva, her music, her family, her band and her friends has not diminished. When I first listend to the Songbird CD it set in motion a long journey of discovery and also created a need to understand and express the amazingly complex set of emotions that exposure to this talent and this life lived created in me. Finally after quite a bit of effort to put it all in perspective I wrote a little poem about Eva. Obviously I could have waxed effusive ad infinitum but my goal was to keep it simple stupid. I posted the poem back in 04 but I thought the newer folks might like to see and enjoy it. She was and is, simply, THE BEST. So, here goes. “Like the most gentle flower in the spring, Eva bloomed, then faded. Many just walked by but, you and I, saw the beauty that she had created. Unlike the flower that’s gone, Eva left her image in a song, for those who could hear to see. Although I am certain that she, would strongly disagree,to me, Eva surpassed the flower.”
Ya’ll have a Merry Christmas!

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Date: December 18, 2010, 2:26 PM, EST
Host: static-71-248-188-27.bstnma.fios.verizon.net
Name: Jim D
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: As a devout Eva fan since 2003, I regularly try to introduce her music to the “unknowing”. Here is an example I hope you find worth reading. Yesterday, I was having my hair cut and Laurie, the hairdresser, initiated a discussion about getting ready for Christmas. To make a longer story shorter, I mentioned that my wife carried most of the burden; that I only had to select and buy presents for my brother and sister and that was easy as I got them the same thing every year – cd’s by Eva Cassidy (I just received my order of cd’s and notecards from the evacassidy dot com website). Laurie said she had never heard of Eva Cassidy and asked her co-worker to google the name. She did this on her cell phone and after a brief discussion brought up Eva singing “Over the Rainbow”, which we all listened to while proceding with my haircut. They were very impressed with Eva’s voice (“surprise!”) and proceeded to listen to “Time after Time” and were listening to “Fields of Gold” when I left. After leaving, I went to my car and retrieved a spare “Somewhere” cd and took it back to the studio and handed it to Laurie-so they could hear a much higher quality sound. In about 6 weeks, I will return to the Guestbook with an update as to what has transpired since yesterday.

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Date: December 16, 2010, 2:12 PM, EST
Host: 184-97-156-216.mpls.qwest.net
Name: Kris Duryea
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: Wow, amazing. We are fortunate to still have Eva’s music, so sorry for her friends and family to have lost such a treasure.

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Date: December 16, 2010, 10:02 AM, EST
Host: pool-173-73-118-90.washdc.fios.verizon.net
Name: Quinn Warwick
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: Eva,
How did I miss you when you were playing in my area. I am so sorry. Your music touches me to my soul, in it’s deepest core. I love you.

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Date: December 15, 2010, 4:21 PM, EST
Host: ip5457c2b2.direct-adsl.nl
Name: Marijke
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: Years ago a dear friend gave me Eva’s CD Songbird. Lots of time I’m listening to here beautiful voice! I’ll gave my friends here CD and everyone loves her voice!
Thank you Eva that we still can listen after your songs!

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Date: December 14, 2010, 6:13 PM, EST
Host: cpe-76-188-9-239.neo.res.rr.com
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:

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Date: December 14, 2010, 12:10 AM, EST
Host: ppp-38-119.grapevine.net.au
Name: Juanita Jones
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: No words come freely to describe the rare beauty that is the voice of Eva Cassidy…

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Date: December 12, 2010, 6:06 PM, EST
Host: c-75-69-116-45.hsd1.ma.comcast.net
Name: Shelley
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: I LOVE Eva Cassidy’s songs and her soulful voice. I listed three of my favorite songs, but I love ALL of her songs. She is a rare gem & gifted in so many ways. Somewhere Over the Rainbow was recently played at my father’s funeral, and I will never forget how meaningful it was. Thank you, Eva, for your beautiful music.

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Date: December 12, 2010, 5:17 PM, EST
Host: 74.Red-83-40-115.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net
Name: Diego Torres Vicente
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: Sorry to say that I don’t know very much about her and her music, but recently along came to me her cover of Time after time, even better than the original… so moving.
I just thank for having the chance to know and listen more about her…

So sad to know about her tragic and early passing… but we can be sure her music lives on. That’s the least she deserve…

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Date: December 11, 2010, 11:40 PM, EST
Host: rsvd-regus-
Name: Mark Holland
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: A recent convert, I just fell in love with a truly outstanding voice, first hearing “Fields of Gold and “Over the Rainbow” but feel there is something in the words of “I know you by heart” its almost eiry yet so touching! just cant get it out of my head, thankyou Eva and thanks to the producers of this site…God bless

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Date: December 11, 2010, 11:54 AM, EST
Host: 99-135-130-154.lightspeed.cicril.sbcglobal.net
Name: Bruce Barnes
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: I am so glad to have experienced some of Eva’s recordings, she had the voice of an angel. Over the Rainbow always takes me to tears by the beauty of her talent and I just watched the Nightline video… more tears mostly from the joy that her music still brings to many of us. I’m sure she is an angel now.

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Date: December 11, 2010, 5:58 AM, EST
Host: 86-41-16-241-dynamic.b-ras2.dbn.dublin.eircom.net
Name: Dave Reibards
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: Having played (very badly) in a very bad band in the early 70’s I completely lost all interest in music for the next 30 years. I didn’t listen to any, I didn’t play any and I didn’t buy any. Weird I know. Then, one day I heard Eva singing ‘Over the rainbow’ on a radio programme. It made me cry because it was so beautiful. It still does. Thank you Eva. Thank you for the music.

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Date: December 9, 2010, 8:41 AM, EST
Host: static-96-254-162-202.tampfl.fios.verizon.net
Name: Kathy Sandy
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: …just came through on my iPod. So beautiful yet it leaves me so sad.
“Poignant,” I think, is the best word for it.

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Date: December 8, 2010, 1:58 PM, EST
Host: static-207-54-98-1.ptr.terago.net
Name: Matt D
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: I can’t believe I have never heard of this amazing talent… It’s sad that we lose the great ones…

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Date: December 8, 2010, 1:50 PM, EST
Host: unknown host
Name: Karen Marguth
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: I vividly remember the moment I first heard Eva’s voice, even though it was many years ago. It touched me so deeply, and I went out and bought every CD of hers that I could find.
She is one of the greatest female voices that ever graced our planet. A voice from the heavens. Her delivery of tone and lyric are unmatched, in my opinion. From subtle near-whispers to soul-awakening wails, she is pitch-perfect and always clearly focusing on the story-telling part of singing. She didn’t just sing to show off her chops, she sang to tell the audience, “Here’s a story and an emotion that we all share as a human family–it’s okay, it’s beautiful, see?”

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Date: December 8, 2010, 1:25 PM, EST
Host: 173-81-213-179-buck.atw.dyn.suddenlink.net
Name: Mike Higham
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: Well said…….Margret, regarding the passing of Elizabeth Edwards, and Don from Suwanee, Georgia regarding Eva.

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Date: December 8, 2010, 9:06 AM, EST
Host: c-68-49-189-164.hsd1.md.comcast.net
Name: Margret Cassidy Robinson
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: I was so very saddened to hear about the passing of Elizabeth Edwards yesterday…..
I knew she had been battling cancer for several years, but still—it came as quite a shock to hear that she had finally succumbed to this devastating disease….

My thoughts and prayers go out to her family and friends today—especially her beautiful children.

Regardless of one’s political affiliation, I think we can all agree that Elizabeth showed amazing strength, courage, and grace throughout her life……
She’d endured the loss of her 16 year old son, the dissolution of a 30 year marriage, and finally–the return of her cancer.

Losing a loved one is so very, very painful…..especially during the Holiday season.
My heart goes out to Elizabeth’s loved ones…
May God be with them today, and in the days to come……

And to Elizabeth….
You have truly been an inspiration—to ALL of us!!!

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Date: December 8, 2010, 8:44 AM, EST
Host: 2416451hfc185.tampabay.res.rr.com
Name: Norm Decicco
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: I can not believe that I get a tear in my eye every single time I listen to Eva sing this song. Actually, it is hard to name one song as my favorite, as I love so many of her songs.

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Date: December 8, 2010, 5:47 AM, EST
Host: 99-3-100-153.lightspeed.clvsca.sbcglobal.net
Name: Keith Vogt
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: just listen to Eva,she is the greatest singe ever. Typing not too good. but remeber she is the greatest singer ever, and don’t ever let anyone change your mind.

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Date: December 7, 2010, 11:54 PM, EST
Host: mobilehost1583.mobile.mymmode.com
Name: Ross Emery
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: This new recording of Eva singing “Silent Night” really is lovely – a simple blessing for the season!
I still cannot believe all the tin ears in the music industry that did not recognize the beauty of her talent.

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Date: December 7, 2010, 10:47 PM, EST
Host: 66-189-15-118.dhcp.oxfr.ma.charter.com
Name: Linton
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: It is sad to hear of the death of Elizabeth Edwards today in this Christmas season.

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Date: December 7, 2010, 6:48 PM, EST
Host: 24-159-103-251.dhcp.gwnt.ga.charter.com
Name: Don
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: Sometimes, by the time you actually see the light from a star, it’s already gone. Thank God the light lives on.

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Date: December 7, 2010, 3:16 AM, EST
Host: 173-164-84-178-Oregon.hfc.comcastbusiness.net
Name: Jeanne
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: I watched “Love Actually” last night and this song mesmerized me. Absolutely breathtaking. I’ve downloaded it and others and can’t stop listening -so beautiful. We will cherish the gift Eva left us.

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Date: December 6, 2010, 2:41 AM, EST
Host: 99-3-100-153.lightspeed.clvsca.sbcglobal.net
Name: Keith Vogt
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:

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Date: December 4, 2010, 9:37 PM, EST
Host: c-69-180-29-160.hsd1.ga.comcast.net
Name: Stacey
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: I heard you for the 1st time today on a memory book post. I Youtubed you and it’s amazing the way you made old folk songs sound. Gone too soon yet an unknown legacy represents you beautifully. 🙂

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Date: December 3, 2010, 5:53 PM, EST
Host: static-64-115-232-250.isp.broadviewnet.net
Name: Samuel Roberts
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: Just one of the most amazing voices and singers of all times…You guys! It’s just amazing, and we have so very many blessed musicians & singers, we may never get to hear around the world, unknown…So glad we got to hear you guys and amazing Eva. God bless!!

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Date: December 3, 2010, 4:34 PM, EST
Host: 66-189-15-118.dhcp.oxfr.ma.charter.com
Name: Linton
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: I just ordered and downloaded “Silent Night”, the greatest Christmas hymn by the greatest singer, Eva cassidy! Just 89 cents from Amazon, USA. It can also be ordered from Itunes and Amazon, UK for European customers.
Of course, it is a heavenly rendition by Eva-could not be better!

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Date: December 3, 2010, 10:58 AM, EST
Host: cpe-24-160-6-178.sw.res.rr.com
Name: Kara
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: I was watching the Secret of Oz movie with my Dad and we both just froze when her cover of Over the Rainbow came on during credits. We were both stunned and sadden that such a wonderfully talented young woman has already moved on from this life. To her family: I’d like to thank you all for having shared her with the rest of the world.

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Date: December 3, 2010, 1:11 AM, EST
Host: c-98-246-120-147.hsd1.or.comcast.net
Name: Kami and Rhonda
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: My sister just played a CD by Ava, I was blown away by her amazing voice. I never thought I would find such talent, as amazing as Jim Morrison and Bono.
Ava you were wonderful. Hope you are with a rainbow somewhere and we will meet you, {hugs}.

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Date: December 3, 2010, 12:32 AM, EST
Host: 24-205-252-47.dhcp.mrba.ca.charter.com
Name: Linda Kohler-Trott
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: Laura, I want to send you a heartfelt thanks for sharing your screenplay with us. It was so well written, I could hardly put it down. Along with Eva’s “Silent Night” it is the best gift of the season. I finished it a couple of hours ago and now I want to read it again.

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Date: December 1, 2010, 5:08 AM, EST
Host: h163n1c1o871.bredband.skanova.com
Name: keijo
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: Be bless and big greeting from far the sweden with warm hearts thanksgiving to God for you and be used of the lord more and more and joy for Jesus is coming,thanks and bless,keijo sw eden

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Date: December 1, 2010, 12:04 AM, EST
Host: 24-196-140-101.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com
Name: Anne
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: I have been blessed to have been an Eva fan for many years. I discovered Eva when Nightline highlighted her to the American public. I used to listen to Eva so much of the time. Now I reserve Eva for special moments. So the other night, as I was driving to work, I put the CD: American Tune on in my car. I really had not listened to it in a long time. I am from New Jersey originally and grew up near where the Rutger’s student, Tyler Clementi, took his life. As you may recall, his roommate videotaped him having sexual relations with another man. His death was so tragic as are the deaths of so many young folks who have been bullied or felt too isolated due to their life style. So, while the CD was playing, I again heard Eva singing “True Colors.” This should be an anthem for all youngsters who need to know that they are really lovely people.

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Date: November 27, 2010, 10:10 AM, EST
Host: c213-100-170-85.swipnet.se
Name: Rebecka Rudin
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: I am absolutely in love with Evas voice. She was such a talented person.

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Date: November 26, 2010, 9:56 AM, EST
Host: h240n3-blg-d4.ias.bredband.telia.com
Name: Lena
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: I’m sitting here and crying because I didn’t know that she was dead. There won’t be more new songs.. Such a beautiful voice… Maybe the most beautiful woman voice in the world…

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Date: November 25, 2010, 9:08 PM, EST
Host: pool-72-66-201-37.ronkva.east.verizon.net
Name: Carolyn Dull
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: I came to this website on Thanksgiving Day because I am thankful that I was fortunate enough to hear Eva Cassidy’s recordings. What a Wonderful World came to mind especially on this day because I am so thankful for my family, friends, and the beautiful area in which I live. How funny that another Stauntonian had posted a message right before me!

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Date: November 25, 2010, 12:57 PM, EST
Host: pool-71-171-17-181.nwrknj.east.verizon.net
Name: Dave Driver
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: I listen to one of her songs every day.

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Date: November 24, 2010, 11:00 PM, EST
Host: adsl-75-37-24-182.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net
Name: Joanne Del Bene
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: I wrote a couple of times on this site back in mid June… was sorry that I couldn’t find it!This Thanksgiving I am giving thanks to finding Eva, she has brought my sister (Cathy) back to life everytime I hear her!! Last week I was watching the movie “Maid in Manhattan” near the end of the movie J.Lo was sitting on a swing in the park and as soon as that first note hit—- I started to cry! Thank you Eva for bringing her back. Happy Thanksgiving!!

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Date: November 24, 2010, 5:25 PM, EST
Host: pool-71-251-101-31.tampfl.fios.verizon.net
Name: Tony Land
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: 49 years old and I had never heard of Eva Cassidy until today. Hauntingly beautiful voice and I will spend the next 49 years of my life listening to her. Im listening to Danny Boy right now as I type this – the extreme high part. WOW.

– – – – –

Date: November 24, 2010, 4:29 PM, EST
Host: unknown host
Name: Dale Bessant
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: I have been a musician all my life, I’m 61 now and I listen to Eva everyday…she is without a doubt my favorite female singer.. such emotion and talent and a calmness of her performance, allows me to fall asleep in heavenly state… I am hoping to me you someday Eva, when my number is called and maybe we can jam and I can be in my glory… thank you…. sweet dreams

– – – – –

Date: November 24, 2010, 3:27 AM, EST
Host: 99-3-100-153.lightspeed.clvsca.sbcglobal.net
Name: Keith Vogt
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: Laura,
Just wanted to thank you so much for maintaining this site for EVA. I wish so much that she was still here among us.

– – – – –

Date: November 24, 2010, 3:21 AM, EST
Host: 99-3-100-153.lightspeed.clvsca.sbcglobal.net
Name: Keith Vogt
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: I am really glad that I get responses on this guestbook as I was not sure I would hear from anyone. I wish I had known Eva as a friend as I know she would have been a very soulful person to have been around and I know she is looking down from above on us…

– – – – –

Date: November 23, 2010, 2:09 PM, EST
Name: Aleksandra
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: I’m listening her songs and I’m sure that she was amazing person. Thank God for Eva and her angel voice. Greeting from Poland!

– – – – –

Date: November 22, 2010, 7:55 AM, EST
Host: 99-3-100-153.lightspeed.clvsca.sbcglobal.net
Name: Keith Vogt
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: Laura,
Thank you for the information. I was just asking as my granddaughter was curious when she heard the names of both Joanna Cassidy and David Cassidy. I didn’t think they were related.

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Date: November 22, 2010, 7:00 AM, EST
Host: pool-96-255-165-89.washdc.fios.verizon.net
Name: Laura
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: Keith, Eva is not related to either David Cassidy or Joanna Cassidy.

– – – – –

Date: November 22, 2010, 2:45 AM, EST
Host: 99-3-100-153.lightspeed.clvsca.sbcglobal.net
Name: Keith Vogt
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: Anyone want to respond to the most incredible singer ever?

– – – – –

Date: November 22, 2010, 12:28 AM, EST
Host: 99-3-100-153.lightspeed.clvsca.sbcglobal.net
Name: Keith Vogt
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: Is Eva Cassidy related to David Cassidy or Joanna Cassidy? I was just wondering.

– – – – –

Date: November 21, 2010, 6:16 PM, EST
Host: c-67-183-241-153.hsd1.wa.comcast.net
Name: Gail Hemlock
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: Thank you for your gifts of love. Sincere condolences to her family and friends. Her voice translates the power of love and touches my spirit..the soul stops and listens and becomes transferred to an eternal place where love, hope, and healing are paramount. Her’s is a mesmerizing voice that flows into eternity.

– – – – –

Date: November 21, 2010, 5:49 PM, EST
Host: c-67-183-241-153.hsd1.wa.comcast.net
Name: Gail Hemlock
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: A loving soulful voice that connects the listener to a higher consciousness…to an eternal place where love,hope and healing become paramount. Her’s is a mesmerizing voice that touches the spirit….tears will flow. A voice that flows into eternity.Thank you for your gifts you left us.

– – – – –

Date: November 18, 2010, 6:43 PM, EST
Host: pool-74-96-160-106.washdc.fios.verizon.net
Name: Alan Shearer
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: Eva’s voice is so beautiful and distinctive, people always take notice. Even people who have no idea who is singing ask me, who is that? It’s just remarkable. This is true talent and art. Just wanted to share my experience with Eva’s music

– – – – –

Date: November 17, 2010, 12:55 PM, EST
Host: 82-168-113-214.ip.telfort.nl
Name: Carel
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: I’m glad that I have met Riemie from the US. He stayed in Rotterdam for some months. He played a cd of Eva when I was in his apartment for fixing the internet connection. I was breathless. I did not know Eva but now I have almost all of her songs.
It is too bad that she is no longer with us.
Thanks Riemie for sharing Eva with me.

– – – – –

Date: November 17, 2010, 8:59 AM, EST
Host: cpe-67-247-33-226.nyc.res.rr.com
Name: Jack Hammel
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: What an amazing voice, I was blown away when I first heard her back in the 90’s and just reintroduced myself to her incredible style once again. The loss of such a talented young person is always tragic, I can’t wait for the movie it’s gonna be outstanding I’m sure.

– – – – –

Date: November 16, 2010, 5:41 PM, EST
Host: host-067-131-048-184.dhcp.fewpb.net
Name: chrman07
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: I first heard Eva in the spring of 07′ when I was a part time DJ at WRVG in Georgetown,Ky. I have never been so moved by a voice as powerfully poignant as hers. When the hair raises on my arms it tells me that the song or songs are great. Dianna Krall reminds me of her to a degree, but not as powerful as Eva. We miss you Eva!

– – – – –

Date: November 16, 2010, 12:14 PM, EST
Host: wsuser197.user.cigna.com
Name: Adrienne
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: I just listened to her again; couldn’t help but close my eyes to hear the flawless voice. As I smiled the tears began to flow. Her music touches my soul so deeply. She was gifted and beautiful. Her short journey through life have left us with so much to treasure throughout our lives. A life well spent. I only wish that she had been able to be here with us today to bask in the love that we would shine upon her. Truly an angel’s gift to the world !

– – – – –

Date: November 16, 2010, 11:59 AM, EST
Host: 76-227-107-49.lightspeed.ftwotx.sbcglobal.net
Name: Courtney Sloan
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: I am a forever fan of Eva. She has changed my world with her music. I am so thankful she contributed what she did, and only wish she was still alive making beautiful music.
There is a video on youtube of “Tears in Heaven – Mary Ann Redmond & Eva Cassidy singing Eric Clapton’s “Tears in Heaven” – From a 1995 performance at Fleetwood’s in Alexandria, VA.”

Does anyone know if there is any recording anywhere of this? Without all the noise? I LOVE HER VERSION SO MUCH and this song is the memorial song for my brother’s death. I was hoping to get a copy of it somehow onto my computer. I’ve searched but don’t see it anywhere for Eva or MaryAnn

Thanks all.

– – – – –

Date: November 16, 2010, 8:58 AM, EST
Host: user-46-112-42-33.play-internet.pl
Name: Ewa
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: I’m so happy that I have name like Eva.
I’ve never met Her but I believe that Eva
was good and warm person.
I’m glad that her music has been widespread and I can
listen her beautiful voice.
R.I.P Eva.

– – – – –

Date: November 15, 2010, 7:02 PM, EST
Host: 71-36-207-28.eugn.qwest.net
Name: Shelley Dill
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: To pick a few of the gems in Eva’ storeroom is a task. I do know her music was given to me to perform in the fall of 2007. The songs brought me back to joy, to love, to life. Eva has helped to sing the flesh back onto my bones. Thank you, Cassidy family, for providing the elixir that is Eva.

– – – – –

Date: November 15, 2010, 4:49 PM, EST
Host: c-66-31-106-108.hsd1.ma.comcast.net
Name: Marie
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: I first saw Youtube video of this song and loved it. So very sorry to hear of her passing so young. She had a remarkable voice.

– – – – –

Date: November 14, 2010, 3:33 PM, EST
Host: ip68-97-173-83.ok.ok.cox.net
Name: Annabel Fagan
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: I discovered Eva right after cancer claimed her. I’ve really been listening to her alot lately and my heart just overflows with sadness—-we all miss her so much! Since Michael Grimm won AGT I have so wanted to hear Eva and Michael sing together. Am so thankful that she has been here and left her hand print on all our hearts.

– – – – –

Date: November 14, 2010, 2:20 PM, EST
Host: c-76-99-110-44.hsd1.pa.comcast.net
Name: Ted
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: Note to – Lisa M. Smith –
I Only know of 3 other Christmas songs by Eva.
“It’s not the Presents under my Tree” on Time Life “Treasures of Christmas – Holiday Memories”
“The Christmas Song” & “That Spirit of Christmas” Duets – both on Chuck Brown’s “The Spirit of Christmas” CD
Also – I was not aware of the “Silent Night” track – Does anyone know if it available on any CD ?

– – – – –

Date: November 12, 2010, 4:54 PM, EST
Host: 24-196-140-101.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com
Name: Ann
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: I did download Eva’s singing “Silent Night.” It is and always has been a very lovely song. And Eva does a very fine job with it.

– – – – –

Date: November 11, 2010, 11:10 PM, EST
Host: 203-206-205-68.perm.iinet.net.au
Name: Anna Scotto
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: I chose to sing Peggy Lee’s Fever for a concert this year when I came across Eva’s version. with personal lyrics that makes the song her very own and the sassy style in which she sang it, I just had to download the backing track and sing her version instead. I hope to do you proud Eva as I am sure you were listening to my cover version of your song I pray that you will inspire me on the night. RIP.

– – – – –

Date: November 11, 2010, 8:09 PM, EST
Host: host86-185-238-93.range86-185.btcentralplus.com
Name: Janet Beal
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: I just saw Eva on TV singing Time After Time. I’d never heard her do this song before. It was beautiful. So simple, so sweet, so pure.
What an amazing talent she was.

– – – – –

Date: November 11, 2010, 2:16 PM, EST
Host: c-76-18-207-16.hsd1.fl.comcast.net
Name: Lisa M. Smith
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: Just downloaded “Silent Night” from I tunes. A beautiful rendition of the song, I wish there were more Christmas songs by Eva.

– – – – –

Date: November 11, 2010, 10:53 AM, EST
Host: ool-60394fb3.static.optonline.net
Name: Mat
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: Just got turned on to her & went to the web to find tour dates. It broke my heart to hear of her passing, especially since I just experienced a difficult, yet successful fight against Tonsil Cancer.

– – – – –

Date: November 10, 2010, 5:30 PM, EST
Host: ip56513e37.adsl-surfen.hetnet.nl
Name: Nelly
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: Eva is still my favourite singer.
Now I’m listening at My love is like a red red rose. What a beautiful voice!!!

– – – – –

Date: November 9, 2010, 11:58 PM, EST
Host: c-98-215-202-44.hsd1.il.comcast.net
Name: Dave B.
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: She left in Autumn, the leaves were changing…. Eva might be gone but her voice is not silent. We know her by Heart… RIP

– – – – –

Date: November 9, 2010, 8:35 PM, EST
Host: unknown host
Name: julie royal
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: just perfect 🙂

– – – – –

Date: November 8, 2010, 10:28 AM, EST
Host: host-92-10-89-143.as43234.net
Name: DAVE
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: Sir Terry Wogan was on Radio Two (he who (as a radio 2 DJ) helped to bring Eva fame) as a guest on the Ken Bruce programme’s ‘Tracks of My Years’ feature. Celebrities choose two songs each day for a week, and today – Monday – he chose his first: Fields of Gold. Google: BBC Radio 2 Ken Bruce, click the link to take you to the show’s page, then click on the i Player link for the programme dated 08.11.2010. The I Player window appears, scroll the progress bar to 2 hours 10 minutes (near the end of the programme) to listen to the track and Sir Tel waxing lyrically about Eva. the show is available for 7 days after the above date. Enjoy!

– – – – –

Date: November 8, 2010, 7:08 AM, EST
Host: ip-78-94-201-135.unitymediagroup.de
Name: Guido Schmiedeskamp
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: Today I have only heard of her a beautiful song. Sadly I had to read that she is already dead.
Die Beste Akustikstimme die ich je gehört habe. Schade das sie nicht mehr unter uns ist !!!!!

Greetings from Germany !!!!!

– – – – –

Date: November 7, 2010, 7:30 PM, EST
Host: schnggts202-dmz.mycingular.net
Name: Kim Roy
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: My best friend lent to me her Eva Cassidy cd and I loved it! She died of cancer shortly after that. When I hear her voice I think of how beautiful BOTH are.

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Date: November 7, 2010, 5:25 PM, EST
Host: 93-44-41-5.ip95.fastwebnet.it
Name: Antonio
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: Ogni volta che ascolto questa sua interpretazione provo i brividi. Eva non ha soltanto una voce stupenda, e’ una delle piu’ grandi interpreti di sempre.
Un ammiratore che l’ha conosciuta soltanto sei mesi fa …

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Date: November 7, 2010, 5:23 AM, EST
Host: unknown host
Name: Paolo
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: Ho avuto modo di ascoltare questa bella canzone e facendo qualche ricerca ho scoperto che la cantante non e’ piu’ tra noi.
Un peccato, una voce così bella.
Una così brava artista e troppo poco tempo a disposizione.
Abbiamo una stella nel cielo chiamata Eva Cassidy.
Grazie per quanto ci hai lasciato.
un nuovo fan

– – – – –

Date: November 7, 2010, 1:35 AM, EST
Host: c-71-198-132-36.hsd1.ca.comcast.net
Name: David Fraser
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: My family discovered Eva at a hard time in 2001, when my Mom was diagnosed with lung cancer. Her voice was a tonic at that time – like an angel welcoming my Mom to the other side. Her music and voice remain a source of peace and beauty for me.

– – – – –

Date: November 6, 2010, 9:27 PM, EST
Host: unknown host
Name: andrew kwon
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: it was a strange coincidence that i discovered eva cassidy on the anniversary of her death, just a couple of days ago. wow, what an incredible talent she was…and how sad it was for me to hear that she’d already passed away a long time ago at such a young age.
r.i.p. eva… i am quite surprised how many people knew of her in korea although i’ve never heard of her living in the states for the past 25 yrs.
thank you for such great songs you left for us to enjoy.

– – – – –

Date: November 6, 2010, 7:46 PM, EST
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: Adoro la música de Eva. Es y será parte de mi vida. No está pero desde que la descubrí
está presente. Muchas gracias Eva por ayudarnos a hacer más facil la vida.

– – – – –

Date: November 6, 2010, 11:43 AM, EST
Host: modemcable180.94-22-96.mc.videotron.ca
Name: Brian Laferte
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: I am so distraught. I just read that Eva passed away in 1996. I heard Songbird recently and her voice, harmonics just took me over. I started lilstening to hers songs and fell in love with her. As someone mentioned, why is it that we never heard of her. Clearly one of the very best artists in a long time. If radio stations and record companies would only listen to some talent sometimes instead of putting on the crap we hear today.
Not too many singers have the rythm and harmonics in ther voices like Eva had.

Funny, because I hear Chrystal Bowersox (American Idol) in some some songs, so wondering if Chrystal was a fan of Eva.

Eva, the music world will miss you, but I will keep playing your songs.

A huge Fan

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Date: November 5, 2010, 11:43 AM, EST
Host: cpe-75-84-69-54.socal.res.rr.com
Name: Music of Your Life
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: We’ve really been enjoying Eva’s music this week as our Spotlight Artist! Fabulous! http://www.musicofyourlife.com

– – – – –

Date: November 5, 2010, 7:11 AM, EST
Host: pc006-120.misc.umds.ac.uk
Name: Tony O'Connell
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: To Eva RIP.To all her family and friends I hope the pain and sadness has now gone away.

– – – – –

Date: November 3, 2010, 6:15 PM, EST
Host: c-4f6694e6-74736162.cust.telenor.se
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: Thanks
for your beautiful songs and your sweet sensitive voice

– – – – –

Date: November 3, 2010, 4:59 PM, EST
Host: host224-61-dynamic.2-79-r.retail.telecomitalia.it
Name: Alfredo
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: each time i start one of her songs she reborn and smiles to my soul

– – – – –

Date: November 2, 2010, 10:55 PM, EST
Host: c-67-182-213-125.hsd1.ut.comcast.net
Name: Tom
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: God bless you Eva!

– – – – –

Date: November 2, 2010, 8:25 PM, EST
Host: 24-196-140-101.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com
Name: Anne
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: Today, on the anniversary of Eva’s passing, I read, with a sad heart, of the passing of Shannon Tavarez, a child who sang beautifully and was just recently being recognized for her role in the broadway production of The Lion King. Two lives cut too short by cancer.

– – – – –

Date: November 2, 2010, 5:57 PM, EST
Host: 99-91-200-110.lightspeed.iplsin.sbcglobal.net
Name: Heather Patterson
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: Today is a sad day for me as it is the anniversary of Eva’s death. I cannot begin to express my thankfulness to God for creating such a masterpiece as Eva and for her voice of an angel. I am so thankful that I have come to know about Eva…I’ve read her bio…”Songbird”…and continue to listen to her music EVERY DAY and NIGHT…Somewhere the Angels are enjoying a beautiful voice…how awesome is that!!
I love you Eva…May God bless you dearly…for you are so deserving…I feel so connected to you…for I know you by heart!!

– – – – –

Date: November 2, 2010, 3:27 PM, EST
Host: unknown host
Name: Tudor
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: I have come across the words of a man of wisdom which helped me “understand” why Eva’s music is so magical.I apologize if this will look like a dissertation, it’s just that all he said applies so well to her music. And I meant this to be a tribute on this special day, to an artist who touched me more than anyone else :
” When is art true art ?

First, let us be clear about what art is. The producer of art is, I would say, in a thanking position. I say a thanking position because he thanks for being allowed to be. Being allowed to be in this joy, in this equanimity, brings him to produce art and to share this joy with others. So art, in a certain way, points directly to our real nature.
The science of creating art is to free our expression from the material part. By this I mean that the creation should take us beyond the five senses.It must free us from matter and also from ideas. Art must be conceived in such a way that it meets the observer. To do this, to come to this meeting with others, there must be room for the observer to participate…This coming together is the goal, if we can speak of a goal, of the work of art.

…….There must be space in the work, and this space can only appear when the artist as an “artist” is absent. When the artist puts himself into the work, it ceases to be art and becomes a piece of self-expression, often suitable only for discussion on the analyst’s coach. When there is no one writing or painting, there will automatically be an economy of expression….

If we can give an example from the theatre ….?

It depends what kind of play you present. But, in any case, the actor must take the audience with him. He must not dominate them with his personality or his technique. It belongs to the high art of the actor to give the right amount of stimulation. If he gives too little, his role is bland like a tasteless dish. If he gives too much, the audience is nauseated. The actor gives the audience the opportunity to be creative and to complete it. In completing it there is the joy of creating together. So the member of the audience finds himself in a passive-active state. He listens and at the same time he completes what has knowingly not been revealed. Art is to express the inexpressible. ”

(Excerpt from Jean Klein , “Open to the Unknown, dialogues in Delphi” )

I believe that what Eva has created is a brilliant example for this last sentence. May God bless her soul.

– – – – –

Date: November 2, 2010, 2:06 PM, EST
Host: h-98-133-54-143.ip.alltel.net
Name: Jo Ann White
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: Remembering one of the most unforgettable voices and a sweet spirit to match.

– – – – –

Date: November 2, 2010, 1:30 PM, EST
Host: 535142C1.cm-6-2b.dynamic.ziggo.nl
Name: Ruud Rozemeijer
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: Still here. Still listening, since 1998 and Terry Wogan! And remembering today.

– – – – –

Date: November 2, 2010, 12:06 PM, EST
Host: ip86-111.cbn.net.id
Name: Lim Hansen
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: Saya menyukai lagu dan suaranya, sungguh anugrah Tuhan, dia bisa memiliki banyak talenta dan dapat bernyanyi dengan bagus sekali.
mengingat 14 tahun yang lalu dia bernyanyi untuk terakhir kalinya, sungguh malang namun begitulah rencana Tuhan atas Eva.

Memperingati – 2 November 2010 – 14 tahun Eva Meninggal

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Date: November 2, 2010, 10:25 AM, EST
Host: AMontsouris-552-1-35-197.w92-140.abo.wanadoo.fr
Name: sauvage patrick
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: on this remembrance day,j send all my friendship to EVA’sparents,to her musicians and a special thought to Laura Bligh who registers all our messages on this stirring soul cemetery.i do my best to make Eva’s music better known around me in two departments:Essonne and Seine et Marne love and regards

– – – – –

Date: November 2, 2010, 4:39 AM, EST
Host: 162.198-240-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be
Name: Willy Druppel
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: A day with a dark cloud and a golden lining
Keep on singing Eva.

– – – – –

Date: November 2, 2010, 4:23 AM, EST
Host: customer5315.102.kt.cust.t-mobile.co.uk
Name: Erol
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: Dearest Eva, you are in our hearts and minds today and everyday. With love to all of Eva’s family, friends and former band mates.
God bless

– – – – –

Date: November 2, 2010, 1:14 AM, EST
Host: cpe-67-247-88-117.rochester.res.rr.com
Name: Audrey Hoffman
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: Eva Marie Cassidy
February 2, 1963 – November 2, 1996
You are so loved, remembering you today and every day.

Hugs to Eva’s family, friends and fans.

– – – – –

Date: November 1, 2010, 10:00 PM, EST
Host: CPE-60-224-120-81.vic.bigpond.net.au
Name: Miriam
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: Remembering the passing of this wonderful artist…Her memory lives on.

– – – – –

Date: November 1, 2010, 9:59 PM, EST
Host: 220.253-244-194.TAS.netspace.net.au
Name: Christopher M
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: 2nd Nov, 2010
As in the song…”Today is a Special Day, an Anniversary…” 14 years today since the sad passing of dear Eva.
Already in Australia it’s Tuesday and I have been thinking of Eva constantly. I could not miss this chance to make my first entry in the Guestbook.

I’ve read through many of the comments posted by others, both in the current page of the Guestbook and the first three pages of the Archives. I’m working through them slowly and intend to eventually read them all.

So far, I have not come across any mention of I thought I had about the song she sang: “I Wandered by the Brookside”. The words of this poignant song describe the transition of passing from our world to the other side. There is the feeling of moving through a beautiful green countryside by a stream. I wonder whether this is something like Eva actually experienced on her journey. If she did, I think she would have felt quite at home as she loved to be close to nature.

If there is such a thing as Heaven and an afterlife, I like to think that God would have been there personally to welcome her, just as in the song:

“And silent tears fast flowing,
as someone stood beside.
A hand upon my shoulder,
I knew the touch was God…”

To Eva’s parents and family, and all who knew and loved her, my thoughts are with you at sad this time. I hope there are lots of happy memories mixed with the sorrow.

Kind regards,
Christopher (a great fan)

– – – – –

Date: November 1, 2010, 8:26 PM, EST
Host: c-174-62-192-49.hsd1.vt.comcast.net
Name: Barry Sahagian
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: We heard her for the first time today. The displaced melody the perfection of each note. Beautiful interpretation of a song covered by hundreds both instrumentally and vocally.

– – – – –

Date: November 1, 2010, 5:08 PM, EST
Host: 173-81-213-179-buck.atw.dyn.suddenlink.net
Name: Mike Higham
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: Fourteen years ago, tomorrow, you left this world but you left a world of beauty behind.
God bless you Eva, for God has blessed us all who are fortunate enough to have been touched by your amazing musical legacy!!!

– – – – –

Date: November 1, 2010, 4:51 PM, EST
Host: 5ED2874C.cm-7-3c.dynamic.ziggo.nl
Name: Urban van der Velden
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: Just found out about Eva and saw also the bad news. Terribly that such a gifted singer had to leave.

– – – – –

Date: November 1, 2010, 4:25 PM, EST
Host: 99-3-100-153.lightspeed.clvsca.sbcglobal.net
Name: Keith Vogt
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: Eva,
You were the greatest singer the world never knew and we all know that you are with us all the time. Tomorrow was the day we lost you, but we will never forget you EVER!

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Date: November 1, 2010, 3:46 PM, EST
Host: 5ad26280.bb.sky.com
Name: Elaine Hunter
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: My husband and myself have only recently discovered Eva – the cds we have bought are on in the car or playing in the house all the time. Her voice is hauntingly lovely and unique. Theres noone else like her.

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Date: November 1, 2010, 9:32 AM, EST
Host: c-67-182-213-125.hsd1.ut.comcast.net
Name: Tom
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: Heather in Indiana: I’m also curious as to whether there will be a movie about Eva. IMDB references a current “Eva Cassidy Project” but there is no other information I can find about it, other than it appears the Robert Redford’s daughter Amy has acquired the movie rights. Any word out there on this?
I can’t believe how Eva can belt on Golden Thread. Absolutely amazing.

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Date: November 1, 2010, 9:02 AM, EST
Host: cpe-74-69-40-235.rochester.res.rr.com
Name: Bill Thompson
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: Hi to Heather in Indiana,
If you want to learn more about Eva and get some great insight into this fascinating person I highly recommend you pick up the book “Eva Cassidy: Songbird” by Rob Burley, Jonathan Maitland, and Elana Rhodes Byrd. You can find it by searching “books” on Amazon.com. Be sure to use the Amazon link from this website because part of the proceeds will be used for melanoma research. I first heard Eva over 10 years ago and am just as inspired by her as I was then. A truly amazing person on so many levels.


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Date: October 31, 2010, 12:35 PM, EST
Host: ord-69-171-163-19.evdo.leapwireless.net
Name: Heather
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: Eva’s story is reminiscent of a dear friend of mine who died at a young age of 26 of breast cancer. There are things posted on the web about Eva’s beliefs and idiosyncracies. I wished I could find more about the person she was. The internet has posted stories about how she had bouts w/seasonal depression. Is this true? I also hope that a movie based on her life would soon be made. I have fallen completely in love w/her voice. Her death is a reminder of how you never know who you may encounter.

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Date: October 31, 2010, 7:32 AM, EST
Host: host-92-11-37-195.as43234.net
Name: Hannah Callow
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: I love singing her songs but my favourite is the best one wonderful world. She realy inspires me.

– – – – –

Date: October 31, 2010, 4:58 AM, EST
Host: c-67-180-71-31.hsd1.ca.comcast.net
Name: Judith N
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: I recently discovered Eva when listening to Pandora’s selections of ‘Kate Wolf’ music. I have it in the background on my computer as I work at my desk. When I heard Eva singing Fields of Gold, I had to stop what I was doing and click on Pandora to find out the name of the singer. Her voice pierced through my concentration on my work and made me sit back and listen. What a joy! I’ve been a fan ever since.
If ever you wish to comtemplate an Eva Cassidy Music Festival – like we have our annual Kate Wolfe Music Festival out here on the West Coast in Northern CA, let me know. I’d be thrilled to help organize one. This is a weekend event with camping included. Kate Wolf also died young of cancer, and was another special soulful singer and songwriter. She hailed from my part of the world in Sonoma County, CA. Her memory lives on each year with the music festival. That would be a lovely tribute to Eva, too.

I have only heard a few of Eva’s songs, however I am now a fan for life. I look forward to hearing the rest of her repetoire.

I’m so grateful people have shared their information about Eva so fans like me can learn about this spectacular woman. Thank you!

All my best,
Judith N.

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Date: October 29, 2010, 10:19 PM, EST
Host: host86-159-152-203.range86-159.btcentralplus.com
Name: Chris Webber
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: I dont think i have heard anyone sing like Eva, beautiful voice that brings out so much emotion in me no other singer has ever done that. Thank you Eva god bless you and your family.

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Date: October 28, 2010, 10:43 PM, EST
Host: 68-188-176-98.dhcp.bycy.mi.charter.com
Name: Douglas Stewart
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: I just learned of Eva Cassidy today and cannot stop listening to her incredible music. I have severe hearing loss in both ears from close exposure to small arms fire and explosives. Eva’a music somehow gets through fourty five years of this deafness. With my volume very low, Eva’s music is crisp and clear and when I listen intently to the detail of her voice, this terrible ringing leaves me. Thank you for giving me such a gift. Because of this deafness I never studied music and I can’t play even one note. Today however, Eva taught me that it’s time I begin to learn God Bless you Eva for what you left here for us, I will look for you in Heaven.

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Date: October 28, 2010, 4:52 PM, EST
Host: 240.244-62-69.res.dyn.surewest.net
Name: Jill
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: Words cannot express how I feel when I listen to Ms. Cassidy’s amazing voice…she is an angel…thank you for your talents…we are so lucky to have your beautiful songs!

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Date: October 28, 2010, 2:47 AM, EST
Host: c-98-210-246-194.hsd1.ca.comcast.net
Name: Sage and Leah
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: Thank you to Eva, my family friend, who sings my 4 yr old to sleep…thanks to you we miss your song but still enjoy your spirit.

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Date: October 27, 2010, 10:34 PM, EST
Host: 50.sub-75-215-76.myvzw.com
Name: Bob Houle
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: My favorite singer of all time. Her soul and love communicate strongly through her voice. Her delicate expressions touch me deeply.

– – – – –

Date: October 26, 2010, 10:07 PM, EST
Host: fvr.lightlink.com
Name: Geoff
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: Eva was the greatest of all time. Move over Frank, Ella, Tony, Sarah, Aretha, Paul and everyone else. It would take the entire lot of you just to match her. I’ve listened to an awful lot of music and a lot of singers, Eva was far and away the greatest.
And reading through the postings, not enough has been said about the band. Chris Biondo, Keith Grimes, Raice McLeod, Lenny Williams, Chuck Brown, these guys were as good a band as any. Fabulous players, and need it be said that Brown toe-to-toe with Joe Williams. Eva and these guys made the best music you can hear on Earth. I suppose if God gave you a chance to play along with Eva, you sure as heck would play your heart out every single time.

I can only believe that her voice was just too Divine to be confined to those of us she left behind.

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Date: October 26, 2010, 8:32 PM, EST
Host: adsl-177-214-220.msy.bellsouth.net
Name: Loren Pickford
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: I have been a professional jazz musician for 50 years. I heard Eva for the first time today and was spellbound, totally swept away and moved to my core by the beauty of her singing. I heard these songs and lyrics as for the first time. Scenes from my own life coming back to me. It’s as she is the ages singing from far back beyond the memory. What a cherished daughter she must have been. It is also like, all of New Orleans discovered her today on people’s shared Facebook posts. She has changed my life and touched my heart forever. Thank you and Thank you Eva in the great beyond, LP

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Date: October 26, 2010, 4:22 PM, EST
Host: cassius.nssmgmt.com
Name: Sierra
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: I heard about Eva from a friend, and after listening to just one of her songs, I was hooked. Over the Rainbow is amazing, and listening to Wade in the Water is just a spiritual experience.

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Date: October 25, 2010, 10:23 PM, EST
Host: cpe-
Name: eugenia fiorini
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: After listening to Eva´s voice, you cannot listen to anyone else without making a comparison. And (at least for me) Eva always wins.
I have discovered her by chance…I can´t stop listening to her music all the time. She has divided my life in two: before and after her voice.

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Date: October 25, 2010, 10:22 PM, EST
Host: c-98-196-108-61.hsd1.tx.comcast.net
Name: M. Madison
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: I have been an Eva fan for about 15 years and I am still moved each time I hear her. I would love to have seen her in person.

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Date: October 25, 2010, 12:40 AM, EST
Host: c-24-99-1-49.hsd1.ga.comcast.net
Name: Terry Cook
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: I was just recently introduced to Eva’s music by a friend who knows how I’m very passionate about music. I was blown away by the 2 songs he played: Over the Rainbow and Fields of Gold. Well, that night I went and bought everything of hers on Itunes and looked up videos on youtube. When I watched the live version on “You’ve Changed” at Blues Alley, I was in tears by the end of it. What a beautiful song and moment. It gave me chills and to watch her sing it was amazing. I definitely think her music and story will put her in the realm of many other greats who left too soon: Janis Joplin, Billy Holiday, Patsy Cline…

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Date: October 22, 2010, 10:10 PM, EST
Host: bas1-ottawa23-1128765446.dsl.bell.ca
Name: Lisa Gray
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: I have 3 discs of Eva on my Bose Wave system, playing over and over. Timeless music-timeless messages..

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Date: October 22, 2010, 4:59 PM, EST
Host: dsl88.242-7899.ttnet.net.tr
Name: kaan aktas
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: just nice to know that we ll have good music and lovely voice @ haven too…
keep my soul up till i come there
love u eva

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Date: October 22, 2010, 4:41 PM, EST
Host: dyn-wimax-41-190-198-45.foristel.co.ug
Name: Junior Darlington Sakwa
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: I loved the way Eva portrayed her emphasis of emotional detail when it came to her music. Every twist and turn was a deliberately soothing effort to bring out the story just like she did in her version of time after time

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Date: October 21, 2010, 5:17 PM, EST
Host: c-76-99-110-44.hsd1.pa.comcast.net
Name: Ted
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: Almost 3 Years ago I heard a Katie Melua Album that Impressed me – “Call off the Search” – & I noticed she was influenced by Eva Cassidy – I made a mental note to check Eva out, but never got around to it – when a year later I came upon a used CD called Moods IV.
I brought it home to listen to it with a friend of mine. The Cd had some nice stuff on it – But, when we heard Eva’s “Fields of Gold” we knew that was special – just something that makes you full inside and then forces you to empty out your emotions with tears. I wish I could explain the feelings better. But, I don’t know how.
I think there was some kind of synergy with my coming across that CD & since then my friend & I, have purchased 7 of her 8 solo CDs as well as Method Actor,the Blues Alley DVD & The Songbird biography
Thanks Laura for providing this very special place of both tribute & emotional comfort

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Date: October 21, 2010, 5:03 PM, EST
Host: 99-91-200-110.lightspeed.iplsin.sbcglobal.net
Name: Heather Patterson
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: I cannot begin to tell you just how Eva has touched my life. I just learned of her less than 2 months ago through a special man in my life…since then I have been so fancinated with her and cannot stop listening to her. It is so difficult to explain but I feel so connected to her. It’s a strange and wonderful thing. I tell everyone I can about her and her music. I see out anything I can find to learn more about her and her life. Her voice is angelic…and she is AMAZING…I thank God for her and her music and for allowing me the pleasure of listening to her day in and day out. I simply cannot hear her enough!!

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Date: October 20, 2010, 6:37 PM, EST
Host: d14-69-6-28.try.wideopenwest.com
Name: Brian DeFrancesco
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: I had never heard of Eva when I accidentally came across her rendition of “Over the Rainbow” on Youtube a couple of years ago. And I never DREAMED any song could move me to tears, but it did, and still does…
Thank you, Eva!

– – – – –

Date: October 20, 2010, 12:02 AM, EST
Host: 72-161-0-190.dyn.centurytel.net
Name: Kerry
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: I was not familiar with Eva until a friend asked me to listen to her rendition of Over the Rainbow.
WOW. My friend will be playing this as she walks down the aisle to be married. It does not get any better. again….WOW

– – – – –

Date: October 19, 2010, 8:53 PM, EST
Host: ppp121-44-173-225.lns20.syd7.internode.on.net
Name: ke
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: so hard to choose, sometimes i feel she is singing just to me. so sad Eva is no longer here…but her memory will always live on. what a beautiful angel heaven has. her wonderful renditions have got me through some very tough times. Often passing her CD’s on to others in need. God Bless.. K

– – – – –

Date: October 17, 2010, 9:43 PM, EST
Host: modemcable208.85-21-96.mc.videotron.ca
Name: Jennifer
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: I was introduced to Eva’s music 12 years ago and I have every one of her CD’s. Her songs still make me cry and I would like to thank her family for sharing her music with the world. Eva’s voice, her lyrics and her music will live on and on.
She was an extraordinary musician with incredible talent. Again, a heartfelt thank you to the Cassidy family!

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Date: October 17, 2010, 7:29 PM, EST
Host: c-69-253-124-13.hsd1.nj.comcast.net
Name: Kenn
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: Just a note to say how often I love her choices of songs and the arrangements. Eva had a fantastic range to her voice and made each and every song sound so unique. I cannot hear Over the Rainbow without wishing everyone else could as well. It is incredible. Her voice makes us think of songs in totally new and much appreciated ways.I am so, so sorry she died so early. Thanks for the gift she left us.

– – – – –

Date: October 16, 2010, 9:00 PM, EST
Host: customer9264.110.kt.cust.t-mobile.co.uk
Name: stuart shelby jones
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: god bless my lovely…

– – – – –

Date: October 16, 2010, 9:58 AM, EST
Host: ppp-70-251-87-88.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net
Name: Laura Novotny
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: What a beautiful gift – her music takes me to heaven and let’s me sit with the angels. I couldn’t get married and not have her beautiful voice be a part of my day.

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Date: October 15, 2010, 5:56 PM, EST
Host: 82-217-249-161.cable.quicknet.nl
Name: Pat
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: The most beautifull and touching womans voice I ever heard! One Love

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Date: October 14, 2010, 6:57 AM, EST
Host: unknown host
Name: Ian Ward
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: I have just finished reading the book on Eva’s life. Eva was such a wonderful person and I’m so sad that she was taken away from us at such an early time of her life. As so many have said before, Eva was truly an angel. Eva will never be forgotten. Her music lives on

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Date: October 13, 2010, 12:58 PM, EST
Host: 79-79-166-57.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com
Name: karl
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: just been watching danny boy video on you tube and thinking of my late mum who loved this song and other eva songs rip two brave wonderfull ladys

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Date: October 11, 2010, 4:22 PM, EST
Host: 93-42-205-88.ip88.fastwebnet.it
Name: Andrea Z.
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: Grazie x la tua meravigliosa voce, grazie di essere passata da questa terra per lascarci la tua splendida voce e grazie a voi che tenete in vita Eva grazie al vostro impegno.
Sono commosso, vi voglio bene!

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Date: October 11, 2010, 12:14 PM, EST
Host: pool-74-102-136-136.nwrknj.east.verizon.net
Name: Justin B
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: Unbelievable what a talent i listen to alot of music everyday but i must say Eva Cassidy has a very special place in my heart. She will be missed no one could compare to her talent and music. I only wish i was fortunet enough to have met her but I was to young. One day we will all be toghter in heaven.

– – – – –

Date: October 10, 2010, 5:04 PM, EST
Host: h-68-165-132-111.dnvtco56.dynamic.covad.net
Name: Lynn Skinner
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: I just performed a successful concert here in Denver on October 8. I titled it “The Music of Her Life: A Tribute to Eva Cassidy”. I shared words and many songs from Eva’s repertoire that reflected her life and her contribution to the world as a creative artist and caring human being. It was a joy to educate and enlighten my audience, AND myself, as well. I even shared some of her sketches and paintings from her book, and encouraged people to buy the book. Perhaps I will send the concert recording I did for myself to Eva’s family so they can hear how it went….

– – – – –

Date: October 10, 2010, 4:24 PM, EST
Host: c-76-121-217-45.hsd1.wa.comcast.net
Name: DB
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:

– – – – –

Date: October 10, 2010, 3:47 PM, EST
Host: cpe-70-117-20-57.satx.res.rr.com
Name: Nancy Strack
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: Eva’s music reached from her heart and soul into the hearts and souls of those who enjoy her music. There will never be another like her.

– – – – –

Date: October 10, 2010, 12:36 PM, EST
Host: hlfxns0163w-142068142074.pppoe-dynamic.High-Speed.ns.bellaliant.net
Name: winnie chisholm
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: Love all her songs.an great person.wish there wher more like her/

– – – – –

Date: October 10, 2010, 1:51 AM, EST
Host: adsl-99-13-168-104.dsl.chcgil.sbcglobal.net
Name: jim g.
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: ASTONISHING music. Words cannot adequately describe or define it. What is different about her music is, it isn’t just music; it is as though the music has a HEALING LIFE or quality of its’ own that comes out through it. I feel better, am strengthened and encouraged when I listen to it. Someone has said that her music is a conduit-a channel for the Divine. A record producer said she wasn’t just an outstanding talent, but that she had the “hand of God” on her head. I believe she was an instrument that God is using, through her musical talent, to help heal a sick world. A quote from Psalm 107:20 says: “He (God) sent forth his word and healed them”. Thank you Eva, through your songs, I am enjoying my “healing”!

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Date: October 9, 2010, 3:19 PM, EST
Host: c-76-18-207-16.hsd1.fl.comcast.net
Name: Lisa M. Smith
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: Was listening to Mary Chapin Carpenters cd “Between Here and Gone” to the song “My Heaven” and Eva is mentioned. The lyric goes, “More memories than my heart can hold, when Eva’s singing Fields of Gold.” Very nice.

– – – – –

Date: October 9, 2010, 7:21 AM, EST
Host: adsl-99-35-75-65.dsl.bcvloh.sbcglobal.net
Name: Ayo
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: Eva’s life story, her love and passion for music deeply moved me today. I had listened to her music – “songbird” in particular – over the years but only just read about her life story. She inspires me to do the best and be passionate about my God given gifts. Thank you for this website! It is great to be able to express my gratitude for the opportunity to learn about the life of such an amazing womam:-)

– – – – –

Date: October 9, 2010, 7:09 AM, EST
Host: host-90-233-151-48.mobileonline.telia.com
Name: Anita Berglund
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: Eva is greatly missed..

– – – – –

Date: October 9, 2010, 6:45 AM, EST
Host: unknown host
Name: Ray
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: I have never had a performer get inside me the way she does when she sings. 24 hours ago I had never heard of her and now I have an insatiable craving for more and more pf her.

– – – – –

Date: October 8, 2010, 11:01 AM, EST
Host: d47-69-38-120.try.wideopenwest.com
Name: Deb
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: A voice of an Angel silenced way to soon our loss is heavens gain –
I just discovered the voice as well as the talent called Eva Cassidy.
May you rest in peace, we will continue to enjoy your gifts of song.

– – – – –

Date: October 7, 2010, 11:32 AM, EST
Host: host-92-8-30-193.as43234.net
Name: Dave
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: Okay guys, no ‘What’s New’ since May so here’s something I came across while idle-surfing: Google ‘Eva Cassidy’ then click on images. Scroll to the bottom of the page of thumbnails and see (hopefully), around 8 rows up from the bottom on the right, a picture of David Arculeta with Minnie Mouse (?! Yeah, I know, but stay with me) click on the image which opens the Arculeta fan site where the page contains a piece written by someone who got to see Eva live by accident (at Fleetwood’s) and emerged forever a fan. It’s a great tale that made me sigh with wistful envy

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Date: October 5, 2010, 7:27 AM, EST
Host: tn-84-218-55-67.dsl.bredbandsbolaget.se
Name: Robbis
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: I will always love you deep in my heart. Hope
you find your place “Over the rainbow.
Love, now and for ever.


– – – – –

Date: October 4, 2010, 9:05 PM, EST
Host: c50C345C1.dhcp.bluecom.no
Name: Ørjan H
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: First of all. I do not want this to be another post you already read before. So, when that is written, I am a man, 32 years old, that have struggled a lot to find my own identity and my place, in this world. You all know, that the world is really big. And we. Are really really small. It is hard to feel good when you see everyone feeling better. But that is an illusion. Nobody is really good all the time. We have a heart, we have a soul, and if you run away from it you will hit the ground with a bang. Eva Cassidy, lived a pretty short life, but she found many things in herself, that many never will find. She found her own voice. My first experience with Eva Cassidy was Time After Time. I heard that song before, but never felt like I did when she performed it. At that time when i heard her singing it I was really sad. And that song, made me cry. I felt really good afterwards. It was like a little piece of myself was finally finding the way into the world again. A little piece of my soul. And then I picked up the rest of her stuff, it was really good. It was amazing. And everytime i listened to her songs, I felt I was growing inside me. Now I am older and I have a wonderful girlfriend and two wonderful kittens, and life has turned out really well for me. I am loved. But most of all I love myself. Like never before. I am not the typical person you probably met before and find easy to understand. But I am a piece of the world now. And I can speak. From my soul. If I had the voice of Eva I would sing too. But maybe it is for the better that I leave that to other and more experienced singers/songwriters 🙂 Many thanks Eva Cassidy for helping me through this big big world, and this big big life, with your songs and your wonderful voice. Now I do not feel so small anymore!

– – – – –

Date: October 1, 2010, 9:30 PM, EST
Host: h126.59.28.71.dynamic.ip.windstream.net
Name: David
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: In her short life she created music that touches our souls. What a gift she was and is. I’ve been a fan for years, and I never get tired of listening to her.

– – – – –

Date: October 1, 2010, 7:22 PM, EST
Host: 5e018467.bb.sky.com
Name: Mike
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: Discoverd Eva several years ago on the Terry Wogan Radio show and have loved her music ever since. Coincidentally heard a woman in HMV talking to her daughter about buying Songbird and couldn;t help advising her on how good it was. She bought the album and I am sure she is another convert to a wonderful singer

– – – – –

Date: October 1, 2010, 6:19 AM, EST
Host: pc006-120.misc.umds.ac.uk
Name: Tony O'Connell
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: We should never take this website for granted and the person who works very hard to maintain it.Laura your work is much appreciated.

– – – – –

Date: October 1, 2010, 6:09 AM, EST
Host: c211-31-25-127.rochd5.qld.optusnet.com.au
Name: Leigh
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: World’s best voice!. We miss you!. I get goosebumps every time I listen to this amazing women. Such a sad story!.

– – – – –

Date: September 30, 2010, 9:11 PM, EST
Host: 187-74-169-179.dsl.telesp.net.br
Name: Rodrigo
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: one of the best singers of the 20th century a unique voice will be missed yet …

– – – – –

Date: September 30, 2010, 3:06 PM, EST
Host: dhcp-077-251-108-022.chello.nl
Name: Roy Renssen
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: One amayzing voice!Hearded a lot of voices but her voice……….breathtaking.
Number 1 by far.

– – – – –

Date: September 30, 2010, 12:16 PM, EST
Host: unknown host
Name: Carol D.
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: What a legacy of beautiful recordings; never fail to bring me back to center, when all else is in turmoil.
Just put on any song, instantly translates my spirit
into calm & happiness. God Bless her family for continuing to share their sweet treasure with a hurting world.

– – – – –

Date: September 30, 2010, 4:51 AM, EST
Host: 70-60-21-192.redbird.net
Name: Micah McClaine
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: I first heard one of Eva’s songs playing on MySpace around a year ago. I was touched in a moving way. I could feel the heart and soul in this artist’s song. Absolutely incredible. Yes, indeed, touched by an angel. Then I looked up her music and I listened and listened, couldn’t get enough. Shortly after then, I came to find out that she was no longer with us and I found it heartbreaking. Tonight I have been sitting spending some one on one time with Sweet Eva, as she has serenade me through some painful hours. I had to come here. This is my first time here. I had to pay respects. Surely, Heaven is blessed with her music and talent there. I look forward to meet her one day and listen to her in person. I didn’t have that golden opportunity in this life. I have a real love for her.

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Date: September 29, 2010, 9:38 PM, EST
Host: 24-247-71-246.dhcp.trcy.mi.charter.com
Name: Nadine Jones
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: What can I say about her music? It is entrancing, soulful, beautiful, ethereal..from a woman who looks so down to earth she could be my sister or the girl next door…I absolutely love how she sings, how she carried herself, her artwork, and how she dressed..more of us should appreciate just how real and authentic she was…RIP and thank you all for loving this spectacularly human songbird….namaste….

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Date: September 29, 2010, 1:09 PM, EST
Host: pool-72-95-198-180.pitbpa.east.verizon.net
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:

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Date: September 29, 2010, 12:12 AM, EST
Host: adsl-76-251-83-94.dsl.bltnin.sbcglobal.net
Name: Deb
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: Can’t tell whether what I’m feeling is gratitude or grief. So excited to have found her, only to find out she’s already gone. Something extraordinary in that voice. What a gift she left us.

– – – – –

Date: September 28, 2010, 2:26 PM, EST
Host: 19.ac.d12c.cidr.airmail.net
Name: Larry Degel
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: How did I ever let this one slip by me? How could I possibly have not heard of her before. She is truly one of the great ones. The kind of artist that one can only hope to be; yet very few make the mark. The LORD broke the mold then reclaimed his work. Our great loss.

– – – – –

Date: September 28, 2010, 8:31 AM, EST
Host: 89-138-107-250.bb.netvision.net.il
Name: adir
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: amazing artist,
touched my heart 🙂

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Date: September 27, 2010, 10:30 AM, EST
Host: pool-173-50-71-18.nrflva.fios.verizon.net
Name: S. Christopher
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: Eva is truly an angel. Her voice inspires me all the time. I play Eva’s music while I work and she makes the days ever so sweeter. She has left a lasting legacy.

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Date: September 26, 2010, 8:47 PM, EST
Host: c-67-182-213-125.hsd1.ut.comcast.net
Name: Tom Grisley
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: Was listening to Dick Gordon’s “The Story” on NPR last week. They closed the program with a full length version of Eva Cassidy’s “Danny Boy.” Beautiful.

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Date: September 26, 2010, 7:21 PM, EST
Host: adsl-145-163-95.asm.bellsouth.net
Name: Charlotte Applequist
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: I was introduced just this weekend to Eva Cassidy. I have missed so much. Her voice, her words, what can I say. She was truly an amazing artist! I can’t wait to learn more and experience all of her music. I suppose God needed this angelic voice to grace all of Heaven. Her memory will always live on to those of us who cherish this beautiful person.

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Date: September 25, 2010, 11:37 AM, EST
Host: 0x57368258.sdbnqu1.dynamic.dsl.tele.dk
Name: Cilla
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: Well, first of all – fave song isn’t a fair question to answer, it surely depends on my mood.
I love her voice, I love her music.
Not only do I admire her music, but her artwork as well. She is a big inspiration. She surely gave the world the greatest gift, her music. I wouldn’t know where I’d be if I didn’t have the opportunity to listen to her sound. She is loved.

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Date: September 25, 2010, 10:33 AM, EST
Host: mail.madisonpolymers.com
Name: Mike Buckels
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: I recently heard “Autumn Leaves” on Pandora while I was working. It caught my attention and I later found the live version on YouTube and was spellbound by her haunting vocals. By far, she has one of the purest voices I have ever heard. Seldom in my life have I been so profoundly moved as I have with Eva’s music. I can’t wait to introduce her to my family and friends. God created music and he gave us Eva to show us mere mortals how it should be sung!

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Date: September 25, 2010, 12:04 AM, EST
Host: dyn-17.adsl.hpcisp.com
Name: Shelley Smith
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: When I first heard a clip of Eva in 1998 I bought everything I could get my hands on. It breaks my heart that there will never be more. She had, without a doubt, the most beautiful voice I have ever heard.

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Date: September 24, 2010, 8:32 PM, EST
Host: c-69-255-191-72.hsd1.va.comcast.net
Name: Linda Johnston
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: I just returned from Ireland and was delighted to hear Eva’s music playing in several places-small villages and in Dublin.
How wonderful that her music had spread throughout the world. Truly, a voice from Heaven.

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Date: September 24, 2010, 8:21 PM, EST
Host: apple-webp.pt.lu
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: The beautiful voice of angel but love all here songs
eva thank you for these wonderful songs

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Date: September 24, 2010, 6:17 PM, EST
Host: 109-186-64-83.bb.netvision.net.il
Name: tamir
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: I know Eva more then 10 years. I think that there are very few singers as good as she is. She goes so high so clean so soft. Songbird is the most beautiful love song ever. I have all the albums and as written before, never stop listening.

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Date: September 24, 2010, 2:49 PM, EST
Host: customer36983.100.kt.cust.t-mobile.co.uk
Name: Erol
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: I only discovered Eva and this website this week and left a message yesterday on this message board but felt that I needed to add another – Firsty I am amazed how many people like me have just “found” Eva’s wonderful amazing voice and her music, I want to thank everyone who has been kind enough to share their heartfelt feelings, I’ve so far read through several hundred and both share everyone’s grief that Eva has been taken from us but also thrilled to see the love and affection Eva is held in. I thought I had heard them all before I had heard Eva: Yearwood, McBride, Streisand, Krauss, Carey, I’ve been lucky enough to see most of the above, all great no question but Eva, I put you above all of them and I’ll always be very sad I’ll never be able to see you on this earth but I know you are in heaven. And finally, Laura, you have all our love and thanks for all you hard work over the years for giving us this most cherised of website, thank you xx

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Date: September 24, 2010, 7:56 AM, EST
Host: p25007-ipbffx02marunouchi.tokyo.ocn.ne.jp
Name: Sasha
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: I have never been entranced by a voice the way I am when I hear Eva’s songs. She is my inspiration for music, and I know her voice will continue to inspire the world for generations to come.

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Date: September 24, 2010, 4:56 AM, EST
Name: Hilary
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: Regarding the singer/songwriter Rumer.
She is WONDERFUL and will hopefully have the great success she deserves.
Rumer’s CD “Seasons of my Soul” is out on the 1st November in the UK 🙂

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Date: September 23, 2010, 1:06 PM, EST
Host: unknown host
Name: Bonnie Essex
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: My vocal coach is performing a tribute to EVA next month, I am just discovering her musical genius. The concert is a benefit … may God bless all who sing!

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Date: September 23, 2010, 12:59 PM, EST
Host: customer20826.109.kt.cust.t-mobile.co.uk
Name: Erol
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: Ashamed to say I have only just discovered Eva Cassidy, her songs, her wonderful amazing voice and her extremely sad story that she is no longer with us. God bless you Eva, thank you and rest in peace, we miss you.

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Date: September 23, 2010, 11:08 AM, EST
Host: dhcp-077-250-209-087.chello.nl
Name: Liesbeth de Rooij
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: Goosebumps, tears and then blown away by this voice made in heaven. It helped me through very difficult times. Thank you Eva.

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Date: September 23, 2010, 5:12 AM, EST
Host: unknown host
Name: pd
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: lovers of great voices…..keep an ear out for Rumer………..i think Eva would approve !!!

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Date: September 21, 2010, 5:37 PM, EST
Host: milesstockt1-01.ds1.datapointinc.net
Name: Andrew Whitelaw
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: My daughter’s middle name is Deinma, which is “peace” in the Nigerian language of Ijaw (delta region)

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Date: September 20, 2010, 11:24 AM, EST
Host: unknown host
Name: Dave
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: Regarding the last message: google BBC radio 2, use the search box – enter Michael Ball’s Sunday Brunch, click the show 19.09.2010 icon to replay the show. The intro to Fields of Gold comes up at just after 24 minutes in, so scroll forwards. Michael (who is a talented actor/singer and London West End star) describes the track as, ‘one of the most beautiful recordings ever.’ And to think Eva didn’t want to release the album!

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Date: September 20, 2010, 5:17 AM, EST
Name: Hilary and David
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: We listened to Michael Ball’s Sunday show on BBC Radio 2 yesterday morning.
Michael has a feature on his show which is called “better than the original”
Listeners are asked to suggest cover versions which they consider to be better than the original recordings.
Yesterday one of Michael’s listeners said that Eva’s version of “Fields of Gold” was the better version!

Well, we all knew that didn’t we?
Michael played Eva’s version of “Fields of Gold” and said that he felt that Eva’s arrangement was VERY moving.

It is always nice to hear Eva on the radio so let’s all keep sending in the requests to the radio stations around the world 🙂

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Date: September 19, 2010, 8:13 PM, EST
Host: ita73-1-82-239-29-78.fbx.proxad.net
Name: Rodolphe
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: je t’écoute encore jour après jour merci

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Date: September 19, 2010, 4:56 PM, EST
Host: adsl-87-102-86-76.karoo.KCOM.COM
Name: Robert M.
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: I find it so very sad that the so very beautiful voice of Eva was only “found” by the outside world after dear Eva passed away…………a big thank you must go to Terry Wogan for bringing Eva’s voice to the world on his radio 2 programme……………….I wonder if Eva know’s how successful she now is ? ……..I truly hope she does. God Bless.

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Date: September 18, 2010, 11:43 AM, EST
Host: c-76-18-207-16.hsd1.fl.comcast.net
Name: Lisa M. Smith
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: Why nothing in the “Whats New?” posting for over 4 months? We’re starving!!

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Date: September 18, 2010, 1:52 AM, EST
Host: pool-68-161-36-201.ny325.east.verizon.net
Name: wendy
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: How sad! I just discovered this remarkable artist only to discover that she is gone!

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Date: September 17, 2010, 7:37 AM, EST
Host: 79-114-19-112.rdsnet.ro
Name: Vally
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: It was a “revolution” for me when a good friend send me “Songbird”… In the first day, I’m listen this amazing song for 14 times… And recently, I listen all her songs..”Imagine” is magnific.. All her songs are lovely and sincerely…EVA, I LOVE YOU! I’m sure you play with angels, now… I miss you so much! You’ll be in my heart forever

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Date: September 16, 2010, 12:39 PM, EST
Host: host217-42-44-213.range217-42.btcentralplus.com
Name: Gavin Munro
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: The voice of a angel. Wow. Gives me goosebumps every time. R.I.P Eva. xxx

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Date: September 16, 2010, 6:25 AM, EST
Host: unknown host
Name: Ian Ward
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: Eva’s voice is probably the most wonderful voice this earth will ever hear. Eva was an angel, who briefly visited our world and left the most wonderful music ever. Eva will always be missed.

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Date: September 15, 2010, 8:43 PM, EST
Host: c-98-211-199-141.hsd1.fl.comcast.net
Name: Mark
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: WOW, I just discoverd her while on you tube and I am blown away at the amazing talent of this artist..I am just a part of the way into her music and can’t imagine how she was not super famous.
I for one, feel very fortunate to have stumbled on to this borrowed angel from heaven that graced this earth with her unlimited talent in a limited time..

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Date: September 15, 2010, 12:47 PM, EST
Host: unknown host
Name: Pam Narodzonek
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: I’ve just discovered Eva’s music…I truly love her singing! I feel its such a precious gift. I was devastated to lean of her death at such a young age. So glad we have her music to comfort us and to experience her Beautiful voice over and over again…Sing with the Angles Eva.

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Date: September 13, 2010, 1:46 PM, EST
Name: Liza Flores
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: The song isn’t my favorite but the first one I heard by her. I looked her up and am now in search of more of her music…thank you for sharing all of this information! What a talent and what a voice…unbelievable!

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Date: September 12, 2010, 4:28 PM, EST
Host: adsl-75-21-105-165.dsl.rcfril.sbcglobal.net
Name: rick stoudt
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: i never heard of eva and i am sorry for that.but one day coming home from work the feilds of gold song and as soon as i got home i looked it up and now i’m one of her biggest fans.she is extremely wonderful.it is such a terrible loss.

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Date: September 12, 2010, 4:14 PM, EST
Host: customer9128.pool1.unallocated-106-0.orangehomedsl.co.uk
Name: Phaedra
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: A few years ago I was in a music store when I heard this amazing rendition of ‘Songbird’. Asked who was the singer, and immediately bought whatever CD’s they had of Eva. I am now the proud owner of all Eva CD’s and have never, ever, tired of her.

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Date: September 11, 2010, 5:41 PM, EST
Host: unknown host
Name: anne
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: I wish I could thank Eva for singing so many gorgeous songs wich have been lullabys to my son. I played her songs throughout both my pregnancies now and my firstborn was calmed by her voice during his birth and still is everytime. He is already showing talent playing the piano and singing .I am due my second child next week and i have Evas cds packed already in my hospital bag. I only wish I could have gotten to sit in an Irish pub here and hear her play. She has this amazingly familiar quality that makes the listener feel that they are there listening to her sing. Godbless Eva ,Heaven must be full of your song.

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Date: September 11, 2010, 3:36 PM, EST
Host: c-98-192-128-155.hsd1.fl.comcast.net
Name: KM Huber
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: A revision of a 9/11 remembrance from Positively Positive on Facebook:
There are stars whose only light reaches the Earth long after they have burned through. There are people whose remembrance lights this world long after they reached for the stars. These “stars” light our darkest nights.
Shine on, Eva.


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Date: September 11, 2010, 11:58 AM, EST
Host: adsl-99-88-147-209.dsl.lsan03.sbcglobal.net
Name: Jacqui Ochoa
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: I came across Eva’s music while searching for a song on the internet. I live a life that is too fast for my spirit. I catch myself seeking activities that help me slow down. I saw the title for ‘Danny Boy’ with Eva’s name beneath. I’ve heard the song many times and wanted to listen to Eva’s version. Her voice suspended me in a quiet place, it still does. I downloaded every song on the playlist and listen to it everyday so far. I wish I could have listened to her and the band play live. I happen to be one of the people who seek out live music and I always buy a cd if they have one. I taught my sons to do the same. There are female vocalists who have a gift that can reach other females. Through song, lyric, and voice, I have listened to two…Joni Mitchell and Eva Cassidy. I wish I had a friend like Eva.

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Date: September 10, 2010, 12:42 PM, EST
Host: 96-42-71-84.dhcp.roch.mn.charter.com
Name: Jim
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: I was introduced to Ms. Cassidy’s work by my music teacher. The first time I heard her my soul was touched . She truly sings to the heart, touches the depth of our emotions, joyful and sad. What an artist, we are all the lesser for our loss of this great talent.

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Date: September 10, 2010, 10:06 AM, EST
Host: cache1a.mayo.edu
Name: Steve
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: I have listened to Eva for years now, and love all her music. Recently I heard her rendition of “Tennessee Waltz” for the first time. Although I have heard the song countless times before by other artists, her version is in a class by itself. Although she left far too soon, she lives on in an important way as she continues to inspire and touch people who hear her for the first time.

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Date: September 9, 2010, 11:32 AM, EST
Host: c-76-99-110-44.hsd1.pa.comcast.net
Name: Ted
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: I Just got the Eva Cassidy Sings DVD from Ireland on Ebay – even though it is essentially an amatuer video – the quality is much better than the Utube videos & is a worthwhile purchase. I just wish Blix Street would issue this in the US (currently there is no intention of doing this).
Also a special note on Over the Rainbow – I liked the original Judy Garland version – But, Eva’s version made it seem so new & emotionally fresh that I had a totally new appreciation for the Song.
Also Eva’s Over the Rainbow was once again played at the Philadelphia 4th of July fireworks in 2009.

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Date: September 9, 2010, 3:49 AM, EST
Host: ip-78-94-152-58.unitymediagroup.de
Name: Beca Johnston
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: Beautiful version made it by Eva. Really surprised me. It is the first time I hear something from her and I JUST LOVE IT !!!
Sadly enough I never came to know her music before… that´s a pitty. But as music is everlasting even over the rainbow…I just can say, Thanks Eva for your style and your music. We love you.

– – – – –

Date: September 7, 2010, 4:00 PM, EST
Host: unknown host
Name: Carlton Randall
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: My friend, James Woody introduced me to her music. She sings like an “angel”. The impression I get is that, not only was she very talented, buy had a “sweet spirit” too.

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Date: September 7, 2010, 2:05 PM, EST
Host: ip70-176-130-211.ph.ph.cox.net
Name: doc skinner
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: Her voice is mystical, magical and captivating.

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Date: September 7, 2010, 8:58 AM, EST
Name: Damien O Leary
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: God bless you as now Eva you sing for the Angels you sang with heart …you played with heart….and in my heart you will remain forever…thank you for all you done to become who you were….and that was a lady who played with her heart not her fingers on guitar and sung from the heart…..R..I..P..YOU WILL NEVER BE BETTERED BY ANYBODY..THATS FOR SURE.♥

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Date: September 5, 2010, 8:17 AM, EST
Host: lsg.grafenwoehr.army.mil
Name: Inga
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: I’v never heard about her before, and now I’m deeply moved by her beautyfull voice.
Thank you Eva…..

– – – – –

Date: September 5, 2010, 3:20 AM, EST
Host: unknown host
Name: Ola
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: Słucham tej piosenki i zadziwia mnie ona. Dotyka rzadko używanych części duszy. Uwzniośla, czy uwalnia sama już nie wiem. Trzymaj się piękna duszo.

– – – – –

Date: September 4, 2010, 1:24 AM, EST
Host: c-24-99-205-168.hsd1.ga.comcast.net
Name: A fellow old enough to be her dad
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: If there were angels and angels hung around we mere mortals, then she is one, appreciating my tears of appreciation of her lovely vocal poetry. What a terrific gift she shared! Still does.

– – – – –

Date: September 3, 2010, 5:51 PM, EST
Host: host81-151-212-11.range81-151.btcentralplus.com
Name: james hasker
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: All Angels have to go home sometime

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Date: September 3, 2010, 5:29 PM, EST
Host: pool-72-87-84-124.prvdri.fios.verizon.net
Name: Richard
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: Eva’s emotion and intensity are so forthcoming in this song….bring tears to this old man’s eyes. I’ve not heard a better rendition of this song in my 67 years. Eva is sorely missed.

– – – – –

Date: September 2, 2010, 3:33 AM, EST
Host: ool-43518795.dyn.optonline.net
Name: Vinnie
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: I’m listening to over the rainbow as i’m writing this now. and it always brings tears to my eyes, As a singer and Musician and Sound Enginer, I would give up all the money, posessions one could have to be able to sing like her with that pure clear heart felt voice! thats all i would Want ever!!!!

– – – – –

Date: September 1, 2010, 1:51 PM, EST
Host: 190-172-154-32.speedy.com.ar
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:

– – – – –

Date: September 1, 2010, 12:21 AM, EST
Host: 97-119-66-158.omah.qwest.net
Name: Scott
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: Just now discovering this amazing woman…
Sad to see her gone.

– – – – –

Date: August 31, 2010, 11:43 AM, EST
Host: unknown host
Name: Landon
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: i love her music it is so sad she died early so much talent. she was a loved artist.

– – – – –

Date: August 31, 2010, 10:41 AM, EST
Host: unknown host
Name: november dogan
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: I am so in love with her voice and style..I recently discovered her and I just had to find a way to reach her somehow..so this is the only way..I myself am a musician..and I find so much inspiration whenever I hear musicians like Eva who are so rare to find..and especially when you are surrounded by all this “contaminated” music..the purity in her voice and the fact that she feels every note and word she sings, makes her unique and eternal..I am really grateful to have a chance to listen to her..I feel somehow connected to her in a different dimension..almost like we can sing together..anyway..R.I.P Eva..you brought meaning to many lives even after you were gone

– – – – –

Date: August 31, 2010, 8:43 AM, EST
Host: unknown host
Name: Andy
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: I was listening to Desmond Carrington on BBC Radio 2 a couple of days ago and he played this song. Absulutely amazing!!!
I love it. What a shame she was taken from us, but Heaven is the richer.

– – – – –

Date: August 29, 2010, 2:06 PM, EST
Host: cpe-66-25-12-44.tx.res.rr.com
Name: roby
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: pd uk thanks for the info.

– – – – –

Date: August 29, 2010, 2:02 PM, EST
Host: 74-46-242-9.dr01.rmny.wv.frontiernet.net
Name: Mike Austell
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: This Sunday morning was Eva Cassidy in the mountains of West Virginia. I introduced Eva’s music to my brother and his partner at his cabin as the sun was rising and the breakfast was cooking. I first heard Eva back when the Terry Wogan played her on his morning show and everyone wanted to know where to find her album. Songbird is my go to albumn when I just want to chill out. It makes me so thankful for the short time she was with us and the songs she left behind. When ever you have a chance, share her music with a friend, they will be eternally grateful. Eva lives on and on and heaven and earth are better for it. Grace and peace to you all, Mike

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Date: August 29, 2010, 3:59 AM, EST
Host: host-92-10-79-223.as43234.net
Name: pd
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: hi roby
re ” Dark Eyed Molly “…was written by Archie Fisher a Scottish folky singer ( 60’s / 70’s era )…it was on an album called ” The Man with a Rhyme “.
the song was ” based on a few lines of Gaelic poetry and the tune of a Basque lullaby. The slow ballad is on a pair of Gaelic themes : unrequited love and strong drink ”
( things a lot of us can relate too maybe !!! )
Eva’s version is so lovely, check out the Fairport Convention / Sandy Denny version too.

– – – – –

Date: August 29, 2010, 12:42 AM, EST
Host: cpe-66-25-12-44.tx.res.rr.com
Name: roby
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: Dear friends, I am fascinated by this song. Is it about a lover or something else?
Harum, trims buat alamat itu.

– – – – –

Date: August 28, 2010, 6:36 PM, EST
Host: 93-38-173-8.ip71.fastwebnet.it
Name: maria
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: I like to sing and love female voices and eva is one of the best, and surely the most complete one. She could sing everything moving people to tears … or to dance, clapping hands and shouting. She is a unique mix of technique and soul, amazing.

– – – – –

Date: August 27, 2010, 12:26 AM, EST
Host: ip70-178-48-250.ks.ks.cox.net
Name: Ann Todd
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: The night cleaning lady at the school where I worked introduced me to Eva Cassidy’s music. Heard me listening to Norah Jones and said she knew someone I would enjoy more. My husband and I love Eva’s music. After the classroom is empty, I turn on her cd and relax while I work.

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Date: August 26, 2010, 10:13 PM, EST
Host: 2416463hfc180.tampabay.res.rr.com
Name: Tracy Echols
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: Amazing! I found her on You Tube and started looking her up. Was SO sad to find that she had succumbed to the insidious disease – cancer. Love, love, love her rendition of Somewhere Over the Rainbow. Beautiful lady; awesome voice. Such a sad loss in the world… 🙁

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Date: August 26, 2010, 7:49 PM, EST
Host: 86-46-220-162-dynamic.b-ras1.pgs.portlaoise.eircom.net
Name: Mark S
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: My daughter passed away in July. This song makes me cry and open up (which is a good thing at the moment). Thank you Eva X

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Date: August 26, 2010, 3:44 PM, EST
Host: rouble.nccr.epa.gov
Name: Jenny Biddle
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: I only recently have become aware of Eva’s music- specifically her recording at Blues Alley. I was so saddened to learn she had passed.
I don’t think it would be fair to pick a favorite when I’ve only listened to one album. I plan on buying the others. Thank you so much for creating this site. Eva will live on in her music.

– – – – –

Date: August 24, 2010, 11:34 PM, EST
Host: adsl-75-45-97-59.dsl.scrm01.sbcglobal.net
Name: ron f. firewalker
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: i thank the folks at blix st. records ,gig harbor wa. for letting me an others know about eva . also to have the book her folks let the world know of such a treasure we all had !!!

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Date: August 24, 2010, 3:47 AM, EST
Host: unknown host
Name: harum wijayakusuma
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: To Roby.. Coba aja di beemp3.com

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Date: August 22, 2010, 6:15 PM, EST
Host: 90-224-177-34-no130.tbcn.telia.com
Name: patric wennberg
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: First of all i will say that she had a loveley voice ,i just heard the song over the rainbow whit, eva cassidy today and i got tears in my eyes when i lissend to this version on youtube . Iwill look for more song of her ,i think she was a talent singer and she passed away to earley ,many thanks to laura bligh for this webbpage of her Patric Wennberg

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Date: August 21, 2010, 2:08 AM, EST
Host: host81-149-202-26.in-addr.btopenworld.com
Name: brendan coyne
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: heart broken.

– – – – –

Date: August 20, 2010, 9:47 PM, EST
Host: 122-57-194-34.jetstream.xtra.co.nz
Name: The Brown Family
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: …but love all her songs. God only takes the best but thankfully left us with the power of her beautiful voice. Gone but will never be forgotten. A treasure that will live on forever.

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Date: August 20, 2010, 8:20 PM, EST
Host: 88-104-11-206.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com
Name: steve birchall
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: Still can’t believe she has gone, what a bastard, always in my heart.

– – – – –

Date: August 19, 2010, 1:18 PM, EST
Host: 94-21-28-39.pool.digikabel.hu
Name: Gabor
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: The most beautiful voice I’ve ever heard. Eva, thank you for these wonderful songs….

– – – – –

Date: August 19, 2010, 12:10 AM, EST
Host: dsl-202-173-141-126.sa.westnet.com.au
Name: Deb
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: Her voice is as smooth as honey. When I hear Songbird, it brings tears to my eyes. I love it so much. She must have been a very special person. xx

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Date: August 19, 2010, 12:02 AM, EST
Host: 173-218-36-208-brns.dyn.mid.suddenlink.net
Name: John Moorman
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: Tonight I watched the sun go down over Lake TaneyComo and thought of Eva and her “Golden Hour” as the sun left the most beautiful glow around each tree top. I could hear her voice. I could hear her song. I have no time at all for all this religion nut crap but I felt a real connection to a person who had an honest and true understanding of the world around us. Thank you Eva.

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Date: August 18, 2010, 7:32 AM, EST
Host: cpe-76-171-116-171.socal.res.rr.com
Name: Brian
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: I was listening to Pandora radio yesterday when Over the Rainbow came on. I thought to myself… another version of this song, oh well, I’ll give it a listion. Eva’s singing brought tears to my eyes. I’ve heard some of her other sings since and they all touch my heart.

– – – – –

Date: August 17, 2010, 6:24 PM, EST
Host: c-71-206-116-42.hsd1.mi.comcast.net
Name: Debi
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: I discovered Eva by hearing her version of Over The Rainbow in the opening scene of the movie Alpha Dog. I would rewind the movie over and over to hear her sing. It brought tears to my eyes.
I don’t believe in God or Heaven, but if they did exist, I could picture Eva’s voice at the “pearly gates”.

I’ve begun to “collect” Eva’s songs and as many have said on these pages, I can’t believe she is gone now that I have just found her.

What a loss to all music lovers.

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Date: August 17, 2010, 1:52 PM, EST
Host: ip72-209-15-190.ri.ri.cox.net
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:

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Date: August 17, 2010, 11:14 AM, EST
Host: unknown host
Name: Hazel
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: I first heard her name mentioned a few years ago when someone told me i resembled her in looks. I immediately googled ‘Eva Cassidy’ oh my god, what a beautiful, pure and unique voice this angel had. Thankyou to my friend for introducing me to such a heavenly voice, she’ll always remain in our hearts!

– – – – –

Date: August 17, 2010, 12:28 AM, EST
Host: c-24-12-14-94.hsd1.il.comcast.net
Name: Pete
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: A beautiful voice lost but not silenced.

– – – – –

Date: August 16, 2010, 10:16 PM, EST
Host: unknown host
Name: Nicola
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: Every time I hear Over the Rainbow I burst into tears purely because of the emotion Eva sang with. Her voice was magical it sends shivers down my spin every time listen to her, as I have never heard anyone with a voice as amazing as Eva’s.

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Date: August 16, 2010, 12:20 AM, EST
Host: cpe-66-25-12-44.tx.res.rr.com
Name: roby
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: Harum Wijayakusuma kamu dapatin lagu2nya dimana?
Eva’s the best female vocal ever.

– – – – –

Date: August 15, 2010, 10:00 PM, EST
Host: pool-173-77-89-242.nycmny.east.verizon.net
Name: Helene Phelps
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: Saw Martina Mc Bride in an interview,mention that she’s on her playlist……
She mentions the song “Somewhere”……It’s one of my favorite songs i like to see what different Artist do with it…
So sad to find out she’s no longer with us…..

– – – – –

Date: August 15, 2010, 5:36 AM, EST
Host: cp290787-b.tilbu1.nb.home.nl
Name: Erik van Vliet
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: On air in Holland
Eva Cassidy is a great singer
God Bless Here

– – – – –

Date: August 14, 2010, 3:27 PM, EST
Host: bas1-thornhill40-1176307760.dsl.bell.ca
Name: Steve Salkovitch
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: There was a short item on the news the other night about some young singer on “America’s Got Talent” – I think her name was Jackie Evanko. Anyways, she has a CD out, and it’s number one on Amazon’s Easy Listening chart. They showed the listing from the web-site, and guess who was showing up as #2? Yup, there was Eva’s “Songbird” cover right underneath! That’s what I call staying power! Still, the greatest female singer ever.

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Date: August 14, 2010, 11:52 AM, EST
Host: 75-133-46-216.dhcp.bycy.mi.charter.com
Name: Narshaadha
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: I heard a voice on “Repose” NPR one night that caught my heartso I waited to find out who it was. Another night, same show, I heard another – this time Tennesssee Waltz – sure enough, Eva Cassidy. An unforgettable pure voice, so I checked for her on the internet only to find she is gone. My heart breaks that there are only just so many songs from her. Bless those people that were able to get her music out to us after her passing.

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Date: August 14, 2010, 2:02 AM, EST
Host: c-76-31-230-106.hsd1.tx.comcast.net
Name: Melanie
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: It does my heart good to see all these new people discovering Eva. Having the wonderful experience we all have when we first heard her beautiful voice. You will never forget her now, she will be in your lives forever, because once you hear of her you can’t let her go! <3

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Date: August 13, 2010, 11:09 PM, EST
Host: c-98-192-86-240.hsd1.ga.comcast.net
Name: Jim Tardif
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: WOW! I was introduced to Eva’s music via XM Coffee House. I’m a fan! I was looking for concert information when I found this site and learned of her passing. I wish I could have heard her live. What a talent!

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Date: August 12, 2010, 7:45 PM, EST
Name: Alberto Garayoa
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: Eras como un Angel cantando y nos llenas con tu voz.
He aprendido con tu música a valorar muchas pequeñas cosas que antes pasaban desapercibidas.
Un beso.

– – – – –

Date: August 12, 2010, 2:06 AM, EST
Host: pool-98-111-2-55.sctnpa.east.verizon.net
Name: Judy
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: I had heard her sing so many years ago when my children were so little, I had forgotten how beautiful her voice and her songs were and had been playing them while my 4 daughters were home to visit. I was fighting my emotions when I saw my daughters with tears in their eyes asking me who was singing, (they are so into rap) and I told them. Needless to say Eva has new fans in their 20’s to early 30’s. Had to order more CD’s. What a beautiful and inspirng voice!

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Date: August 10, 2010, 2:39 PM, EST
Host: 99-189-112-193.lightspeed.sntcca.sbcglobal.net
Name: Daryl R Zahner
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: Tuesday, August 10, 2010
11:37:01 AM PDT

If I were to talk great voices from the past with you, I would most assuredly mention Eva first of all. My heart cries for the fact that Eva did not see her just fame in her lifetime.

Rest well, Eva!

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Date: August 10, 2010, 9:56 AM, EST
Name: Hamill M. A.
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: Without doubt, the most beautiful female voice I have ever heard.

– – – – –

Date: August 9, 2010, 6:11 PM, EST
Host: host81-141-207-7.wlms-broadband.com
Name: Robert Bester
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: I have all 9 of Eva’s CDs that are listed on the website and one called ‘No Boundaries’. Where did that CD come in the list of ones that were brought out. Thank you for any help.

– – – – –

Date: August 8, 2010, 11:52 AM, EST
Host: unknown host
Name: harum wijayakusuma
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: it is amazing how she brought her songs so full. Emotionally touching, so deep. When u listen her songs it feels like she, herself was the song. A thing not all singer could do. She is 1 masterpiece, 1 legend in voice.

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Date: August 7, 2010, 9:31 AM, EST
Host: 131-003-045-062.dynamic.caiway.nl
Name: Evert de Ruiter
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: In The Netherlands all of her albums and her book can be purchased at bol.com.

– – – – –

Date: August 6, 2010, 2:25 PM, EST
Host: wsip-70-166-117-3.ph.ph.cox.net
Name: Jim Cesped
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: First heard about you on July 6 2010. My niece in the UK passed away on July 2nd her sisters emailed us the title of 2 songs they would play at the funeral service. A friend lent me the album songbird and Over the rainbow was fantastic. She and my niece are in my prayers each night.

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Date: August 6, 2010, 12:21 PM, EST
Host: adsl-70-133-146-115.dsl.ablntx.sbcglobal.net
Name: Tony Barker
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: Captured by her incredible voice on a website, I searched for her, only to find that we had already lost her. It hit me like a physical blow. I can only imagine the sadness of those she left behind.
Peace and wellness to all.

Tony Barker

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Date: August 6, 2010, 1:36 AM, EST
Host: d122-105-79-12.per9.wa.optusnet.com.au
Name: Lynn
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: No one has lost Eva. She stayed here for exactly as long as she was meant to. She left us everything we needed from her.
Thank you Eva!
Angels don’t belong here.

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Date: August 5, 2010, 12:24 PM, EST
Host: wsip-70-168-1-172.ri.ri.cox.net
Name: Erin Kukowski
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: We lost my Nephew last year. He was only 32 and he went to sleep and never woke up. It was the day before Thanksgiving 2009. We played Eva’s version of “Over the Rainbow” at his funeral. It was so perfect and moving. After, we had several people asking us about who the singer was and telling us how beautiful she sounded. She is truly an angel.

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Date: August 5, 2010, 12:04 PM, EST
Host: cmisint1.city.mississauga.on.ca
Name: Tony Figueiredo
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: I’ve only recently became aware of Eva and her music and it came as a shock to learn of her passing years ago. While watching a video of a performance of “Over the Rainbow” live in January of ’96 months before her death, I was overcome with the poignancy of it when she sang -“Someday I’ll wish upon a star and wake up where the clouds are far behind me, and toubles melt like lemon drops”.

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Date: August 4, 2010, 10:07 PM, EST
Host: 174-30-141-81.tcso.qwest.net
Name: Thomas Mills
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: Thanks for the web site.

– – – – –

Date: August 3, 2010, 3:14 PM, EST
Host: mobilehost200000.internet.mymmode.com
Name: Ross Emery
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: Another Eva mention:
This month’s Discover Music newsletter from CD Baby includes Anna Beljin, a young singer/songwriter in Cincinnati who credits Eva Cassidy as one of her influences:


She has a nice voice – I’m buying some of her songs!

– – – – –

Date: August 2, 2010, 7:28 PM, EST
Host: 5acfd039.bb.sky.com
Name: andrew fry
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: Thank you for this site, is is fantastic!
Im a new Eva fan and cannot believe i have never discovered her before now!!
A voice made in heaven, sung by an angel. R.I.P. x <3

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Date: August 1, 2010, 5:10 PM, EST
Host: pool-72-84-4-72.sttlwa.dsl-w.verizon.net
Name: Belynda
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: Being a music lover, I have been a fan of Eva’s since I heard her in the 90’s. I was very sad in her passing.
It wasn’t so much that her voice was outstanding, it was the strength of emotion & expression she exuded into each of her songs. Very moving ! I believe there is a reason for everything, as is in her leaving us too early. The men who make movies need to make one of Eva’s life so as to share the music she wanted people to hear. Alison Lohman would be a good actress to play the part.

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Date: July 31, 2010, 12:20 AM, EST
Host: adsl-75-37-43-96.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net
Name: Kimberly
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: I heard Eva for the first time this evening; what a beautiful, moving voice. How wonderful that our technology allows for her angelic voice to continue to touch hearts. Beautiful…just beautiful. Thank you so much for sharing. God must love her in His choir. My prayers are with her family and friends.

– – – – –

Date: July 27, 2010, 10:45 PM, EST
Host: c-98-214-39-181.hsd1.il.comcast.net
Name: Amanda
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: Not a day goes by where I don’t think about Eva or listen to her music. AMAZING.

– – – – –

Date: July 27, 2010, 1:52 AM, EST
Host: mo-71-49-78-12.dhcp.embarqhsd.net
Name: Matt
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: I discovered Eva Cassidy’s music a few months ago. Danny Boy has been recorded by many many artists, but never have i heard one like this. i’m a person who seldom cries. even during the worst times of my life i couldn’t cry…but this song makes me ball like a baby. As a musician myself, i think it has a beauty that can’t be compared to anything. it is exactly as the song should be and i’m very thankful that one sleepless night i stumbled upon her songs. many think its a shame she was never signed to a major record label. i think it’s very fortunate…although it may be a bit selfish of me to say. if she HAD been signed, would we have been left with the beautiful music of her own choosing? or would we have been left with generic pop hits that would have faded away?
one things for sure…eva was extraordinarily talented and i’m glad i’ve had the honor of listening to her voice. its as though her soul was exposed in each recording.

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Date: July 26, 2010, 5:08 PM, EST
Host: 173-81-213-179-buck.atw.dyn.suddenlink.net
Name: Mike Higham
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: Attn; Dave from the UK. Thanks so much for turning us on to the Eva/Method Actor rehearsal video on youtube. I loved her version of “The Rose”, since hearing part of the song on a BBC biographical piece that was done a couple of years after she passed. In the BBC version, the audio quality was very good and Eva sang all the vocal parts. If anyone has that recording of the entire song they would be doing “Evamaniacs” a great service by posting it on youtube.
The video can be acessed by going to youtube and searching Eva Cassidy Method Actor “The Rose”.

– – – – –

Date: July 24, 2010, 7:15 PM, EST
Host: unknown host
Name: Chako
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: You should make a movie about Eva Cassidy legend. I hear her music has a wonderful voice

– – – – –

Date: July 24, 2010, 5:23 PM, EST
Host: 97-120-178-104.ptld.qwest.net
Name: Manny Gutierrez Sr
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: Just want to tell everyone all over the world whom ever heard Eva’s songs, to keep her legacy alive and to help fight cancer anyway they can .And to Buy her posters aswell as her albums …Thank You God bless all Eva’s Fans:) Manny

– – – – –

Date: July 23, 2010, 5:53 PM, EST
Host: ip4da36761.direct-adsl.nl
Name: Lol
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: I heard her singing in 1996 on the radio in the uk, but have only recently listened to her singing again. What a great voice and the feeling she puts into everything she sings.

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Date: July 22, 2010, 2:34 AM, EST
Host: c-69-247-183-186.hsd1.tn.comcast.net
Name: Karen Smith
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: Today, I had the great pleasure of introducing two more people to Eva’s music, and of course, they were amazed at her talent and ability. Tonight, I was blessed to watch the Nightline piece for the first time. Laura, thank you for the passion and dedication you bring to this site.

– – – – –

Date: July 21, 2010, 10:41 PM, EST
Host: unknown host
Name: Natalie Bundy
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: She is amazing! I have two of her CD’s and look forward to adding more.
She was taken away too soon…… If she was alive today, she would be putting many of the other “pop” female vocalists to shame….

Thankfully, she recorded several songs so we could hear her today….

– – – – –

Date: July 21, 2010, 4:05 PM, EST
Host: pool-173-53-247-133.chi01.dsl-w.verizon.net
Name: Mark York
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: I just happened upon her when listening to Pandora last week…..Songbird stopped me in my tracks, and I said out loud “who is THAT???”
I found out she had passed years ago, and honestly wept bitterly. Not only did she have a “one in a billion” voice, but the same kind of heart put behind it.

Eva, I wish I had known you. I will treasure your music and legacy the rest of my days.

– – – – –

Date: July 20, 2010, 2:09 PM, EST
Host: static-155-212-43-147.ct.onecommunications.net
Name: Tom Rainey
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: It started with Eric Clapton’s version of “Over The Rainbow”. I liked the way he did it. I’m a bass player, but I can strum and pick a little. I went on line to find the cool jazz chords that clapton uses. I kept cominig across people chatting about Eva Cassidy’s version. I started to become intrigued, and wanted to hear something. Wow! I couldn’t believe how good she sounded. I thought “How come I haven’t heard of her”. Then I found out she passed away more than ten years ago. What an emotional pendulum that was. I was so excited about finding this wonderful new artist. Then, within minutes, I learned she had passeed. I was very saddened. I’m in the process of collecting all her cd’s. A true natural talent of the mind, heart, body, and soul.

– – – – –

Date: July 20, 2010, 3:41 AM, EST
Host: host-92-0-212-115.as43234.net
Name: Dave
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: Evamaniacs: Go to U Tube, search Eva Cassidy, then select ‘by upload date’ in search options. Four or so, down the list, Vid of Eva rehearsing The Rose with Method Actor. Enjoy!

– – – – –

Date: July 19, 2010, 9:46 PM, EST
Host: 41.sub-75-216-188.myvzw.com
Name: Randy Jones
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: Eva was such a wonderful talent…any style of music she chose to do…she made it her own…i’ve been listening to her for many years…it is such a great loss to the music world…she will live on thru her beautiful lyrical style that was truly her own…”Songbird”

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Date: July 18, 2010, 4:35 PM, EST
Host: c-68-48-22-77.hsd1.dc.comcast.net
Name: Wei Xia
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: We’ll all remember your forever when the west wind moves!

– – – – –

Date: July 17, 2010, 5:42 PM, EST
Host: unknown host
Name: Steven
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: I was introduced to Eva and her amazing music several years ago. It has stuck with me and I always end up going back to it. Such a beautiful lady and voice that just haunts you in the most beautiful way. When I am sad and listen to Songbird it like she is telling me it is going to be OK. Amazing talent and so sad she lost her life so young. She will be in Heaven now for sure.

– – – – –

Date: July 17, 2010, 2:21 PM, EST
Host: cpe-075-181-143-034.carolina.res.rr.com
Name: Harlee Jenkins
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: 14 yrs ago I was driving, with my then 4 yr old, and heard Eva sing Over The Rainbow and was mesmerized. I didn’t catch her name then, but have searched since then for her. The other night I was working at home, listening to internet radio on Pandora, when I was suddenly stunned to hear that same Rainbow song once again. I almost fell off my chair with elation! I saw WHO that artist was and now have YouTube’s collection to listen to until the CDs I ordered arrive!
I’ve lived my life, all 57yrs, as a woman who dances to her own drummer, as apparently did Eva. At times, it’s made life a bit more difficult, but I’ve never been more happy to be WHO I am than now. Impossible to pigeon-hole just about says it all, to me! Life just can’t get much better now that I’ve been blessed by finding Eva…again.

– – – – –

Date: July 16, 2010, 6:55 PM, EST
Host: 5ad21f95.bb.sky.com
Name: Alasdair Mackay
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: Eva had a phenominal singing voice. How she wasn`t discovered here in the UK till after her passing is virtually criminal! She is the greatest female singer I have ever had the joy of listening to, and I doubt she will ever be surpassed.

– – – – –

Date: July 15, 2010, 11:16 PM, EST
Host: ip68-107-188-31.cl.ri.cox.net
Name: Kassady C. Weirich
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: On Saturday night I was introduced to Eva’s music, while having an acoustic jam session on my front porch. I pulled up Autumn Leaves on my iPod… Watched the video, listened to the most gorgeous song bird I’ve ever heard singing… and tears welled in my eyes. I can’t get enough of her voice, her soul, and her phrasing… I want to share her voice with the world! Thank you, Barbara and Hugh, for allowing her music to be sold on places like iTunes. I’ll treasure her music as much as you treasure her memory…

– – – – –

Date: July 15, 2010, 2:40 AM, EST
Host: pool-141-157-99-34.balt.east.verizon.net
Name: Gorobei
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: I have just learned of Eva — thank God for YouTube, Google and all the rest that such a rare and beautiful talent can be captured for those of us who never knew her when she was alive.

– – – – –

Date: July 15, 2010, 12:07 AM, EST
Host: 99-40-7-121.lightspeed.sntcca.sbcglobal.net
Name: Robin Steckhahn
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: Eva’s music is my medicine. Favorite CDs — Songbird & Live at Blues Alley.
I also lost my brother to Melanoma in 2004.

Eva, you live on in your music.


– – – – –

Date: July 13, 2010, 11:46 AM, EST
Host: 60.87-176-91.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be
Name: Jen
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: Everytime I listen to any of her songs, I love it like the first time I heard it! Such a beautiful and pure voice! Thanks Eva for your music!

– – – – –

Date: July 12, 2010, 11:19 PM, EST
Host: pool-173-67-215-18.sttlwa.dsl-w.verizon.net
Name: Belynda B
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: I didn’t stumble upon Eva until right before she left us. I was around the same age & the emotion I hear and feel in every song, touches me deeply. How sad she didn’t get the recognition she deserved while she was still alive. Her songs are so beautifully expressed , that her spirit will live on.

– – – – –

Date: July 12, 2010, 2:13 PM, EST
Host: 66-245.187-72.tampabay.res.rr.com
Name: Dennis Smith
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: I just came across Eva’s music today by accident. What a find!! Diana Krall now has real compitition for “Best Female Singer”. While the world lost a great talent early in her career, it was left with an treasure for all of time. Thank you Eve for your gift.

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Date: July 12, 2010, 2:10 AM, EST
Host: 189-9-66-208.lmt.cust.wirelessbeehive.com
Name: Jennie Mallon
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: When I listen to Eva Cassidy’s songs I feel like she is singing live from Heaven. God is right there with her.

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Date: July 11, 2010, 2:57 PM, EST
Host: 75-141-229-48.dhcp.nv.charter.com
Name: Lillian Renville
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: I’ve enjoyed Eva’s music always..and will remain doing so Thank You for giving a space to say so……………..

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Date: July 9, 2010, 4:30 AM, EST
Host: pc006-120.misc.umds.ac.uk
Name: Tony O'Connell
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: Laura thank you for all your hard work in keeping this site going.It is much appreciated.

– – – – –

Date: July 9, 2010, 4:15 AM, EST
Host: 174-31-3-53.spkn.qwest.net
Name: Steven G. Millen
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: How Can I Keep From Singing? …Eva still brings me to tears, even after being a fan for many years & many listenings. I was a professional singer/guitarist/entertainer myself, and I’ve never heard anyone who could come even close to the depths of feeling and interpretation Eva brought to her songs! She is my all-time favorite singer!

– – – – –

Date: July 8, 2010, 3:43 AM, EST
Host: ip207-143-173-82.adsl2.static.versatel.nl
Name: Jos Meulman
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: silence is enough

– – – – –

Date: July 7, 2010, 2:26 AM, EST
Host: dsl-61-29-54-118.request.com.au
Name: frank and monica turik
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: what a wonderful voice crisp and clean
thank you eva for your music you are missed by a growing legion of fans frank and monica

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Date: July 4, 2010, 3:29 PM, EST
Host: host86-159-150-176.range86-159.btcentralplus.com
Name: janine
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: I listen to eva cassidy every day on you tube love all her songs, amazing voice one of the best. I am getting married next year and will be walking down the aisle to songbird xxx

– – – – –

Date: July 1, 2010, 6:45 PM, EST
Name: Willy Richmond
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: A friend of mine just introduced me to the music of Eva Cassidy last night.

– – – – –

Date: July 1, 2010, 4:51 PM, EST
Host: cpc1-staf1-0-0-cust825.sol2.cable.ntl.com
Name: john
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: Some years ago I was driving to work listening to Terry Wogan when he played Eva singing over the rainbow. I stopped and sat spellbound listening to her, her voice was magic and brought tears to my eyes. Who was this girl with the voice of an angel. Terry went on to talk about her life and the tragedy of what had happened. I was hooked and now have all her CD’s. I cannot listen to People get ready without shedding a tear. God Bless Eva and all her loved ones.

– – – – –

Date: July 1, 2010, 5:29 AM, EST
Host: unknown host
Name: roberto
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: Grande voce peccato per la prematura scomparsa.
mi sono capitati tra le mani dei suoi pezzi, sono rimasto subito colpito

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Date: June 28, 2010, 7:30 PM, EST
Host: host86-147-37-90.range86-147.btcentralplus.com
Name: Callum Robert
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: I wish to thank Eva Cassidy and those who helped inspire her to create such beautiful music. My mother died of Cancer in 1998, she was also just 33 years old, I was only a young boy age 6 and didn’t know her enough to remember much. Through Eva’s voice I feel closer to my mum, it’s like a bridge accross the gaps in my memory, so thank you Eva, your grace, talent and above all your soul have helped me find some closure.

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Date: June 28, 2010, 1:43 PM, EST
Host: pool-70-105-231-230.port.east.myfairpoint.net
Name: Kelly LeBlanc
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: Extraordinary!

– – – – –

Date: June 27, 2010, 12:18 PM, EST
Host: c-76-18-202-231.hsd1.fl.comcast.net
Name: Lisa M. Smith
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: I totally agree with Don from Lincoln, that Crystal Bowersox would be the best choice to play Eva when a movie is made. When watching Crystal perform, I have noticed (and others have too) that there is something very Eva-like in her stage presence and performing style. Ms. Bowersox is a wonderful singer, but I believe that Eva’s voice should be dubbed in. Hopefully she will not be overlooked when it is time to cast this film.

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Date: June 26, 2010, 10:16 PM, EST
Host: c-76-114-155-162.hsd1.md.comcast.net
Name: Jim Pratt
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: One of the purest voices I have heard. So sad, that this wonderfully gifted young woman was taken from us so early. The songbird CD is awesome!! God Bless Eva!

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Date: June 26, 2010, 6:23 PM, EST
Host: c-76-31-230-106.hsd1.tx.comcast.net
Name: Melanie
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: To Andreas, I could not agree with your posting more. I’ll do the same things not necessarily that I don’t care for the song but will just bypass anyway. Then listening again brings a whole new perspective. Love it all!!!
To Lori, (from Canada), There is not a stinker in the bunch feel comfortable buying any one of her CD’s because one is just as magnificent as the next. You will not be sorry in collecting all her CD’s!!!! Have fun, Melanie.

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Date: June 25, 2010, 10:05 PM, EST
Host: adsl-072-148-085-111.sip.jax.bellsouth.net
Name: Jennifer Boyer
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: She is Amazing. Her voice touches me so deeply, God Bless her –

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Date: June 24, 2010, 10:15 PM, EST
Host: ip70-181-44-152.ri.ri.cox.net
Name: JC Martin
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: I had been listening to over the rainbow on Rhapsody so i figured i would youtube the video of it, then googled her name and found out this beautiful atrist of such great talent had past away in 1996 . As a singer it is rare to find some one who is unique and has a quality of a diverse individual and honostly i almost felt like i was cheated because i have never heard of Eva ,until over the rainbow i was actually shocked when i found the info but on the brighter side I am positive she is singing over the rainbow and beyond the stars. God bless eva cassidy i wish i had the pleasure to meet in this life ;>) JC Martin

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Date: June 24, 2010, 8:56 PM, EST
Host: adsl-76-208-170-114.dsl.lsan03.sbcglobal.net
Name: Vicky Claussen
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: Soulful, tender, inspiring and unforgettable. Someone sent me an email with beautiful photographs of animals, birds, etc., but lovely as those were, they were not what I most remembered … it was the background music of Eva singing her incredible version of ‘rainbow’…like nothing I had or ever heard before. May she continue to inspire us all from heaven.

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Date: June 24, 2010, 4:13 PM, EST
Host: unknown host
Name: Morris Starkey
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: I heard this song a long time ago on “A prairie Home Companion” and found it on YouTube sung by various artists…but none that blew me away like Eva Cassidy’s version. I never was aware of such a beautiful talent lived and died before I even knew she existed. I am glad we have her music to ease our disappointments and warm our lonely nights.

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Date: June 24, 2010, 2:53 PM, EST
Host: ip72-218-10-145.hr.hr.cox.net
Name: John Morris
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: I hate to say that I just discovered her music here this afternoon. What a beautiful voice!
The world is a sadder place without her.

– – – – –

Date: June 24, 2010, 4:11 AM, EST
Host: pool-72-72-56-172.bstnma.east.verizon.net
Name: Ammie Mce
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: Wednesday was the first anniversary (in terms of the last Wednesday of June) of my sister’s death from melanoma, a hell of an evil disease. I was dreading June 30 (the last Wednesday of June 2009). I spent the day listening to Fields of Gold which is hauntingly beautiful. So beautiful. I love her music and thank God that Michelle Kwan skated to it or I would never have found out. It is not healthy, most likely, but listening to Fields of Gold gives me such a sense of peace. God bless Eva and her wonderful talents. She should become as famous as others, but I get the sense that she sang from a love of her heart and talent, rather than wanting to hit the top 40. I truly hope her family and loved ones find peace.

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Date: June 20, 2010, 12:02 AM, EST
Host: 174-26-78-3.phnx.qwest.net
Name: Judy
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: God’s gift to music….Eva.

– – – – –

Date: June 19, 2010, 4:09 PM, EST
Host: pool-72-73-44-254.clppva.east.verizon.net
Name: Ellen
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: Laura,
Once again, David Archuleta is praising Eva. His book, “Chords of Strength” just came out June 1 and it is already #15 on the NY Times bestseller list! David says on pg.196: “I realized she was someone special and that I wanted to learn to sing like she did. I wanted to be able to feel the range of emotion she demonstrated in each song she sang”. On pg. 197 “Of all the performers I have listened to, Eva Cassidy best represented the style and level of artistry that I would most aspire to. She had the whole package: She had tone, pitch, range, dynamics, and control, and she could sing any type of style from blues to folk to pop. You could totally feel her spirit when she sang and I hope someday to learn how to sing with as much expression and mastery as she did.”
When David first sang “Imagine” on AI I immediately thought of Eva and was amazed at this young man who reminded me so much of her.

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Date: June 19, 2010, 12:00 AM, EST
Host: 206-163-246-191.sktn.hsdb.sasknet.sk.ca
Name: David Roy Holmes
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: Actually I love all her songs. What a unique and beautifull voice. I can only imagine what a contribution she would have made to the arts, if she had only lived longer. How could anyone not love her. God bless you eva.

– – – – –

Date: June 18, 2010, 5:47 PM, EST
Host: p4FD47293.dip.t-dialin.net
Name: Andreas
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: @Melanie
Thanks for the hint. I found my old guestbook entry again. I wrote it 5 years ago, and I still love Eva’s music just as much. I guess that will never change.

It amazes me that I still find new Eva gems on her CDs all the time. I always listen to my favourite songs for a while and skip the others which I don’t like that much. Then, at some point, I suddenly feel how great the songs are that I’ve skipped in the past. Then I can’t believe that I didn’t like them from the start and they become my new favourite songs 🙂

Maybe some songs need a while to unfold completely, or they just sit there, inconspicuous, waiting for the right moment to blow someone away.

Perhaps there are still some gems hidden somewhere in the vaults of Blix Street Records, and we’ll get a new CD some time. That would be marvellous 😀

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Date: June 16, 2010, 9:49 PM, EST
Host: 173-85-68-239.dr03.crvl.il.frontiernet.net
Name: J. Howard
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: I first heard Eva today on Pandora Radio – “Danny Boy”. I was stunned and touched. Googling her brought the news of her untimely death. Thankfully, Pandora opted to queue one of her songs. Found that iTunes has 9 CDs and 108 individual songs to download. I’ll be exploring more from this amazing talent.

– – – – –

Date: June 16, 2010, 3:47 PM, EST
Host: unknown host
Name: Don
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: Crystal Bowersocks should play eva if a movie is being made. She sings, she plays, she could be made to look like Eva. She would be shoe in.

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Date: June 16, 2010, 1:55 PM, EST
Host: 97-120-126-127.ptld.qwest.net
Name: Manny Gutierrez Sr
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: Every time I see a Rainbow ,It reminds me of Eva’s Voice echoing through The Heavens and above the vast sea of clouds ,a voice of an Angel.Manny Baker City Or

– – – – –

Date: June 16, 2010, 12:31 AM, EST
Host: 86.108.x.81.go.com.jo
Name: Mohamad Imam
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: The voice of angel.. reflecting the soul of a pure, loving woman. RIP Eva.

– – – – –

Date: June 14, 2010, 11:44 PM, EST
Host: 207-255-230-170-dhcp.jst.pa.atlanticbb.net
Name: Walt Werzyn
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: Never was and never will be a more beautiful rendition of Over The Rainbow as the one done by Eva.

– – – – –

Date: June 14, 2010, 5:09 PM, EST
Host: host163.advance.com.ar
Name: Jose
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: A few years ago, casually em, I found a song sung by Eva “Over the Rainbow” her voice penetrated deep into my soul and filled me with sweetness.
Unfortunately it is difficult to find his work in Argentina

– – – – –

Date: June 14, 2010, 7:24 AM, EST
Host: 154.Red-83-37-62.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net
Name: Arjun Sen
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: This is the only song I have heard so far. I saw it on You Tube. Her voice broke my heart.

– – – – –

Date: June 12, 2010, 9:35 PM, EST
Name: karen
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: I love this lady, she is definately my favorite, what a shame she is gone. RIP lovely lady you left so much for us, thank you.

– – – – –

Date: June 12, 2010, 5:35 PM, EST
Host: adsl-216-94-27-69.kwic.com
Name: Lori Broadhead
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: Hello,
I’m a newbie when it comes to Eva Cassidy.
I only became aware of her a couple of months ago.
Unlike many of your guests, I have not acquired all of her CD’s, only “Live At Blues Alley”(I intend to add to my library,ASAP!).
I love music recorded live… live in the moment……at this moment, “Autumn Leaves” is my favourite.(Even though it isn’t mid-June yet!)I love green, but red, yellow,green and gold….sweet!
I can’t express the impact Eva’s voice and art and force has had on me, but I intend to explore.
Lori Broadhead

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Date: June 11, 2010, 9:50 PM, EST
Host: c-76-31-230-106.hsd1.tx.comcast.net
Name: Melanie
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: To Andreas from Germany, you can find your old guestbook post, on the guestbook archives at the bottom of the web address on the whats new page. Still listening to Eva everyday, blissfull!!!!

– – – – –

Date: June 10, 2010, 6:54 PM, EST
Host: unknown host
Name: terence m
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: mabye somone can help me. i love eva singing as we all do. but does anbody know if she ever recorded “empty chairs” the don mclean song?i would give the world to hear
her version.

– – – – –

Date: June 10, 2010, 2:32 PM, EST
Host: 5ac580de.bb.sky.com
Name: Chris Jones
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: Years ago I was working on a roof and Fever came on the radio,it was a lovely view and being a Peggy Lee fan I stood up to listen to another attempt on her classic yet within seconds I had goose bumps and when she hit the top notes I was very nearly blown away.I didn’t hear who it was after and for years looked out for it.
Years later I was listening to Terry Wogan and his colleague told this story about this beautiful song and singer and they played it , of course it was “Somewhere over the rainbow” and at last I had a name for that beautiful voice.

I’m not religious but one thing I’m certain of , there is a beautiful place because that’s where that voice came from.

Lovely tribute to Eva, Thank You.

– – – – –

Date: June 10, 2010, 2:13 PM, EST
Host: 97-120-126-127.ptld.qwest.net
Name: Manny Gutierrez Sr.
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: Eva ,It’s so hard to believe you are really gone… somewhere over the rainbow.Your music will always be loved and appreciated by a world full of fans you left behind.And To your parents whom I’ll always appreciate my poster you sent me of her wonderful art work ,Thank you so much ,your kindness will always be treasured in my heart.Manny Baker City Or.

– – – – –

Date: June 10, 2010, 12:00 PM, EST
Host: 75-20-153-22.lightspeed.stlsmo.sbcglobal.net
Name: Scott Sheperd
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: I have been a fan of Eva for a long time but just recently I have been needing more and more of an Eva “fix.” I find myself drifting to you tube and listening to her. I exercise more to her music than usual. I find my eyes filling up more just listening to her. My soul needed a massage and thank God Eva was there.

– – – – –

Date: June 9, 2010, 8:51 AM, EST
Host: p4FD45429.dip.t-dialin.net
Name: Andreas
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: Hi to Eva’s family and all her friends 🙂
I already wrote into the guestbook some years ago, but the old posts seem to have vanished.

Some years ago I randomly stumbled upon a private webpage which used “Fields of Gold” as background music. I remember the page itself was already somehow sad, but the song was what really moved me. I had never heard it before. I only knew Sting’s version. I instantly fell into love with her voice.

So that got me googling and googling for hours. After that I had ordered all her CDs and felt as if I had known her personally. It was so sad to have found out about her only after she had passed away.

Since then I’m one of her greatest fans and collected nearly every release there is, including promotional CDs, radio programmes and the original Method Actor LP.

There’s no other artist who made me crazy like that 😉

Whenever I want to give something special to a person I like, I give them a Songbird CD as a gift. And it’s always the same. After the mandatory “Who’s that ?” they’ll call me two days later just to tell me how amazed they are and that they ordered the other CDs, too 🙂

Most artists I know are either great musicians or great painters. Eva was equally gifted in both domains.

I’m really sad I never got to meet and hear her in person.

She’s got many fans here, and I’m constantly creating new ones 🙂

Much love from Germany to Eva’s family…

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Date: June 8, 2010, 11:12 PM, EST
Host: d75-159-230-37.abhsia.telus.net
Name: Dan C.
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: Yeah, Autumn Leaves, but everything I listen to completely blows me away. What a great singer and musician! Very sad for the world to have lost this wonderful, personally touching talent..

– – – – –

Date: June 7, 2010, 7:19 PM, EST
Host: ip72-207-42-210.sd.sd.cox.net
Name: Annie Tano
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: Eva still ROCKS!! Her version of Over The Rainbow should send a chill down the spine of everyone who has even the slightest clue as to what good music is. My next favorite is Autumn Leaves. The words, the vocals are totally awesome, and I can FEEL the emotion in her voice. What a shame that the world had to lose such a great talent at such a young age. Her music will live on, however, and we are all better off for it.

– – – – –

Date: June 7, 2010, 3:01 PM, EST
Host: 173-81-213-179-buck.atw.dyn.suddenlink.net
Name: Mike Higham
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: I agree with Tom from Cleveland. Crystal Bowersox has a lot of the same qualities that have made me a long-time fan of Eva’s. She has a great voice and like Eva she knows who she is musically. I liked it that she very capably stood her ground when defending her song choices to the judges. I only hope that those who produce her cd (who more often than not, impose their will on Idol finalists to record the type of “commercial crap” that Eva so loathed) just let her do her thing.

– – – – –

Date: June 7, 2010, 12:46 PM, EST
Host: unknown host
Name: Tom Oleksiak
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: Haven’t been on the site for awhile but I have to say that Crystal from American Idol has some Eva-like qualities as Laura mentioned. She sings from the depths of heart and soul like Eva and has a purity in her voice like Eva that few have. Eva will always be my favorite but if you like Eva I think you might want to give Crystal Bowersox a listen.

– – – – –

Date: June 5, 2010, 10:27 PM, EST
Host: 173-80-44-221-bkly.atw.dyn.suddenlink.net
Name: Kayla Massie
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: The way this women used dynamics was remarkable! I never got the chance to see her in concert, but I knew she had a huge desire and love for music by the way she spoke her words! She used her lyrics to tell a story in every single song with the melody as her accompaniment.
She was extremely familar and comfortable with her range, and vocal quality/tone. The way she used syncopation and repitition of words was just phenominal.

Eva had such an amazing talent with covering songs such as Wayfaring Stranger and Fields of Gold! Simply amazing and breath taking.

Her use of dynamics “made” all of her songs let alone her beautiful voice!
This woman has inspired me musically beyond all compare! I sang her version of “Autumn Leaves” for my college audition.

Like many other fans, I had no clue of her existence until after she had passed away. the first song I heard her do was “Fields of Gold”. As I wiped the tears from my face and paused the computer after the song, I had a dying urge to see her live. Later that week, I was told of her tragedy and how she fought hard against breast cancer. She is an inspiration!

Not only is she an amazing vocalist, but an amazing piano player!!!!!! Wow!!!! 🙂

Thank you Eva Cassidy for inspiring many people, including one of your biggest fans, me!

– – – – –

Date: June 3, 2010, 5:51 AM, EST
Host: dyn010975-twr1-student.cpmc.columbia.edu
Name: Victor Asher
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: This has been a revelation! One of my favorite songs is “Autumn Leaves” and by chance I found a few days ago Eva Cassidy’s version on YouTube, as I was searching for Yves Montand’s.
Then I listened to all other Eva Cassidy songs – many times. The purity of the voice, the intensity and the raw emotion were overwhelming. My favorites now are “Over the Rainbow” and “Fields of Gold”. They are unmatched.

From what I read she was a good person and a fiercely uncompromising artist. Yes this is not at all what produces that mesmerizing and arresting sensation when listening to her songs (each note matters and I catch myself holding my breath for fear of losing a note). Rather, it is her music alone. Though I listen music very much, I am a scientist, not an artist – yet listening to her takes the dross away from my mind and brings memories that I had long forgotten.

Clearly, she was a musician of the highest caliber. It is a great privilege and chance to be able to hear her music.

– – – – –

Date: June 1, 2010, 9:17 AM, EST
Host: host86-179-63-113.range86-179.btcentralplus.com
Name: Robert Burton
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: After hearing Eva for the first time, You think the most beautiful voice God created in heaven sings on earth. then you find out God’s taken that beauty back way before time. If I could have one wish from God is that I would be able to listen to Eva sing and play in eternity forever one day. To Eva’s parents thoughts and prayers go out to you, cannot imagine how you cope with your loss. May god bless you

– – – – –

Date: May 31, 2010, 5:36 PM, EST
Host: c-98-203-87-38.hsd1.fl.comcast.net
Name: Fidel
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: Your version of Autumn Leaves almost stop my heart ,i’m glad mine working just perfect ,Thanks for share your talent with us …

– – – – –

Date: May 30, 2010, 12:17 PM, EST
Host: ip70-188-22-253.rn.hr.cox.net
Name: CB
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: Just discovered Eva through a friend. I am a great friend of voice and passion. She had both! I recently lost my brother to the same cancers and I feel her parents heartbreak. It is an ugly disease that holds no prisoners. Melonoma will have it’s way. Thank goodness she left these treasures of song. I listen to her and think of my brother and she brings me joy. I think this is what she would have wanted.
To the parents, I know the pain never goes away. But remember what a gift you had in you daughter.

Thanks for Eva and her ability to move people.



– – – – –

Date: May 29, 2010, 10:32 PM, EST
Host: cache-dtc-ab14.proxy.aol.com
Name: Joanne Myers
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: My husband and I were watching “Nightline” a few yrs ago and Ted Koppell was saying the show was reprised due to so many requests. The show was about Eva and her life; that was the first time we heard her sing “Over the rainbow” and we were hooked. I can’t do anything but sit and drink in the pure beauty of that song when she sings it. It always brings me to tears. I recently brought it to work and played it for one of my patients and we sat and cried together. What a beautiful voice, what a beautiful heart. She has to be singing with the angels. God wouldn’t want it any other way.

– – – – –

Date: May 29, 2010, 5:29 PM, EST
Host: unknown host
Name: Allan Pryce
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: We are most fortunate in reward to have shared in the briefest and most precious example of musical talent and courage that will ever endure in the hearts of those whose lives are enrichened beyond compare.
Perhaps our tears are the prisms that we need to find the ‘Rainbow’ that is you, Eva.

We owe Eva’s endeavour and sweet memory with a gratitude beyond repletion. Eva, from and in heaven, an Angel at rest, in the arms of the Almighty.

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Date: May 28, 2010, 7:32 PM, EST
Name: Princeton Stephenson
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: Very rare indeed that a voice can stop you in your tracks and compel you to search its origin. Such was the case for me in 1997 during a trip to Cape Cod and an early morning coffee stop in one of its northern town cafes . Was the only customer inside at the time and the store clerk was playing her music on their system. I honestly don’t recall the actual song that was playing at the time but remember very vividly how I literally stop pouring the coffee, set my cup down, turned to the clerk and said “WHO IS THAT” when I heard her voice. Had previously considered myself in sync with a wide array of music and one of my favorite female vocalist until that day was Patti Labelle. Favorite musicians have been Pieces of a dream since the early 80’s. I had never before heard or encountered an artist who stopped me in my tracks. Left the coffee shop and walked up the street to a music store that was still closed. Waited at their front door until they opened and purchased my first Eva tape.Come to find out….she sang on my favorite groups album years back…(Good bye Manhattan-Pieces of a dream) I am only a huge Eva fan and share her music and story with others I come across who express a true interest in music and musicians, but through her voice, most immediately and surely I have always known her soul. Happy to see so many others have come to know and love her voice and arrangements.

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Date: May 28, 2010, 4:15 PM, EST
Host: ip70-190-183-121.ph.ph.cox.net
Name: Stefanie
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: Eva Lives on for me in her music. Recently my 22 year old Daughter Bridget passed away (April 12). I started listening to The Songbird CD and it touches my heart in a very special place. I know
Eva’s soul is with my daughter’s soul and her music is a great comfort to me.

– – – – –

Date: May 28, 2010, 12:01 AM, EST
Host: h-68-166-244-28.dnvtco56.dynamic.covad.net
Name: Jon Olson
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: In “The Eva Cassidy Story-by Trevor McDonald” on YouTube, Ruth Murphy gives one of the loveliest tributes one friend could give to another.

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Date: May 26, 2010, 2:17 PM, EST
Host: rrcs-98-101-33-222.midsouth.biz.rr.com
Name: Sonya Jefferson
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: I heard her music when they did the special on CBS and i had to find the album songbird. I have had it for five years now and it never gets old and it is a shame that she left us at such a young age and was not able to reach her full potential. God Bless and I am thankful her music is in my life. It has helped me through a lot of tough moments when i felt like giving up.

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Date: May 26, 2010, 3:59 AM, EST
Host: 76-200-233-208.lightspeed.wlfrct.sbcglobal.net
Name: Jerry
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: Her’s are footprints in the dew of a summer’s morn….. softly, to where few have ever been. Sweet, talented, missed …..

– – – – –

Date: May 23, 2010, 9:22 PM, EST
Host: 174-30-235-76.mpls.qwest.net
Name: Kathy
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: Forgot about this website until I came across a CD of Eva’s I have had for a few years and began playing it again. So beautiful in song and in life, it makes me so sad all over again.

– – – – –

Date: May 23, 2010, 12:49 AM, EST
Host: host-216-57-65-36.cal.net
Name: Dan
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: Can we all give a little prayer to a 7 year old little girl who’s mother died of cancer, here she is singing, I hope she keeps up with her singing as she blossoms.

– – – – –

Date: May 22, 2010, 10:06 PM, EST
Host: pool-71-254-142-17.lsanca.fios.verizon.net
Name: Rise" Kwake
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: I am one of those folks who had not heard of Eva or her music until yesterday. Heard this song on WGBH Celtic Sojourn and I was stunned and intensely moved and had to listen again and again. Then came the internet searches and YouTube. I listened to every Eva recording I could and read many of the articles about her and was so amazed to find others who felt quite the same upon hearing her sing. Her phrasing and vocal quality and range are incredible but what touches your heart is the emotional power of the melody and words that she channels and completely makes her own. I am so grateful that her music is out there to be appreciated and experienced and that it did not stop with her passing. Bless her family and her friends for sharing her special gifts with the world.

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Date: May 21, 2010, 5:10 PM, EST
Name: Conny Riebli
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: I’m a big admirer of the voice and the way that Eva Cassidy did her music. If I’m hearing her voice my feeling is good and she give’s me wonderful moments any times.

– – – – –

Date: May 21, 2010, 9:28 AM, EST
Host: 6-219-104-86-cable.canals.ro
Name: Tudor
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: I have watched this videoclip on VH1, liked the song and thought to write some of the lyrics here as they resonate in me like a lovely homage to Eva and the impact she can have on a heart:
“…you came my way
And a feeling of unkown shook my heart,
Made me want you to stay
All of my nights, and all of my days.

Something gotten hold of my hand
Dragging my soul to a beautiful land,
Something has invaded my night
Painting my sleep with a colour so bright
Changing the grey,and changing the blue
I got to know if this is the real thing
I got to know it’s making my heart sing,
You smile and I am lost for a a lifetime
Each minute spent with you is the right time…..

(Gene Pitney & Marc Almond -” Something’s
Gotten Hold Of My Heart”)

And a completion: Eva IS the real thing.I echo Ed’s message :what have I done to deserve such beauty ?

– – – – –

Date: May 20, 2010, 2:10 PM, EST
Host: 93-157-235-24.static.ip-home.net
Name: Alex
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: Thank you Eva very much for your songs.
From Russia with love to you.

– – – – –

Date: May 20, 2010, 4:41 AM, EST
Host: 61-205-14-67.eonet.ne.jp
Name: Tatsuya
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: I love Eva’s voice.
It is my life for me.
Thank you, Eva.

– – – – –

Date: May 18, 2010, 11:32 PM, EST
Host: CPE-124-190-117-193.nxwn1.lon.bigpond.net.au
Name: Gordon Bremner
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: One of the best voices I have ever had the pleasure of listening to.I listen every day to her singing.What a tragedy her passing was.

– – – – –

Date: May 18, 2010, 2:59 PM, EST
Host: c-24-118-134-208.hsd1.mn.comcast.net
Name: Ed
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: There are only two voices (IMO) on this planet above reproach: those of Eva Cassidy and Ella Fitzgerald. I will disregard with contempt anyone’s attempt to say otherwise. 🙂 Eva has a voice that makes you feel guilty – Do I deserve to listen? What have I done to deserve such beauty, and at such a pittance?
Even though I doubt Eva was as shy and sweet as some would like us to think, I don’t think she had any idea the true level of her talent, making her even that much more special to me.

RIP my love.

– – – – –

Date: May 18, 2010, 9:33 AM, EST
Host: unknown host
Name: Janice Sullivan
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: not a day that I don’t listen to Eva, even at work as much as I can I don’t ever get tried of her music, her music feels my heart.

– – – – –

Date: May 18, 2010, 4:52 AM, EST
Host: cpe-72-129-229-251.kc.res.rr.com
Name: Kathryn
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: I first heard Eva’s recording a couple of years ago, and found this website tonight. There are many talented people in this world, many great singers, but this one stands way out of the crowd.
The voice is fabulous, but I believe there’s more to a great singer than a fantastic voice; there are a lot of fantastic voices. It’s the depth of the soul and spirit. This shines through Eva’s voice. I can tell, just by listening to her recordings, that she had a depth of understanding and a spirituality far beyond her years.

I sincerely hope that her family has great joy and comfort when they listen to her songs. You truly had a gem among you.

– – – – –

Date: May 18, 2010, 12:46 AM, EST
Host: 66-188-128-40.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com
Name: Anne
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: Dear Sharon Rose: Like most Eva fans, my heart and best wishes are with you during this most difficult time. You have friends here.

– – – – –

Date: May 16, 2010, 11:06 PM, EST
Host: ip-
Name: sharon rose
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: ijust divinely stumbled upon evas music yesterday and i was moved to such a great depth of awe and sadness…i must have her music….i am fighting for my life and was sent home after i was told i was incurable and told there was no hope for me…..my husband also left me for another women…so devastated and heart broken…i believe that the great spirit led me to her beautiful and most healing music…god bless her and her loved ones always and forever

– – – – –

Date: May 16, 2010, 8:32 AM, EST
Host: c83-254-98-17.bredband.comhem.se
Name: Lilian Borgving
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: hade ej hört talas om Eva, förrän en dag jag
hörde en underbar röst i radion, ville veta mer om denna Eva, fick reda på att hon inte
länge fanns i livet, så tragiskt, så ung!
Tack för att du funnits. Nu ska jag köpa CD.

– – – – –

Date: May 16, 2010, 1:29 AM, EST
Host: cpe-069-134-037-204.nc.res.rr.com
Name: Susan R.
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: I had never heard of Eva until hearing one of her albums while visiting my sister-in-law in Seattle a couple of years ago. I was mesmerized! Now I probably listen to her more than any other artist. Such a loss at such an early age.

– – – – –

Date: May 15, 2010, 6:34 AM, EST
Host: dsl51B66778.pool.t-online.hu
Name: Eszter Fay
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: I allways said, that everyone, who wants to sing What A Wonderful World, is making a mistake, because noone could sing it like Louis Armstrong. But now I heard Eva singing it (with Katie Melua) and I began to cry, because it was so beautiful! I have never heard such a beautiful, angelic voice before. It’s…Wonderful.

– – – – –

Date: May 14, 2010, 9:49 PM, EST
Host: adsl-152-72-130.asm.bellsouth.net
Name: Mark
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: I never thought anyone had the right to sing “Over the Rainbow” but a young Judy Garland sitting in a black and white Kansas barnyard. When I heard Eva sing this classic song, I had tears in my eyes – and I am not a sappy person. I do believe this song sung by Eva is the most beautiful song I have ever heard in my life.
Thank you Eva, may God grant you peace as you live forever with Him “over the rainbow”.

– – – – –

Date: May 13, 2010, 6:58 PM, EST
Host: 76-215-113-35.lightspeed.stchmo.sbcglobal.net
Name: Dacia Markum
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: Ran across a video by accident. I was moved to tears by the genius of it–what a beautiful voice, an amazing talent. Wish I could have seen her sing live…

– – – – –

Date: May 12, 2010, 5:52 PM, EST
Host: mail.suntide.com
Name: Rachel Rose
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: I was so struck by how beautiful her music is. It’s now the favorite cd of my 4 month old daughter when she needs some help falling asleep or drowning out the noisy, noisy world.
Too bad Miss Cassidy has passed on. I had no idea!

– – – – –

Date: May 11, 2010, 11:25 PM, EST
Host: adsl-8-171-105.mia.bellsouth.net
Name: David Graf
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: I must still be stressed (haven’t gone to bed yet)—-make that “Kathy’s–not “Annie’s Song. I knew that!

– – – – –

Date: May 11, 2010, 11:18 PM, EST
Host: adsl-8-171-105.mia.bellsouth.net
Name: David Graf
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: When one is going through troubled times and stressful days, just stretching out in bed, in the dark….listening to Eva, releases you from tensiion and gives you hope for tomorrow. God has blessed us with Eva’s voice and more importantly, her focus on her family, teaching us to focus on only what is truly important in this world. God bless you, Eva.

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Date: May 11, 2010, 5:59 PM, EST
Host: host215-230-dynamic.0-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it
Name: Marta
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: listening to her version of true colours…like a friend talking to my heart!

– – – – –

Date: May 11, 2010, 4:21 PM, EST
Host: c-98-202-178-250.hsd1.ut.comcast.net
Name: Andrew Pearlman
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: Every time I put on Eva’s music, I’m moved.
What an angel.

– – – – –

Date: May 11, 2010, 10:19 AM, EST
Host: mail.plancom.org
Name: Jamie Robe
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: Hi. First, what a wonderful job you have done to make this site Laura. Very rich in information and very sincere. I nice thing to see today…
I just found Eva by listening to Pandora radio online. I love Al Stewart, and had set up a station to listen to his historical-themed songs. Pandora plays similar music, and I started hearing all these other guys… and one girl’s voice. It was Eva. I kept asking myself everytime one of her songs came along, how did I miss her?

I will add Eva and you and your family to my prayers of thanksgiving. Peace,

– – – – –

Date: May 10, 2010, 10:37 AM, EST
Host: c-68-49-189-164.hsd1.md.comcast.net
Name: Margret Cassidy Robinson
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: I was very saddened this morning to hear about the passing of Miss Lena Horne…..
My deepest sympathies go out to her family members and friends.

The world has lost a true legend…..

– – – – –

Date: May 9, 2010, 1:09 AM, EST
Host: 76-243-45-9.lightspeed.clmboh.sbcglobal.net
Name: Jann
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: Her voice was/is so beautiful! Can’t listen to her version of Over the Rainbow without crying. Amazing talent. Too bad she’s no longer with us!

– – – – –

Date: May 7, 2010, 8:10 AM, EST
Host: 95-90-113-17-dynip.superkabel.de
Name: Armin
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: Thank you very much Eva for your wonderful songs. I listen to your songs very often… God bless you Eva

– – – – –

Date: May 5, 2010, 1:14 PM, EST
Host: ool-18bcdabc.dyn.optonline.net
Name: Biagio
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: In 1996 I heard on the news of Eva Cassidy’s passing, whom i never heard of and they had her music playing in the backround and then I went out and bought her CD and after that I believe and many others believe that this is the greatest voice that there ever was, powerful, from the heart, smooth and soulful voice. Her passing was a mistake.

– – – – –

Date: May 3, 2010, 3:39 PM, EST
Host: 77-254-168-79.adsl.inetia.pl
Name: Mariusz
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: Fields of Gold are played so often on the radio, I like this song very much
Today I decided to check whose song is it…
Beautiful voice, meaningful lyrics

– – – – –

Date: May 3, 2010, 8:04 AM, EST
Host: unknown host
Name: kelly
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: This song was played at my grandmothers funeral last week, it will always bring a tear to my eye.
Thank you eva for bringing your wonderful voice to the rest of the world.
RIP to eva and mary (my nan) xxx

– – – – –

Date: May 2, 2010, 2:39 AM, EST
Host: 174-26-66-211.phnx.qwest.net
Name: Judy
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: Once you hear Eva sing…you cannot forget. Her voice is beautiful and indelible. I’m a fan forever.

– – – – –

Date: May 1, 2010, 10:35 PM, EST
Host: 67-61-87-249.cpe.cableone.net
Name: Richard
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: Just discovered Eva tonight and have spent the entire evening listening. Amazing talent! “At Last” what a blessing.

– – – – –

Date: May 1, 2010, 7:40 AM, EST
Host: CPE-58-160-123-104.bqeu1.lon.bigpond.net.au
Name: Emma
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: So great to see the growing awareness and apprecitation of Eva’s music:) Loving `Somewhere’, her latest album.

– – – – –

Date: May 1, 2010, 12:01 AM, EST
Host: cblmdm72-241-225-112.buckeyecom.net
Name: ed gonzales
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: A voice that will be rediscoverd by generations .

– – – – –

Date: April 30, 2010, 5:34 AM, EST
Host: pc006-120.misc.umds.ac.uk
Name: Tony O'Connell
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: Happy Birthday Laura hope it was a day that was filled with joy and peace.Thank you again for keeping this site going.It is much appreciated.

– – – – –

Date: April 30, 2010, 3:21 AM, EST
Host: c-76-31-230-106.hsd1.tx.comcast.net
Name: Melanie
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: Happy Happy Birthday Laura, hope your special day was all that you wanted. Wow 50 years young. I also turned 50 just a few days back on the 18th of April, kinda hard to believe but its all good. Love and best wishes, always an Eva fan, Melanie.

– – – – –

Date: April 30, 2010, 2:51 AM, EST
Host: 6-219-104-86-cable.canals.ro
Name: Tudor
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: For someone like me,who came to know Eva’s music and story thanks to internet and this wonderful website, it is hard to imagine that a talent of this scale, the art of such a powerful communicator (as Mr. Keith Grimes has stated) remained hidden from the large public during the life of the artist.Why did it have to be this way?-this question may naturally occur. Personally, I was even more moved when I listened to these lyrics, because I felt like I’m receiving an answer:
“Flowers cannot bloom until it is their season,
As we would not be here unless it was our destiny.”

And with her phrasing, her achingly beautiful voice …it’s magic.

“..you can only be you…i can only be me…”

Thank you for being you, dear Eva.I can only be enriched by the beauty you left on earth.

– – – – –

Date: April 29, 2010, 4:36 PM, EST
Host: 76-216-154-126.lightspeed.irvnca.sbcglobal.net
Name: Bernard Hiller
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: I play her music in my acting classes all over the world. Once they hear it they are never the same.
Thank you for ever.

– – – – –

Date: April 29, 2010, 3:53 PM, EST
Host: ANice-151-1-68-166.w83-205.abo.wanadoo.fr
Name: Patrick
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: It is on this earth and in the world maintaining that its voice will be known and recognized as one of the most beautiful! She makes to present the happiness of the angels and her(its) voice will remain engraved for ever in our heads. Thank you Eva, I hope to find you top to sing with you and listen to you again. Patrick

– – – – –

Date: April 29, 2010, 11:42 AM, EST
Host: unknown host
Name: p d
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: happy birthday to the tirelss webmaster LAURA….your work on the site is so valued by everyone……thank you…from Eva fans everywhere…

– – – – –

Date: April 28, 2010, 7:00 PM, EST
Host: pool-70-20-17-252.bstnma.fios.verizon.net
Name: Bob Robideau
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: I can’t help but comment on listening to Crystal bowersox of american idle and hear the subtle voice that reminds me of Eva, if she ever lets that voice go she could be as good as eva .

– – – – –

Date: April 28, 2010, 5:28 PM, EST
Host: host-64-139-252-171.nctv.com
Name: Gerald Goude
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: I was listening to different renditions of Over the Rainbow, had never heard, I’m embarassed to say, of Eva Cassidy. When I played her song I was moved to tears. I have always felt that the song was really Judy’s all these years, but I was excited and looked up more info only to find that she had already been here and gone. I am stunned, dumbfounded, and angry that I am only now learning of her unique and special gift. I feel like I have a hole in my heart, I am sorry I didn’t get to know you.

– – – – –

Date: April 27, 2010, 11:04 PM, EST
Host: 66-188-128-40.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com
Name: Anne
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: I have been an Eva fan since I first watched the wonderful Nightline show. When I purchased my first CD of Songbird, I cried for months and months every time I listened to it. I was always reduced to tears due to the purity of what I heared
Anyway, this past winter has been a dark time for me. Maybe that is because I live in a cold, sometimes dark climate. I am not sure. But last night, after a hiatus, I played Eva’s music again. As always, I was reduced to tears. At the same time, I cried like a baby and, amazingly, feel so rejunated. Eva is not just genius, she is also great medicine.

– – – – –

Date: April 26, 2010, 10:50 PM, EST
Host: 97-93-90-63.static.rvsd.ca.charter.com
Name: Eth May
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: Oddly, I was searching for a celebrity,singer,etc. that had melanoma. I have melanoma. I was hoping for someone who was still on earth to help those of us who suffer from an incurable, almost unknown cancer, to help get attention…for research…for cure. How sad to find her gone, how glad to hear her voice. Truly pure. Thank you for keeping her voice alive. I will be listening and finding peace.

– – – – –

Date: April 26, 2010, 3:18 PM, EST
Host: c-24-22-215-51.hsd1.wa.comcast.net
Name: Dorothy B
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: Hi Laura! just a note to thank you for putting on the Nightline Eva segment, with the LINK included!!!! That is how i found Eva in 200I-!which changed my my life forever! Now I and my friends can easily send this great piece to to ALL of our friends!!! As Chuck Biondo said “one person at a time”! Now IS the Time!!!
Thanks again, for all you do, Laura!!!!

– – – – –

Date: April 25, 2010, 8:04 PM, EST
Host: 66-191-249-30.dhcp.kgpt.tn.charter.com
Name: Lynn Ellington
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: Once in a great while there comes a voice that seems to have the power to stop the world in it’s tracks. Eva was one of those few voices. I was given a copy of Songbird in the summer of 2001. Her music has been a refuge to me since then.
Eva belongs to a rare group of true artist. Just as she painted wonderful pictures with oil and brush, so did she with lyric and tune. If you are new to hearing her, take the time to search out a video of one of her live performances. What you will experience will change you. Just as she shared her soul in sound, she does so in expression as well. Thank you Eva, for the joy, the peace, and the beautiful pictures you left for us to enjoy.

– – – – –

Date: April 24, 2010, 10:30 PM, EST
Host: c-67-190-236-84.hsd1.fl.comcast.net
Name: Lisa M. Smith
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: I have noticed for some time now watching American idol this year, that Crystal Bowersox has many Eva-like qualities. I’m glad that others have noticed this too!!

– – – – –

Date: April 24, 2010, 12:34 PM, EST
Host: carter.fttp.xmission.com
Name: Dennis
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: Laura thanks for the confirmation!
There’s a movement afoot to influence the AI people to have an Eva Cassidy night. Anyone in favor of the idea may Google American Idol and follow the links to email them.

– – – – –

Date: April 22, 2010, 10:06 AM, EST
Host: c-71-204-36-56.hsd1.ga.comcast.net
Name: becca cooper
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: I just buried my mother on monday and played ” somewhere over the rainbow” at her funeral. Thank you Eva for this beautiful song! It gives me much comfort!!

– – – – –

Date: April 22, 2010, 8:55 AM, EST
Host: pool-96-255-165-96.washdc.fios.verizon.net
Name: Laura
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: Dennis, it WAS Eva herself playing guitar on “Kathy’s Song.” Well spotted!

– – – – –

Date: April 22, 2010, 8:47 AM, EST
Host: bhost-138-64-8-52.atk.com
Name: Dennis
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: OK Laura, I heard Eva’s “Kathy’s Song” instrumental playing softly in the background on AI last night and recognized it immediately. My question for you is: was that her playing or a studio guy covering her arrangement? Thanks for all you do!!!

– – – – –

Date: April 21, 2010, 9:56 PM, EST
Host: c75.152.52-230.clta.globetrotter.net
Name: Roger Lepage
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: No, Eva Cassidy is not dead yet.
A young woman here in my town, Marie Josée Carrier brouth me to discover this wounderful Eva. I thing that she sing as perfectly as she love Eva.
Please go to Google and just write:
Marie Josée Carrier and you will see what I mean…Roger.

– – – – –

Date: April 21, 2010, 4:10 PM, EST
Host: 87-93-94-22.bb.dnainternet.fi
Name: Brunhilda
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: Never heard a song by Eva until the rendition of People get ready by Crystal B. on AM. I had to go check out who Eva Cassidy was. Then i found Over the rainbow, that was awesome and beautiful. Oh my God, i can’t believe she is dead. Her voice got into my soul like an angel. I believe she is singing and playing her guitar among the angels.

– – – – –

Date: April 21, 2010, 12:41 AM, EST
Host: adsl-77-165-97.mia.bellsouth.net
Name: David Graf
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: Sorry to post AGAIN, but on “Idol”, Crystal Bowersox did Eva’s “People Get Ready”; although I prefer Eva’s rendition, Ms B did a great job….she was teary-eyed and sincerely moved at the end of her song….I believe she shares Eva’s love of family. Eva is probably rooting for her to win.

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Date: April 20, 2010, 6:18 PM, EST
Host: adsl-77-165-97.mia.bellsouth.net
Name: David Graf
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: I haven’t been able to write for so long….maybe someone already said this…There will never be another Eva, but when Crystal Bowersox said that she refused to be pigeon-holed into any one genre, she repeated what Eva had said. I think she seems to be a nice girl–and whether she wins or not, I think she’ll go far. God bless you Eva, for being Eva–it is good to be back.

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Date: April 20, 2010, 7:02 AM, EST
Host: mikrus.nat.student.pw.edu.pl
Name: Wojciech Waśko
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: God. There ain’t no better singer, no voice that’d move me more then hers.
Thank you, Eva for whatever you’ve left us with.

I hope you’re up there in heaven, doing your ‘easiest job in the world’. Let God give you peace.

– – – – –

Date: April 18, 2010, 11:23 PM, EST
Host: c-24-91-11-155.hsd1.vt.comcast.net
Name: Don Corbett
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: this lady does not deserve to leave us
i wish i heard her music when she was alive because i would buy every concert ticket of hers

– – – – –

Date: April 18, 2010, 10:38 PM, EST
Host: unknown host
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: IN A WORLD SO CRUEL AND FAST WHERE YOU CAN BUY ALL STILL THERE SOMEONE THAT EMOTION can give a genuine and deep. I am not embarrassed WHILE LISTENING EVA A tear down my face .. It is natural as it was EVA … SORRY FOR MY ENGLISH I’M ITALIAN.

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Date: April 18, 2010, 4:55 PM, EST
Host: 5ad83328.bb.sky.com
Name: alasdair
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: eva had the most beautiful singing voice ever. there will never be another like her.

– – – – –

Date: April 16, 2010, 2:40 PM, EST
Host: 78-3-36-235.adsl.net.t-com.hr
Name: Vanja Pedisić-Švraka
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: She was truly an angel who came from heaven to show us people the true beauty of life .. Unfortunately she came back so early in heaven.. Her music, her voice ..everything is something magical that can not be described by words .. meditation, an unknown dimension .. Thank God for her!

– – – – –

Date: April 14, 2010, 8:20 PM, EST
Host: c-76-121-212-196.hsd1.wa.comcast.net
Name: Fred Doughty
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: I am a musician/writer and Eva’s story and music has deeply and upwardly inspired me. Her story would inspire many if it was made into a movie. I think Eva still has a lot to say and I hope someone will help make this happen.
Her beautiful voice was an instrument of her beautiful spirit.

– – – – –

Date: April 12, 2010, 7:41 PM, EST
Host: pool-72-73-33-135.clppva.fios.verizon.net
Name: Ellen
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: I love that Eva/Mary Ann video! I watch it frequently. Mary Ann is a great singer and puts on a great show. She used to do Bluemont concerts for many years, which is where I first saw her, before I even knew that she was such good friends with Eva. Ever since I found this website I have been going to live music (starting with the Bluemont series). It is amazing what good musicians there are out there. You just have to go find them. As Laura says “There will never be another Eva Cassidy, but there will be someone else”.

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Date: April 12, 2010, 8:10 AM, EST
Host: pool-173-66-11-252.washdc.fios.verizon.net
Name: Rachel
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: I’ve been an Eva Cassidy fan for years – I absolutely love her and was moved to tears the first time (and many times thereafter) that I heard her voice. Last night I went to see Mary Ann Redmond at the Harp and Fiddle in Bethesda Maryland. I’ve been meaning to do that since I first heard Eva and Mary Ann singing Tears in Heaven (see video on you tube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MYzrUpGSR48 it is wonderful). It was so fantastic – Mary Ann is absolutely a fabulous singer and a wonderful person. Very entertaining to watch. I encourage anyone who can take some time to go see her perform to do so – she is really great!
Thought I’d post this to 1) encourage everyone to see local music as Laura always says, and 2) tell people who might not know about that Tears in Heaven duet because it really is wonderful.

Thank you Eva and thank you Mary Ann!

– – – – –

Date: April 8, 2010, 4:09 AM, EST
Host: host-92-11-13-55.as43234.net
Name: pd
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: was getting tense ( ish ) sorting out move into new office premises and switched on a ” Chill ” radio station for comfort !!! was not helping over much…until ” Kathy’s Song ” by Eva came on and everything had a new perspeective…..move went fine , and with a warm, knowing smile…thank you, again Eva..

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Date: April 5, 2010, 9:28 PM, EST
Host: unknown host
Name: jane
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: A truly beautiful singer. My friend introduced me to Eva’s songs almost seven years ago. I’ve smiled and cried as i’ve listened to them, not only for my own memories, but also for the fact that such a talent has been taken away too soon. Eva can soothe your soul with the emotion she puts into her songs. Maybe thats why she was put here in the first place , if only for a little while. She has left a legacy that no-one can surpass……she helps to heal the broken-hearted with a voice that calms and heals the torment in your mind…….she’s done that for me at least…..THANK YOU EVA

– – – – –

Date: April 2, 2010, 11:21 PM, EST
Host: astound-69-42-1-114.ca.astound.net
Name: Vicky Tamondong
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: I just happened to read one comment on the blog about another version of the Somwhere over the Rainbow song and I followed thru by way of You Tube and wah-la—I found Eva Cassidy.. I have been listening to her since, which is about 4 days ago….I loved her voice and melodic interpretations of each song, very angelic and full of emotions..Loved it.

– – – – –

Date: April 2, 2010, 8:06 AM, EST
Host: cache-dtc-ab14.proxy.aol.com
Name: William Wheat
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: Beautiful… Just beautiful…

– – – – –

Date: April 1, 2010, 9:10 PM, EST
Host: 75-106-137-93.cust.wildblue.net
Name: Zak Bornhoft
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: we were watching the show Smallville and heard someone singing Time After Time and it was unbelievable.. so I searched and found out it was Eva Cassidy and to my surprise, she had passed on.. I’ve recently purchased 2 of her CD’s and cannot wait to get them… i cried when I saw her Video for Time after Time.. what an amazing Voice, I’m sure our Father in heaven just couldn’t wait long enough to take her away…

– – – – –

Date: April 1, 2010, 1:14 PM, EST
Host: 99-67-228-252.lightspeed.livnmi.sbcglobal.net
Name: Brian DeFrancesco
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: I chanced upon Eva singing this and was stunned and moved to tears. What a treasure we had for so little time!

– – – – –

Date: March 31, 2010, 11:20 PM, EST
Host: CPE-121-214-15-195.lnse3.win.bigpond.net.au
Name: anna
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: Thanks to Eva’s spirit of love and joy to the world. I love her music so much. I will always love her voice which does so much for my own heart.

– – – – –

Date: March 29, 2010, 4:11 PM, EST
Host: p54907E5F.dip.t-dialin.net
Name: Martina
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: I heared Eva the first time by a good friend of mine.
I was thrilled and then I found out that she was gone.
That made me very sad, but still she is alive in her songs. My Mother is going to die, and Eva helps me with her songs …
Thank you Eva, thank you so much!

– – – – –

Date: March 28, 2010, 4:49 PM, EST
Host: client-80-4-248-16.cht-bng-011.adsl.virginmedia.net
Name: Terry K David
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: I heard this song on Dancing on Ice, then I youtube it, i started to cry when i heard the song. God bless Terry

– – – – –

Date: March 27, 2010, 11:08 PM, EST
Host: host86-185-209-20.range86-185.btcentralplus.com
Name: Miz
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: still love her as much as i loved her 5 years ago
ur at rest now u r a beautiful angel!!!
miz x

– – – – –

Date: March 27, 2010, 7:36 PM, EST
Host: host-92-12-106-233.as43234.net
Name: John Butler
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: Relieved to see this excellent site and tribute to the wonderful Eva is back. I was afraid it had fallen victim to a cybersquatter. Keep up the great work, Laura!
Dave (#3,371) – Many thanks for the ABC link – really enjoyed this mini-portrait of Eva’s career. Good to see Paul ‘Dr Wally’ Walters, too. Paul not only introduced Wogan listeners to a number of relatively obscure though brilliant artists like Eva, but was a gentle, amusing and charming contributor to Terry’s show. He, too, was sadly taken from us by cancer in 2006 at the age of 59.

God rest you both, Eva & Paul

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Date: March 27, 2010, 2:02 PM, EST
Host: unknown host
Name: Massimo Arduino
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: Una grande voce troppo poco conosciuta.

– – – – –

Date: March 27, 2010, 11:03 AM, EST
Name: Anita Mattson
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: I hope that Eva sings for my husband in heaven (over the rainbow). She is the greatest singer of all.

– – – – –

Date: March 26, 2010, 4:00 PM, EST
Host: c-24-22-215-51.hsd1.wa.comcast.net
Name: Dorothy B
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: Many Thanks for the information about the ABC NIGHTLINE Eva story – appearing again! This wonderful Nightline Eva segment was my introduction to Eva,in 2001!! – a life changing experience for me! I still listen to Eva every single day, as she became a huge part of my life! i hope everyone will now go to ABC Nightline, and watch this beautiful piece, even if you end up with tears running down your cheeks,as happened to me!

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Date: March 26, 2010, 1:51 PM, EST
Host: 66-189-15-118.dhcp.oxfr.ma.charter.com
Name: Linton
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: Thanks very much Dave of UK(#3371) for giving us the information on how to see The Eva Cassidy Story on ABC news. This used to be available on youtube but no longer. The video quality is very good-never seen it in such high definition-it is just under 19 min. Now more people over the world will be able to see it-does not cost you anything. Watch it now, you never know how long it will be available!

– – – – –

Date: March 26, 2010, 11:23 AM, EST
Host: host-92-1-144-31.as43234.net
Name: Dave
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: It’s now possible to view ‘Over the Rainbow: The Eva Cassidy story’ on the ABC web site. go to ABC News, click on ‘Nightline’ at the top, then click on ‘Timeline, 30 years of Nightline.’ Next, hit the first little button on the 2000 – 2010 section at the top: a must-view for Eva fans old and new – I’ve watched it twice already!

– – – – –

Date: March 26, 2010, 9:46 AM, EST
Host: lee.deaconess.com
Name: Denise
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: I just discovered Eva a few days ago. I was online looking for artists similar to that of Norah Jones and Eva Cassidy was one of the artists listed. I’m hooked! She has such an amazing voice and I was saddened to learn that she has passed on. No doubt she’s singing with the angels…

– – – – –

Date: March 26, 2010, 9:32 AM, EST
Host: pc006-120.misc.umds.ac.uk
Name: Tony O'Connell
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: Starting this Saturday evening on the BBC in the UK there will be a talent show relating to the song Over The Rainbow.Hopefully more new fans will be introduced to Eva as a result of the show.

– – – – –

Date: March 21, 2010, 12:13 PM, EST
Host: pool-173-79-204-146.washdc.fios.verizon.net
Name: Laura Bligh
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: I am sad to have to tell you of the death of Matt Warne, a long-time Eva fan. He often used the screen name “Devolution.” Matt passed away suddenly in November, 2009, from an aortic aneurysm. He was 29.
Matt was the first to register the domain name “evacassidy.org” and he generously signed it over to my use in 2001, and even paid for the registration and renewals. He was a former music industry executive and cared fiercely about the need for independent music. Matt also founded a spiritual discussion forum called Spiritual Forums.

Since “Over the Rainbow” was his favorite Eva song, if you were his Internet friend, please play that song today and think of him. Here’s a link to a page of his favorite quotations: http://synergyrecords.synuk.com/users/mw/quotes.htm

Last edited by Laura Bligh at March 22, 2010, 4:10 PM, EDT

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Date: March 21, 2010, 11:34 AM, EST
Host: pool-173-79-204-146.washdc.fios.verizon.net
Name: Laura
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: Eva fans, I am having a problem with the domain name for my web site. I am working on resolving this.

– – – – –

Date: March 20, 2010, 2:21 AM, EST
Host: pool-71-170-52-92.dllstx.fios.verizon.net
Name: Dianne
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: I first heard about EVA on the Nightline show. My husband and I just looked at each other – amazed. She truly had the most angelic, effortless voice – and her arrangements were beautiful, inspiring, touching. I cannot for the life of me figure out how any music industry folks who heard her did not get behind her and get her the exposure that would have gotten her talent in front of the world sooner. Thinking of all the “no talents” that were being promoted at the same time. Something is not right! Thank you for this site – and everyone for keeping Eva’s music on the airwaves… and available to us via download or CD… Voice of the ages…

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Date: March 20, 2010, 12:08 AM, EST
Host: adsl-70-132-7-109.dsl.snfc21.sbcglobal.net
Name: sherif kerba
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: I love when I see an artist with such a beautiful voice sing. I am saddend to see anyone die at such a young age. Why do so many good people die young, perhaps one of the biggest questions to answer. I find peace in her voice, beauty in her songs. I just want her to know that I listened and I appreaciated her beautiful voice. What an angel.

– – – – –

Date: March 17, 2010, 12:22 PM, EST
Host: host81-133-176-169.in-addr.btopenworld.com
Name: Nicholas Cottrell
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: If I had a time machine, a quick journey to the US, Maryland, January, 1996 would have to be top of the list. To see this lady perform would be reason enough for a time machine.
I love the fact her performances are just good music and her remarkable voice. Truly powerful stuff yet so simple!

[Comment from the Webmaster: Actually, Nicholas, you’d better set that machine to take you to Washington DC, not Maryland.]

Last edited by Laura Bligh at March 17, 2010, 3:19 PM, EDT

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Date: March 16, 2010, 2:40 PM, EST
Host: p4FE1DA05.dip.t-dialin.net
Name: Maria Riss
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: What a voice! It really moves me and I could cry every time I listen to her songs. So sad to know that she’s gone forever. She will always be remembered.

– – – – –

Date: March 16, 2010, 12:43 PM, EST
Host: unknown host
Name: Beverly
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: I’ve never heard music that moved me as much as Eva’s. Amazing!

– – – – –

Date: March 16, 2010, 12:28 PM, EST
Host: spider-mtc-tb04.proxy.aol.com
Name: joann
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: omg, this lady had talent, so sad she was taken at the peek of her life.

– – – – –

Date: March 15, 2010, 1:50 PM, EST
Host: wisppublib.suffolk.lib.ny.us
Name: Carolann Lorenz
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: Oh my I just heard the most beautiful
rendition of Danny Boy on Saturday March
13, 2010 on the radio. She does have the
voice of an angel. I never heard of her before but I discovered my neighborhood
library had about 4 or 5 of her CD’s. Im in
my glory!!!

– – – – –

Date: March 15, 2010, 11:20 AM, EST
Host: host-92-12-44-56.as43234.net
Name: John Butler
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: I should add that I don’t advocate using You Tube as a principal source of listening/viewing material unless authorised by the artist. Nonethless it does provide valuable ‘samplers’ of work which in my case led to the purchase of ‘Songbird’ and ‘Live at Blues Alley’

– – – – –

Date: March 15, 2010, 10:09 AM, EST
Host: host-92-12-44-56.as43234.net
Name: John Butler
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: A few days ago I happened upon Eva singing ‘Autumn Leaves’ on You Tube. This is unquestionably the most achingly beautiful singing performance I have ever heard, and I’m not ashamed to admit it brought tears to my eyes.
I went on to listen to ‘Danny Boy’ – a sublime and singularly poignant version of my late father’s favourite song.

God Bless your memory and your legacy, Eva. The legions of fans you never knew do indeed bend and say that we love you. Sleep in peace.

– – – – –

Date: March 14, 2010, 5:58 PM, EST
Name: marleen
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: I was listening to Pandora while working. All of a sudden a hauntingly beautiful voice came on and I immediately stopped what I was doing to look up the artist: Eva Cassidy. Her voice and interpretation stood out so much that I had to read more about her. How sad I was to read her story.
She is singing for the ages and the angels.
A new fan forever.

– – – – –

Date: March 13, 2010, 10:15 PM, EST
Host: 63-231-189-241.mpls.qwest.net
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:

– – – – –

Date: March 13, 2010, 11:44 AM, EST
Host: ppp-70-252-53-62.dsl.amrltx.swbell.net
Name: Janna
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: I am a new fan. I ran across Eva’s music accidentally while searching for another song. I Listened to Songbird and Somewhere over the Rainbow and was immediately a huge fan from then on. Her voice is magical. I lost a baby girl 21 years ago and I play these 2 songs for her all the time. I hope that more people will recognize how talented she really was. I can see why she is still popular! Thanks Eva for bringing your music in my life!

– – – – –

Date: March 13, 2010, 1:04 AM, EST
Host: adsl-234-214-107.cha.bellsouth.net
Name: Debbie Havron
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: I am a hospice nurse and first heard Eva at a pediatric pt’s home .. I loved her voice and continue to share with fellow nurses and my patients and their families. The above songs really speak to them as they are preparing to lose a loved one and it gives them comfort. I am so glad that Eva did have recordings and the world can share in her wonderful talent.. even if it was too short for our liking. I bet she is up in heaven singing to all my hospice patients. Maybe they get a live concert daily.

– – – – –

Date: March 12, 2010, 4:47 AM, EST
Host: pc006-120.misc.umds.ac.uk
Name: Tony O'Connell
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: Isn’t it great to hear from Keith Grimes.He had a strong musical affinity with Eva and am sure like the rest of the band misses her deeply.Laura again many thanks for maintaining this website.It is much appreciated.

– – – – –

Date: March 11, 2010, 4:19 AM, EST
Host: ti0088a380-dhcp0282.bb.online.no
Name: Henning O. Ertzeid
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: She interpreted everything and succeed every time.
Her way to please millions of people
is in a class by itself.
She has delighted and touched me 1000vis of times
with its soft and warm voice.

Do her music and memory live forever

– – – – –

Date: March 11, 2010, 4:11 AM, EST
Host: ti0088a380-dhcp0282.bb.online.no
Name: Henning Ertzeid
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: A tribute to Eva of her memory.
She managed to move the world of music lovers.
Her stunning and emotional interpretations are
in a class by itself.
When my lastday comes,
and I will move into eternity,
I will be followed by her magic songs
to the other side.

– – – – –

Date: March 10, 2010, 11:06 PM, EST
Host: c-24-0-138-7.hsd1.nj.comcast.net
Name: Pete Peterson
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: I only learned of Eva last night and downloaded her Live At Blues Alley Album today. I can’t believe the world lost such a wonderful voice at such an early age. She is probably the best female singer I have ever heard.

– – – – –

Date: March 9, 2010, 10:49 PM, EST
Host: unknown host
Name: Niki Lea
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: I have only just discovered Eva’s magical voice…
I am a melanoma survivor, now I have another motivation to never give up the fight!
Truly a beautiful soul xx

– – – – –

Date: March 9, 2010, 10:29 PM, EST
Host: pool-173-74-150-117.dllstx.fios.verizon.net
Name: Lee
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: To Keith Grimes:
It’s great to see you on here. Wonderful job on Stormy Monday, by the way, and the rest of the “Live on Blues Alley” CD. Also, want to mention my step-daughter, who is at a Children’s hospital right now in Dallas. She 10 years old, but only 9 months mentally developed. She’s been through much in her life. She’s tube fed, blind, non-verbal, weighs about 35 pounds and is already past her life expectancy with the issues she has.

She’s now been there for 6 weeks on this visit and is really struggling with things that many people take for granted every day, such as digesting food. To soothe her, I like to play Eva’s music. It has a very calming affect on her and even if she is upset and crying, I will play Eva for her and she quiets down and listens to the beautiful sound of her amazing voice. Eva is one of her favorites and to make this connection with her at the hospital to remind her of home is priceless.

– – – – –

Date: March 9, 2010, 1:35 AM, EST
Host: unknown host
Name: Shaun
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: It is so sad that Eva died at such a young age, but it would have been sadder still if we had never been given the opportunity to hear her voice. What a gift she had, what a legacy she left!

– – – – –

Date: March 8, 2010, 11:16 PM, EST
Host: c-69-140-153-61.hsd1.md.comcast.net
Name: Keith Grimes
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: Hello All,
My name is Keith Grimes. I played electric guitar in the Eva Cassidy Band. Because I only recently became computer literate, I was only dimly aware of the “wonderful world” of this website, and want to express my gratitude to Laura Bligh for establishing and maintaining it. ( I’m sure I have plenty of company there amongst the Eva enthusiasts.) And looking at the guestbook, I am overwhelmed by the generous, open-hearted and perceptive comments that so many of you have expressed. As some of you are aware, when we were out there playing with the band, we didn’t have a large audience, and I used to wonder why it wasn’t obvious to many, instead of just a few, how powerful a communicator Eva was. But, reading the comments of those who treasure this music has really brought home to me, in a way that reports of record sales never quite did,that the message was and is being received. So thanks, to all of you who share your thoughts and feelings in this guestbook. May you continue to do so for many years to come.


– – – – –

Date: March 8, 2010, 12:06 PM, EST
Host: gilacountyaz.co.gila.az.us
Name: Smitty
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: What a blessing it would have been to have Eva forever…..When I listen to her, I feel her in my very soul, and my heart is full of joy. God gave us all the most precious of gifts in her and in her music, and for this I will be grateful until I die, then I hope I see her in heaven. Sweet, sweet angel voice.

– – – – –

Date: March 7, 2010, 2:44 PM, EST
Host: pool-173-79-204-41.washdc.fios.verizon.net
Name: Laura
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: Allan, there is a whole archive of Guestbook entries. Look in the navigation box on the “What’s New” page for the Guestbook Archive. Yours is on page ten.

– – – – –

Date: March 7, 2010, 12:14 PM, EST
Host: adsl-066-156-078-006.sip.asm.bellsouth.net
Name: Randy Smith
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: I was turned on to Eva and her music about 5-6 years ago, and she has become a constant companion for me. Her passing was a great loss for all of us, but she made beautiful music for us to carry in our hearts each day. And I have had the pleasure, like others I’m sure, to pass the knowledge and joy of her music along to others…

– – – – –

Date: March 7, 2010, 12:09 PM, EST
Host: host86-129-181-232.range86-129.btcentralplus.com
Name: Aimee
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: I think Eva Cassidy is just so amazing. She should’ve been noticed right at the start but she wasnt 🙁 im planning on being a poet, so im going to make a poem about ths wounderful woman. Lets face it, Eva Cassidy was is a legand :):)

– – – – –

Date: March 7, 2010, 8:25 AM, EST
Host: unknown host
Name: Allan Woong
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: It’s been years since I last wrote something here… recently I have just been to a theatre and watch a musical play about Eva. I just feel so missing her right now…
buy the way, how can I review the old posts over here, I mean the one I wrote here 6 years ago??? just wish to read again … is that possible?

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Date: March 7, 2010, 2:37 AM, EST
Host: c-24-22-215-51.hsd1.wa.comcast.net
Name: D. brown
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: So good to see you Keith! As a long time addict of Eva and the Eva Cassidy band, I would like to thank you for your special addition to the above song! I always look forward to it! thanks again!!!!db

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Date: March 6, 2010, 11:43 PM, EST
Host: c-69-140-153-61.hsd1.md.comcast.net
Name: Keith Grimes
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: Hi Folks,
I am writing today to express appreciation for Kent Wood, who contributed musically to several of Eva’s records. His keyboard talents were special. He had a knack for creating parts that sparkled,simultaneously enhancing and complementing the arrangements. Eva and Chuck Brown were both happy to have him as an accompanist.
Kent passed over a few years back as a result of an auto accident, and I’ve been meaning to say something about him ever since, but I’ve been hampered by not knowing, until recently, how to use a computer! Anyway, I just wanted to say that everybody in the band liked him and was glad he shared his talents with us.

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Date: March 5, 2010, 12:05 AM, EST
Host: unknown host
Name: Ato
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: im from small part of this world, the hinterland of Sulawesi island. anyway, i can’t explain why for the first time i heard Eva sing “field of gold” i straightly like that song. i agree with what Dona said her tender loving melodies have touched my soul.
best regards,

– – – – –

Date: March 5, 2010, 12:05 AM, EST
Host: unknown host
Name: Lyn D Cole
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: Songbird is my favourite by far but all her songs are sooooo very perfect!
I love Songbird The Album also though…
AND I had playing as my Mum’s casket went from the chapel to the hearse “Over the rainbow”, and I cried. Mum passed away February 2009. My Mum loved rainbows and butterflys that is…
Thanks so much Eva…:-) You are a very special person.
Love, joy and peace…

– – – – –

Date: March 4, 2010, 11:15 PM, EST
Host: pool-108-9-10-18.tampfl.fios.verizon.net
Name: Donna
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: Heard Eva’s rendition of Autumn Leaves on FB a couple of weeks ago and have been totally engulfed in her beautiful angelic voice ever since. Thank you and God Bless you Darling, your tender loving melodies have touched my soul.

– – – – –

Date: March 4, 2010, 1:34 PM, EST
Host: cpe-76-186-172-184.tx.res.rr.com
Name: Eloise Hoffman
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: I have all her CDs. Such an incredible talent. A gift from GOD. Her music will live forever. Surely, her voice must be what heaven is like….Peace to her family and friends.

– – – – –

Date: March 4, 2010, 12:18 PM, EST
Host: 74-140-224-142.dhcp.insightbb.com
Name: I. hunter
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: Wow!, what a voice. I was just listening to music on youtube and as I listened to the different artists singing bridge over troubled water, Eva’s name came up. I played her version and the rest is history. She has that thing that singers have that exalts them into greatness. that ability to summon something from within their soul and give it to the world. Only a few can find it, but you can’t teach it, she had it, she has it. Its like discovering an unknown Monet, what a masterpiece

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Date: March 2, 2010, 9:31 AM, EST
Host: host217-41-36-223.in-addr.btopenworld.com
Name: Dave Parkinson
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: I can’t get enough of the voice of Eva Cassidy. I thought Karen Carpenter had a beautiful voice but Eva is up there with her. All the good die young. I wanted to play Over the Rainbow at my dad’s funeral but was outvoted by my 7 brothers and sister’s. Listening to it always brings a tear to my eye, but Fields of Gold is an absolute classic and the video is stunning. A very sad end to a incomparable talent. RIP Eva Cassidy

– – – – –

Date: March 1, 2010, 9:11 AM, EST
Host: unknown host
Name: Ken Parrott
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: Message to Stan in Chicago: I was introduced to Eva’s music by a former co-worker and have introduced her music to many others since. Her voice has such a sultry blend of clarity, and compassion and tends to haunt the listener forever. I would like to suggest a listen to a Louisville native singer songwriter, like Eva passed long before his time. Tim Krekel, was born here in Louisville but is very well known in the circle of Nashville singer songwriters. He toured with Jimmy Buffett in the 70’s, he’s recorded 9 albums both on his own and with the groups The Sluggers, The group the Groovebilly’s and finally the TKO Band (Tim Krekel Orchestra). I knew him personally, he was a giver, not a taker, he loved his hometown of Louisville, had tremendous following and could express a deep routed fun for life , love and family. I don’t mean to take anything away from Eva, because she can make me cry almost every time I listen to Fields of Gold, Wonderful World, or Over the Rainbow. Someone stated on the website to get out and support your local artists, buy their CD’s and that’s I’m trying to do, you never know where these great artist and songwrites will end up. God Bless!

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Date: February 28, 2010, 5:39 PM, EST
Host: 209.pool80-103-165.dynamic.orange.es
Name: Michael
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: Incredible voice. Sensitivity, tuning, sweetie, what more can I say?
Your voice, your music and your art reach all corners of the world.
You will always be in our hearts and will remain in our memories forever.

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Date: February 28, 2010, 1:19 PM, EST
Host: pool-71-126-58-248.bstnma.east.verizon.net
Name: Susan Ursprung
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: And God Bless you, Eva Cassidy and all who loved you when you were here.

– – – – –

Date: February 28, 2010, 6:21 AM, EST
Host: rrba-ip-pcache-6-vif0.telkom-ipnet.co.za
Name: Andrew
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: Never heard of Eva before listening to Fields of Gold. She had an amazing voice. It seems such a pity, though, that she was never really recognised during her life time.

– – – – –

Date: February 27, 2010, 10:22 PM, EST
Host: unknown host
Name: Nikita
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: I found out my own self listen to Danny Boy over and over…… never fails to make me cry. And feels every note she plays, really touched my heart. She sang so sweetly that I can imagine the story of the song.
She’s amazing, that’s all I can say to her.
Love you and miss you.. always

– – – – –

Date: February 27, 2010, 4:19 PM, EST
Host: cpe-173-093-166-251.sc.res.rr.com
Name: Mitch Laurance
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: Though it’s an impossibility to pick just one….. Songbird is a song that my wife and I both love, a song that reminds us of the joy and the sorrow of life, and one that never fails to bring tears while listening to it. I am one who believes that of all things music has the power to reach beyond the grave in the most touching way possible. To listen to Eva sing is to understand the infinite.

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Date: February 26, 2010, 11:26 PM, EST
Host: ip72-221-117-174.ri.ri.cox.net
Name: Lisa
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: I absolutely love Eva’s voice…what a talented woman she was…isnt it nice for her family friends and fans that she continues to touch people with her special gift of music…I listen to her music on a daily basis…love it!

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Date: February 26, 2010, 9:48 PM, EST
Host: cache-mtc-ab14.proxy.aol.com
Name: Suzy
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: Eva Cassidy! go on and on girl! Her voice is amazing and will go on, promise this 🙂

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Date: February 26, 2010, 1:37 PM, EST
Host: c-76-121-90-40.hsd1.wa.comcast.net
Name: elizabeth keith
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: she was cut off before her time. she is an inspiration for all seasons. thank you for this website

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Date: February 26, 2010, 12:54 AM, EST
Host: c-24-9-21-140.hsd1.co.comcast.net
Name: Mike Miller
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: Thank you for keeping her alive!

– – – – –

Date: February 25, 2010, 4:13 PM, EST
Host: pool-70-20-17-252.bstnma.fios.verizon.net
Name: bob
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: I’m truly dissapointed that thier is no really good talent on american idle i would haved hoped we would see the ‘NEXT eva cassidy but thier can be only one eva maybe next year!!

– – – – –

Date: February 24, 2010, 1:51 AM, EST
Host: CPE-58-167-240-61.lns3.wel.bigpond.net.au
Name: Margaret
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: Played Kathy’s song at my mother’s funeral, I still well up when I hear either of these songs. What an exquisite and unique voice. RIP Eva.

– – – – –

Date: February 23, 2010, 12:30 PM, EST
Host: 217-65.si.cgocable.ca
Name: Andrew Horwood
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: Some people are touched by the Holy Spirit in there days on Earth, God gave her the voice of an angel for us to witness.Iam so glad in having the privilege to listen to an angel sing .. Thank You

– – – – –

Date: February 21, 2010, 6:12 PM, EST
Host: bas8-london14-1279480259.dsl.bell.ca
Name: Michael Hoy
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: A voice like an angel. Sure hope Eva is part of the angelic choir.

– – – – –

Date: February 19, 2010, 11:01 AM, EST
Host: lease-239-32.csueastbay.edu
Name: Rita
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: A very good friend lost her mother to cancer last week. I wanted so much to comfort my friend, despite living thousands of miles from her. I decided to send Eva’s version of “Fields of Gold” – a song I was so moved by when I heard played on a local radio station a few years ago. My friend’s family was also profoundly touched by Eva Cassidy’s voice, so much so they’ve decided to play the song at the end of the memorial service today. Thanks Eva – and thanks to her family and friends for enabling so many people to share in the beauty of her voice.

– – – – –

Date: February 17, 2010, 10:35 PM, EST
Host: c-71-207-188-213.hsd1.al.comcast.net
Name: Drifter
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: Pardon me, I can’t post links. It’s on his message board, at the top, right now, if you’d like to read it.

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Date: February 17, 2010, 10:33 PM, EST
Host: c-71-207-188-213.hsd1.al.comcast.net
Name: Drifter
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: Here’s a link to the message board on Mickey Newbury’s website where Mickey’s family discusses Eva and their love-affair with her music. It’s quite flattering. We love you Eva.

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Date: February 17, 2010, 8:15 AM, EST
Host: d67-193-185-225.home3.cgocable.net
Name: Dave Peterson
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: I have heard the voice of an angel for sure…

– – – – –

Date: February 17, 2010, 1:06 AM, EST
Host: r190-135-133-145.dialup.adsl.anteldata.net.uy
Name: Emmanuel
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: I have the face drenched with tears…Strong emotions come to me since today when I discovered the delightful personality of Eva and first heard her warm and angelic voice. What a gift from God! As soon as I knew of her premature death. reading her biography, I wondered and answered myself about the unfathomable plans of our Heavenly Father. I am convinced that Eva is where she belongs. She belongs to the Kingdom of Heaven. Her brief passing among us, makes us connect with Eternity. May God bless her family, especially her parents.

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Date: February 14, 2010, 8:26 PM, EST
Host: ip98-169-41-52.dc.dc.cox.net
Name: Chris Mitchell
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: I just heard her for the first time today and now I am so sorry I didn’t hear her before

– – – – –

Date: February 14, 2010, 6:47 PM, EST
Host: ia0-211.dsm.sparkplugbb.net
Name: Jim Hogue
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: I have been a fan for well over ten years and yet am amazed to see the number of “NEW” fans Eva gains almost daily. They find a voice they have not heard the likes of before and soon are devastated to find that we shall never see her live. Very few singers could match her vocal range and talent in the many genre’s she sang for us. Eva, we’re really saying “I love you”. You take our breath away.

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Date: February 13, 2010, 3:24 AM, EST
Host: unknown host
Name: Homayoon Vakilmozaffari
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: Dear “EVA”
I’m listening to your beautiful voice every day
I don’t know how can i describe my heart’s feelings
“EVA” you know, it is indescribable feeling,
“EVA” you have a place in my heart and you owned it by your beautiful voice,
It’s true that you passed away but you’ll be ALIVE in my heart FOR EVER,
I miss you most of all and I’ll love you with all bits of my heart FOR EVER
Now, I’m going to call you in my heart by listen to your “Autumn Leaves” song.
God bless you and all of your family

– – – – –

Date: February 12, 2010, 10:47 AM, EST
Host: cache-mtc-ab14.proxy.aol.com
Name: Christopher
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: I wrote the posting just below, but left out one very important fact. The 9th was my birthday, but that was when I first discovered Eva. And what a gift to me! And it turns out she was an Aquarian as well. Got so involved with writing about her I forgot to tie in my birthday with Eva being like a gift from heaven!

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Date: February 12, 2010, 9:14 AM, EST
Host: cache-mtc-ab14.proxy.aol.com
Name: Christopher Dawson
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: Turning 64 on the 9th was just another day for me. That is until a friend emailed me an amazing group of animal pictures with Somewhere over the Rainbow as background music. I did not recognize the singer, but had to know who had outsung all others, so off to Limewire I went. With a tad of detective work I discovered Eva, a songstress I was unfamilar with. And now this morning I find she has left us. I am now on a mission to discover more of her works. Time after time, Fields of Gold, Songbird, each of them and more can actually bring me to tears, tears of joy though. As well as sadness that she is gone. But not totally as her music lives on. I hope no one will be offended by this statement, but Patsy Cline left us at such an early age, and now I am learning and listening to Eva. There are similarities. Amazing voices just for starters. They are doing a duet I suspect up above!!!

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Date: February 10, 2010, 11:28 PM, EST
Host: dsl-189-142-221-83-dyn.prod-infinitum.com.mx
Name: Luis Rangel
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: … And one day God realized He was so generous when He sent His gifted creature to the world and saw that everyone she reached with her voice felt His kind presence, and then decided to bring her back, because there is no reason to expose an angel undercovered…

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Date: February 10, 2010, 7:01 PM, EST
Host: a81-84-44-56.cpe.netcabo.pt
Name: Carlos Cerqueira
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: Excuse me. I don´t speak english.
Eva died at 33 years. Age attributed to Christ when he died.
Curious. Virtually unknown during his life and then … Hmmmm …
Really curious.

– – – – –

Date: February 10, 2010, 3:48 AM, EST
Host: ppp-69-218-25-12.dsl.chcgil.ameritech.net
Name: Stan Schultz
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: A friend posted a video version of “Fields of Gold” on Facebook which knocked me out, the only one I’ve ever heard that stands up to Sting’s.
Things come in threes: I have always loved Steve Goodman; been listening to a lot of Kate Wolf lately, now Eva. What they have in common: gifted musicians all passed from cancer at an early age. At least they all have wonderful recorded legacies.

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Date: February 8, 2010, 12:12 AM, EST
Host: cpe-66-25-12-44.tx.res.rr.com
Name: Roby
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: Hi Nena, Athens message 3,301. I have been listening to Dark Eyed Molly for several days now. I am fascinated by it. Check it out. Please somebody tell me the story behind the song.
Thank you

– – – – –

Date: February 7, 2010, 8:34 PM, EST
Host: pool-96-255-78-67.washdc.fios.verizon.net
Name: Laura
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: Thanks, Kerie, and all of you who enjoyed the screenplay. I am sure the movies your imaginations produced were wonderful! Feel free to contact me if you have more feedback to offer (use the “Contact the Webmaster” link on the web site.

– – – – –

Date: February 7, 2010, 3:15 PM, EST
Host: unknown host
Name: Kerie
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: I just finished reading the screen play you wrote, i had tears in my eyes, i will now listen to all of Eva’s albums with new enthusiasm, having now a little more of a picture about the kind of person Eva might have been, she was an amazing talent, with a beautiful voice, and it seems, an equally beautiful spirit, thank you for bringing more information about her to all us curious fans, and may Eva rest in peace. X

– – – – –

Date: February 6, 2010, 1:07 PM, EST
Host: c-24-22-215-51.hsd1.wa.comcast.net
Name: db
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: to Eric on message 3272 BEAUTIFUL!! Thanks for the words that “read my mind”!!db

– – – – –

Date: February 5, 2010, 11:03 PM, EST
Host: athedsl-4433312.home.otenet.gr
Name: Nena
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: …I spent 6 nights in a dark living room in Edinburgh listening to “Songbird” back to back and crying-while everyone else was sleeping…and I’ll never forget how this song made me feel loved and lucky and strong.
Thanx for all the feelings Eva…=]

– – – – –

Date: February 5, 2010, 5:11 AM, EST
Host: pc006-120.misc.umds.ac.uk
Name: Tony O'Connell
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: Eva a belated Happy Birthday.RIP.

– – – – –

Date: February 4, 2010, 11:58 PM, EST
Host: 76-14-162-180.wsac.wavecable.com
Name: Jeff Keon
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: I am a very novice guitar player…and was inspired to pick the instrument back up and play after listening to Eva’s music. I actually went on google to see if she, by chance, was doing any concerts in my area…not knowing she had passed. I was both heartbroken and awestruck …what a loss, yet what an amazing legacy of beauty she left. Thanks, Eva.

– – – – –

Date: February 4, 2010, 10:27 PM, EST
Host: dsl-173-206-34-72.tor.primus.ca
Name: Gloria Clark
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: Happiest Birthday Wishes Eva! I know that the jammin’ celebration in heaven was wonderful!
Enjoying an evening listening to Songbird and thinking of you. :o)

– – – – –

Date: February 4, 2010, 3:52 PM, EST
Host: 80-41-205-101.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com
Name: d clark
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: thanks for the music

– – – – –

Date: February 3, 2010, 8:52 PM, EST
Host: 93-47-37-2.ip111.fastwebnet.it
Name: Karen Armstrong Quartarone
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: I first heard Eva’s angelic voice about 6 years ago on the “Love Actually” soundtrack with the song “Songbird”. I was so moved by this pure voice that I had never heard before that it brought me to tears. Her voice and the lyrics of the song together, captured the deep love I have for my husband like few other songs had ever done before. When I looked at the singer’s name, I had no idea who “Eva Cassidy” was, and, I don’t know why, but I didn’t investigate it.
Then just today, I heard “Somewhere Over the Rainbow” and I recognized that angelic voice! This time I had to find out who she was. I looked at the Love Actually cd to find her name and I googled “Eva Cassidy.”

How sad I was to discover that she had passed on at the young age of 33. So much life yet to live… such a gift taken from the world.

To Eva’s family and loved ones, please know that her voice has moved me in a way that few others have. And her passing at such a young age, reminds me how grateful I should be to have reached the age of 36. Eva has inspired me to live more fully… and her songbird voice lifts me up.

Thank you, Eva

– – – – –

Date: February 3, 2010, 1:15 AM, EST
Host: c-98-218-73-108.hsd1.md.comcast.net
Name: Lloyd Pitts
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: I was working in the home of two lovely ladies of Adams Morgan, D.C. and I could hardly get my work done for listening to the music they were playing. Having completely stopped to listen I asked them, “Who is that?” As if to proudly induct me into the fan club they said “Eva Cassidy” I was so disappointed to have discovered her as I suppose most of us have, posthumously. It is hardly a wonder that her stature continues to grow. Thank you Eva for leaving us such a loving legacy.

– – – – –

Date: February 2, 2010, 10:17 PM, EST
Host: mobilehost200000.internet.mymmode.com
Name: Ross Emery
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: Happy Birthday to Eva!
It’s good news that “Fields of Gold” will help the Haitian relief effort. She surely would have helped if she were here. The themes of some of Eva’s recordings are very much in the spirit of “We Are The World” – “Imagine” and “Golden Thread” immediately come to mind. Hope is the greatest gift!

– – – – –

Date: February 2, 2010, 8:36 PM, EST
Host: c-69-138-245-21.hsd1.md.comcast.net
Name: Jess
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: It’s been 12 years since I read the Washington Post article, “When Chuck Met Eva”…..that’s what led me to your music and I have been a devoted fan ever since. Happy Birthday, Eva! My biggest regret is living in your backyard and not seeing you live.

– – – – –

Date: February 2, 2010, 8:27 PM, EST
Host: adsl-75-58-144-120.dsl.rcsntx.sbcglobal.net
Name: a fan
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: happry birthday eva

– – – – –

Date: February 2, 2010, 6:57 PM, EST
Host: pool-74-96-113-68.washdc.fios.verizon.net
Name: Jerry
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: What a wonderful gift Eva had and what a wonderful gift she left for us to enjoy.

– – – – –

Date: February 2, 2010, 6:16 PM, EST
Host: unknown host
Name: Marco
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: While You are singing with Angels…
Happy Birthday Eva…!!!

– – – – –

Date: February 2, 2010, 4:24 PM, EST
Host: pool-71-171-70-244.clppva.east.verizon.net
Name: Ellen
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: Happy Birthday, Eva! Because of you and Laura’s suggestion I have been supporting live music for the last 7 years and it has enriched my life. There are many local musicians who are very talented and will never be well known, but they can still make a living and enrich people’s lives. “There will never be another Eva Cassidy but there will be someone else”! Whenever I can, I tell people about Eva and how she has changed my life.

– – – – –

Date: February 2, 2010, 4:00 PM, EST
Host: c-24-22-215-51.hsd1.wa.comcast.net
Name: Dorothy B
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: Dear Eva~ you are always remembered, by so many people, from all over the world!!` not only on your birthday, but every day, when when we all listen to THAT beautiful voice! God bless you Songbird,, and also your wonderful family, and the Eva Cassidy band.! Never forgotten, thanks to Laura!

– – – – –

Date: February 2, 2010, 2:42 PM, EST
Host: h240161.upc-h.chello.nl
Name: Richard
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: Happy Birthday, Eva.
At the risk of repeating myself:

“You’re still here beside us everyday, because we know you by heart.”

Thank you for over eight years of the most beautiful music, and making me appreciate the small things in life, that so often are the things which matter most of all.

You still inspire me every day… Thanks.

– – – – –

Date: February 2, 2010, 2:39 PM, EST
Host: c-69-251-204-118.hsd1.md.comcast.net
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:

– – – – –

Date: February 2, 2010, 2:13 PM, EST
Host: host86-165-83-206.range86-165.btcentralplus.com
Name: Chris Arscott
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: Hapy Birthday Eva. Listened to all the CD’s today, plus radio shows. Re-reading biography this week.
Donating a copy of the Songbird book and a CD for the raffle at our local music club on Friday.
We shall always remember Eva ansd her music.

– – – – –

Date: February 2, 2010, 12:43 PM, EST
Host: 173-81-213-179-buck.atw.dyn.suddenlink.net
Name: Mike Higham
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: Happy Birthday to the best singer God ever put on this earth. You get me through the hard times and make the good times so much better.
Love you Eva, always will!!!

– – – – –

Date: February 2, 2010, 11:39 AM, EST
Host: cm-
Name: Kristian
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: Happy Birthday Eva !
I love you so much your’e voice is the best of all singers. You give me peace and you take me into a verry specal place. Love you forever, Kristian 🙂

– – – – –

Date: February 2, 2010, 9:55 AM, EST
Host: unknown host
Name: Armindo Tavares
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: Happy Birthday Eva, you still with us.
Good Bless you
I never forget you.

– – – – –

Date: February 2, 2010, 8:00 AM, EST
Host: cpe-67-247-91-52.rochester.res.rr.com
Name: Bill Thompson
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: Remembering Eva on her birthday, nearly ten years since I first heard her. One of the greatest inspirations of my life. Thanks so much…
Happy Birthday, Eva!

– – – – –

Date: February 2, 2010, 1:41 AM, EST
Host: user-160u8ga.cable.mindspring.com
Name: brian craig balmer
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: Happy Birthday dear Eva – you are such a gift to the world. Thanks to Barbara, Hugh, Laura, Annette, Margret, and Dan for all you did and continue to do to bring this lovely light to us all. Chris, Lenny, Raice and the rest of the gang – kudos for being such a fantastic part of Eva’s life and legacy. I’ve waxed on in detail here in the past, so I’ll keep it short tonight, but it’s important to me to celebrate the continuing inspiration and sheer joy that this amazing being brings to so many, even though she is no longer physically with us.
Thanks for being here and being you, Eva…Love always

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Date: February 2, 2010, 12:25 AM, EST
Host: cpe-67-247-88-117.rochester.res.rr.com
Name: Audrey Hoffman
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: I will think of you all day today, Happy Birthday Eva.

– – – – –

Date: February 1, 2010, 11:52 PM, EST
Host: h-98-105-145-34.ip.alltel.net
Name: Jo Ann White
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: Happy Birthday, Eva~ 🙂

– – – – –

Date: February 1, 2010, 11:50 PM, EST
Host: cpe-24-58-212-140.twcny.res.rr.com
Name: Mike
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: Happy Birthday, songbird, Eva, February 2, 2010. Eva, I shall have the radio station, here. play a song of yours and announce your Birthday. I know you are listening! You take my breath away, my darling, Eva.

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Date: February 1, 2010, 11:34 PM, EST
Host: pool-173-79-57-91.washdc.fios.verizon.net
Name: Eric
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: It happens every now and then. I can’t ever tell when it’ll happen, but it does and there is no rhyme or reason for it but I see you in my dreams. And when I wake up in the murky light of the coming day, I am crushed with disappointment that you’re not here, you’re gone. I wind up spending the entire day thinking about your uncommon beauty and how your last note you ever sang is eternal, a beautiful sound that echoes thru out the universe. And I’ll be thinking about your birthday being a real moment of celebration for the beautiful music you brought into this world, about how lucky we are to have received your gifts. Yet, in the words of Richard Brautigan, I remain haunted by all the space that I will live with out you. These are just words of mine, tossed out into the vastness of cyberspace, with the desperate hopes that you could actually read/hear our messages.
Happy birthday, Eva.

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Date: February 1, 2010, 10:51 PM, EST
Host: dhcp-209-159-244-154.bhfc.net
Name: Nancy Hoffman
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: What a huge loss! Fields of Gold is supposed to be my funeral song. I found Eva today, loved it as well as Sting. I continued listening to all her songs…amazing. This touches me so much! I know melanoma can be deadly but were there choices and did she know? Sorry I just felt connected with her music. Happy B’Day Eva

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Date: February 1, 2010, 9:27 PM, EST
Host: 24-240-65-54.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com
Name: Anne
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: Happy Birthday Eva.
Wish you were here!

– – – – –

Date: February 1, 2010, 5:48 PM, EST
Host: 68-190-113-235.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com
Name: Kathy Utley
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: “I am listening to her beautiful voice on Pandora and I am deeply moved by her angelic voice”
She takes my breath away, truly unbelievable.

Kathy Utley
Madison, Wisconsin

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Date: February 1, 2010, 2:32 PM, EST
Host: p54A0E333.dip.t-dialin.net
Name: Christine
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: “Today has been a special day
an anniversary, a request”
Happy birthday, 2010-02-02, Eva.

We’ll never forget you, you live on in your songs & your music. Your music means so much to us, thank you therefor. It enlightens our days and is sometimes healing wounded hearts and souls.

“So sing with me softly
As the day turns to night
And later I’ll dream of paradise with you
I love you and good night”

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Date: February 1, 2010, 2:28 PM, EST
Host: c-76-31-230-106.hsd1.tx.comcast.net
Name: Melanie
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: Happy Happy Birthday Eva, you are loved and missed by your family so much, but also to those who know you only by your songs! Love and happiness surround you, and we’ll keep these feelings always. Love you Eva, Melanie

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Date: February 1, 2010, 2:11 PM, EST
Host: ool-18bc9eb6.dyn.optonline.net
Name: Booker T. Gibson
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: Happy Birthday to Eva and thanks to her
family for keeping this alive. Isn’t it great that

people are just hearing of Eva?

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Date: February 1, 2010, 1:23 PM, EST
Host: 2-168-165-209.esh.static.gci.net
Name: leslie stephens
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: Happy Birthday Eva. Grateful for all beauty you left for us.

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Date: January 31, 2010, 1:09 PM, EST
Host: pool-70-20-17-252.bstnma.fios.verizon.net
Name: bob
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:

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Date: January 30, 2010, 7:46 PM, EST
Host: adsl-11-242-38.mia.bellsouth.net
Name: San
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: A friend gave me a disk with a few of Eva’s songs on it. This was 5-6 years ago. When I heard her version of Over the Rainbow, I was blown away by the clarity of her voice. I have all her music now. I am a devoted fan. What is that line…..”gone too soon”….Thank you for maintaining this site, so her music lives on.

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Date: January 29, 2010, 1:14 AM, EST
Host: c-71-228-219-173.hsd1.tn.comcast.net
Name: JIM
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: RIP

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Date: January 28, 2010, 9:27 AM, EST
Host: c-98-226-131-23.hsd1.in.comcast.net
Name: Amanda & Olivia
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: I have been an Eva fan for several years now, and everyday I rediscover her music.
I know she’s up in heaven, perhaps she’s met my brother and they have shared a laugh.

Love you Eva. God Bless.

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Date: January 27, 2010, 1:35 PM, EST
Host: fl-71-3-109-178.dhcp.embarqhsd.net
Name: Jackie Cunningham
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: She put her signature on each song we have heard hundreds of times that it makes it new, just like Somewhere Over the Rainbow or Bridge Over Troubled Waters. May you rest in Peace, girl, you had a gift from God!
I have no doubt she would have been a force in the music business had she lived. Spectacular!!!

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Date: January 27, 2010, 1:14 PM, EST
Host: lanrover.ashland.com
Name: Beth Staton
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: Recently I was told about her, she is awesome, love all of her songs,,, My son died today two years ago, and I am listening ot her now. She brings peace what a great loss of us,,, but oh her music will live on! I am just ahppy to know of it and now also pass it on to others to listen too! She’s amazing,,

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Date: January 27, 2010, 12:13 AM, EST
Host: 71-215-86-175.hlrn.qwest.net
Name: Elizabeth Foard Swift
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: What a clear voice this songbird has! Let us remember her on February 2: her birthday in Heaven!

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Date: January 26, 2010, 11:01 PM, EST
Host: cpe-67-240-49-29.nycap.res.rr.com
Name: Bob Booten
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: I had never heard of Eva till a friend told me to give her a listen to. It took me less then two bars of Somewhere Over the Rainbow to do something I never thought could happen. I fell madly in love with a women that five minutes earlier I’d never heard of, met or even seen.

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Date: January 26, 2010, 7:42 PM, EST
Host: 97-83-116-131.dhcp.trcy.mi.charter.com
Name: Wendy
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: I had never heard of Eva Cassidy until I purchased the compilation cd “A Woman’s Heart, a decade on.” The sixth track is “Fields of Gold.” Listening to this song always reminds me of my Dad, who died from lung cancer in 2000. It brings me close to him. I’m a professional singer and she just blew me away. I had no idea she had passed away until today when I found this site. I shed a tear in her memory, but her music will live on forever. Thank you Eva, for your gift, I will cherish your music always.

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Date: January 26, 2010, 12:58 PM, EST
Host: static-71-248-188-27.bstnma.fios.verizon.net
Name: Jim Dolloff
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: Just became aware that Eva’s birthday is one week from today. As a parent who has also lost a daughter, this is a particularly difficult period for her immediate family and closest friends.
Thank you Hugh, Barbara, Margret, Anette, Laura and all for all you have done and continue to do, so that we fans can have a small share of the joy that is Eva’s music.

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Date: January 26, 2010, 12:45 PM, EST
Host: static-71-248-188-27.bstnma.fios.verizon.net
Name: Jim Dolloff
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: Since first hearing Eva sing in 2003, I have been a devout fan spreading the “word” whenever possible. Over the years, I enjoyed entries in this Guestbook when new fans shared how they learned of Eva’s music and/or other Eva related stories. Here are a couple that hopefully will be of interest to you.
Over the last few months of 2009, I have made innumerable visits to our vet. with at least 1 of our 3 cats and 1 dog. The visits ended over a few short weeks before Christmas when 2 cats and the dog had to be put to sleep. It was an emotional period for us as well as the vets and technicians as they have contributed to their care for 6, 18 and 8 years respectively. I thought a gift for them would be appropriate. What better gift then introducing folks to Eva’s music! Fortunately, when I placed my last order with Margret and Anette at evacassidy dot not org., I ordered several extra cd’s. So I wrapped a “Songbird” and took it to the vet. clinic.

When the young vet on duty opened it, she gave me a look which I expected was a “who is this?”. How wrong I was. She said that Eva was her dad’s favorite and, in fact, had named his new cat “Cassidy”. She said this would be an opportunity for her and the whole staff to become more familiar with Eva’s music as they would be playing the cd over the clinic’s sound system. I will be checking on them about that.

When I go to my haircut appointments, if Eva isn’t playing when I arrive, as soon as they see me someone runs to the cd player and puts Eva on. Several years ago, when I suggested that they should play Eva’s music (I had brought a cd with me), I was told they already had one of her cd’s that they enjoyed regularly. So now they make sure its on when I am there.

I am committed to “spreading the word” at every opportunity. As Eva fans, you already know that it is not a chore and the reward is priceless.

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Date: January 26, 2010, 12:33 PM, EST
Host: dyn-144-92-165-191.wisc.edu
Name: Joyce Ann Gausmann
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: Always in my heart and soul. Thank you all for the preservation of the web, Eva’s art, music and words. It is such a privilege to continue to experience this.

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Date: January 26, 2010, 7:33 AM, EST
Host: ADSL-208-97.telecomplus.net
Name: Magalie J
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: Just knew of Eva and was seduced by her voice and her personality. Indeed she was (and is still) a gift to the world.

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Date: January 25, 2010, 1:48 PM, EST
Host: 82-118-123-99.static.dsl.as8607.net
Name: Amy Barr
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: i am 14 and eva died on my birthday, i love her music so much, and i love her as a person, my father introduced me to her and i love him for it, she is my favourite artist although many of my friends think otherwise, i listen to her everyday, and i am so glad that i know of her music, she touched me where little people could. thankyou so much!

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Date: January 24, 2010, 8:39 AM, EST
Host: ip54524787.speed.planet.nl
Name: JP
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: Hard to believe I only found out about Eva’s music recently.
You never truly die until you are forgotten.
She will live on in our hearts and minds.

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Date: January 24, 2010, 7:50 AM, EST
Name: Francis
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: The voice and the song take you into a special place

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Date: January 23, 2010, 11:37 PM, EST
Host: unknown host
Name: Vitor Miranda
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: I listen the fist time these two songs 8 years ago from one friends that said ” Hey, look what a singer I found! Simply fantastic and beautiful”. And all my friends from my band become fans of Eva Cassidy! I Spent lots of time listening music from all kind of bands, and when I get beeing bored with the quality of the new songs that become to the market! I stop and listen Eva Cassidy. It works like a therapy.
A lot of musical quality, joined to a voice soft and sweet but extremly strong.
For me Eva Cassidy voice is one of the voices that make my skin become like we say arround here “chiken skin”. She deserve to be admired and has his name in the stars.
Eva Cassady tanks for pleseant us with your talent! You are eternal!

P.S. Sorry for my english.

– – – – –

Date: January 23, 2010, 4:33 AM, EST
Host: cache-dtc-ab14.proxy.aol.com
Name: Jim Fields
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: this week I celebrated my 63rd birthday, I dont sleep very well at nite sometimes I visit youtube, I was there this evening and looked up what a wonderful world just to see who may have been singing it and I found Ms Cassidy and what a joy it is .. I love that song and collect versions of it .. this will be a wonderful addition to my collection thank you Eva for such a moving and beautiful version
GOD bless you I know you sing beautifully for him

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Date: January 22, 2010, 11:22 PM, EST
Host: cache-mtc-ab14.proxy.aol.com
Name: Denise
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: I’m listening to her music right now and it prompted me to look her up. She’s such an inspiration and I hope she’s resting in peace knowing that she makes such an impact on people’s lives whom she doesn’t even know….pretty incredible!

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Date: January 22, 2010, 10:51 PM, EST
Host: 97-117-227-130.phnx.qwest.net
Name: Judy
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: Just discovered Eva about nine months ago. To me, her voice is simply beautiful and captivating. She has set the bar so high. And I hope, Eva, now you know how deeply and profoundly your music has moved others. Thank you so much.
to my fellow eva fans: Happy New Year

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Date: January 22, 2010, 6:39 PM, EST
Host: unknown host
Name: Fil Iervasi
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: Eva- you have a calming/settling effect on me especially when I listen to you in my car on my way home from a hard day at work. I wish I could have seen you in concert. thank you for your music

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Date: January 22, 2010, 3:24 AM, EST
Host: 77-253-217-86.ip.netia.com.pl
Name: Szymon
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: Mam nadzieję że śpiewasz Bogu i masz z tego niewysłowioną radość droga Ewo.
Twój głos przyblirza mnie do Niego, dziękuję.
Żyj wiecznie w niebie.

– – – – –

Date: January 18, 2010, 12:19 PM, EST
Host: unknown host
Name: K. Amaranth
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: I can never decide which one is my fave – People get Ready ….Songbird….such an ethereal voice, not just because I know you’re dead. Your voice touches me deeply and stirs me to song as well. Thank you.

– – – – –

Date: January 18, 2010, 5:36 AM, EST
Host: 220-253-54-204.VIC.netspace.net.au
Name: Kate Daley
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: Eva, my inspiration. My healer. You give me confidence to believe in myself. You empower me. Thankyou xx

– – – – –

Date: January 17, 2010, 10:24 AM, EST
Host: bht223.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl
Name: Magdalena
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: Uslyszalam ja dzis przez przypadek i zakochalam sie w jej glosie… pieknie… magicznie…

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Date: January 17, 2010, 9:19 AM, EST
Host: pool-71-126-46-183.pitbpa.east.verizon.net
Name: Joyce Dopico
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: First let me say Thank You, for maintaining this site, bringing her to the world. Her voice is amazing! She touches my heart everytime I listen, I feel as if I know her. Sometimes I sing her songs to her, in the hopes that I can make her feel half of what she gives me. If I had one wish, it would be that I could look her in eyes and say “thank you” then rap my arms around her. For those of you that knew her and love her, I am sorry for your loss. She was a gift sent from God and He called her home. With Love and Peace, Joyce.

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Date: January 16, 2010, 6:08 PM, EST
Host: f051058102.adsl.alicedsl.de
Name: Jürgen Medding
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: Viele Grüße an alle Fans von Eva.
Auch hier bei uns ist Eva in aller Herzen.
unvergessen und geliebt von vielen, die Ihre Songs lieben. Viele Grüße an alle Fans in den USA.

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Date: January 16, 2010, 5:58 PM, EST
Host: f051058102.adsl.alicedsl.de
Name: Jürgen Medding
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: I love her voice, and I miss her every time.
I hope, I see you in heaven.

– – – – –

Date: January 16, 2010, 1:09 PM, EST
Host: pool-108-0-33-162.lsanca.fios.verizon.net
Name: Geoff Ryle
Home town:
Favorite Eva song?:
Another favorite?:
Message: A friend gave me “Live At Blues Alley” for my birthday. Until then I had no idea who Eva was. Now she’s one of my favorite singers. What a tragedy she is no longer with us, but what a tremendous gift she left us all. Thank you for building and maintaining this site. I’m going to go spread the word!!


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Date: January 15, 2010, 8:13 PM, EDT
Name: Teresa
The first time I ever heard about Eva and her music was on the television – I believe it was a documentary. I heard her voice and it touched my heart.

Thank you for taking the time to create this website and give us information about her, the band and her life.

All of you who knew her were blessed and we are blessed to hear her music.

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Date: January 15, 2010, 6:26 PM, EDT
Name: Bethany
I heard all of the Eva’s new songs posted on the internet, they all sound so beautiful! She is a very talented person!

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Date: January 15, 2010, 9:31 AM, EDT
Name: Margret Cassidy Robinson
I was hoping to find a message in this Guestbook regarding the horrific tragedy in Haiti…..
Sure enough, it was my dear friend Anne from Wisconsin, who brought this subject up.
I agree with her message 100%!!!

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Date: January 14, 2010, 9:49 PM, EDT
Name: Steve
This may sound a little strange but,when I sit back,Relax,Pick up one of my guitars and Play along to one of Eva”s songs,it feels like Eva is in the room with me !.It is not a frightning feeling but very CALMING.I Must add if Eva is with me,Thank god For You Eva Because I cant Sing !,but Oh! Eva you have a voice of an ANGEL!.Thank You For Your Music & I am Sure You Are With Us Who love you Eva.All my Love Steve.Sydney,Australia..xxxxxxxxx

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Date: January 14, 2010, 3:18 PM, EDT
Name: Ted
I would like to thank Chris Biondi & the band for their heartfelt completion of the song “Somewhere”. The Bagpipe element was especially moving. The emotion of Eva & The Band shines. I can’t even imagine how hard that session was for the Band. I hope you felt Fulfilled by the result. Again a special thank you to the Band.

Also, it was great to hear the solo songs on the album. I hope to learn how to play her wonderful version of Summertime.

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Date: January 14, 2010, 12:42 PM, EDT
Name: Christopher Cole
I’m loving ALL of Eva’s songs- wishing for more~
Haven’t posted here for a few years… but I am glad to see that this Eva site is still going strong and that new fans are still coming to Eva and her band’s wonderful music.

Special thanks to YOU Laura for keeping this site up and running and adding fresh material from time to time. Would be nice to have a few more pictures of Eva and friends once in a while… and maybe some updates on what’s going on with Eva’s family and friends…
( like Dan- or her folks, or members of the band. )

Anyhow- keep up the good work…
And folks- remember to GO OUT, and listen to some live music- while there will never be another Eva, there are a LOT of good musicians out there- all offering their musical talent for us to discover.
Blessings~ as we listen and remember.

– – – – –

Date: January 14, 2010, 10:09 AM, EDT
Name: Bob Barber
Hello. I just discovered this wonderful site and am exited to share my thoughts about Eva with all. She has been a wonderful inspiration to my daughter over the years. My daughter Meg and I discovered Eva about 8 years ago as Meg loves singing standards and covers. Meg was 15 at the time. She is a very accomlished singer in her own right and has sung Songbird at many many Weddings and concerts. She will be doing an Eva Cassidy Tribute Concert this winter in this area and I’m sure more than once after people hear the music. I am proud to say the Eva Cassidy is fairly well known in our town now since Meg has introduced Eva’s music to this area.

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Date: January 13, 2010, 10:44 PM, EDT
Name: Anne
I know that this is not a political site and I respect that. As an Eva fan, my heart goes out to the residents of Haiti who have suffered far more than any people should. God bless them in their recovery from this horrible disaster. I do believe that Eva would have sent them similar wishes.

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Date: January 13, 2010, 8:05 PM, EDT
Name: Cecil Jones
May the beauty of her voice continue to inspire & comfort future fans yet unborn.

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Date: January 13, 2010, 7:55 PM, EDT
Name: Vince
The song title says it all.

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Date: January 13, 2010, 6:08 PM, EDT
Name: Paula
No doubt Eva’s soul is in heaven looking down amused with everyone hearing her amazing voice for the first time. God bless Eva and her family.

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Date: January 13, 2010, 5:49 PM, EDT
Name: Allysa
I was reading some fanficiton a couple years ago and the author included a few lyrics from one of Eva Cassidy’s songs (and mentioned her as the artist) so I looked up the song and instantly loved her voice. I really enjoy listening to her mellow voice. If I’m in a good mood it keeps the smile on my face and if I’m not in a good mood it either calms me down or makes me feel like it’s okay to shed a couple tears. It’s such a tragedy that she’s no longer around to make new music, but I can be content with just loving the stuff she made while she was here.

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Date: January 13, 2010, 1:34 PM, EDT
Name: Wendy Bass
I first hear Eva’s beautiful and powerful voice Christmas 2009 because my mom was given “Songbird” as a gift. I was curious because I had never heard of this person with this amazing voice that gave me chills! It was only when I opened the inside of the cd to find out more that I learned Eva had passed away. I was so sad that such a talented young woman lost her life at such an early age. But I am so glad I discovered her music! I now have 2 of her cd’s and love them both!

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Date: January 13, 2010, 9:54 AM, EDT
Name: bob
Thank you niki lee for those two unknown songs expecially at last were she nearly silenced the crowd from her first song woodstock i think they were in shock from her vocal greatnest

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Date: January 12, 2010, 8:10 PM, EDT
Name: Sergio Amato
I heard Eva for the first time, while visiting friends in Salt Lake City last month. My friend Colleen, played this song for me and it touched my deepest soul. She then told me about how her hairdresser turned her on to Eva. How Eva had passed at such a young age, and how her parents had found a way to get her music and her spirit to the masses. This comment is to her parents. You raised any incredible human being. Thank you for recognizing her contribution to the music world and to us the music lovers. I am forever a fan of yours, for sharing your wonderful gift with the rest of us. Eva will live forever through my family…

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Date: January 12, 2010, 6:43 PM, EDT
Name: Jess
Thanks, Niki for the wonderful post holiday gift!

Did you mean “Son of a Preacher Man” instead of “When the Whistle Blows”? It’s what I found on the site…..fabulous to hear 2 unreleased Eva songs after all this time.

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Date: January 12, 2010, 11:38 AM, EDT
Name: Arya
Eva, my heart is crying, while writting these few words, I have just discover your talent and so perfect voice few years ago, I felt so much pain knowing that you’ve left us in 1996, your voice have bring to all mankind so much magic and peaceful love, my tears can’t keep falling each time I’m listening to your beautiful voice, Thank you again Eva for what you have brought to us.
Love forever.

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Date: January 11, 2010, 9:01 PM, EDT
Name: David
I wish that I hadknown her.

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Date: January 11, 2010, 8:37 PM, EDT
Name: Charles
Having watched her for the first time ever on You Tube tonight, it was with great sadness when I read in a bio page that she had passed away many years ago. In listening to her voice, it was as if the world was cheated because of the short time she was here on earth. A one of a kind voice you only hear once in a lifetime…heartbreaking.

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Date: January 11, 2010, 12:15 PM, EDT
Name: Scott Self
My brother in law died in 1999 of colon cancer. My wife and I were going thru some of his things after his death and we found the Eva CD with this song on it. We immediately became avid fans. When ever I play this song I think of Allen and the joy he brought into our lives. I listen to Eva’s music often, but his song moves me the most. I think of Allen and how he left in Autumn. It always brings tears to my eyes, but they are tears of joy. Thank you Eva.

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Date: January 10, 2010, 3:43 PM, EDT
Name: Kim
The first time I heard this song I was in a grocery store parking lot. I sat in the car and cried until it was over. I have NEVER heard such a beautiful rendition of this song and I know I never will. Thank you Eva!

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Date: January 10, 2010, 10:18 AM, EDT
Name: Paul Jones
What can I say that hasn’t already been said? Eva’s voice brings tears to my eyes and hits me right in the chest. The thought of the gift which was Eva Cassidy gone, makes me sad.

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Date: January 10, 2010, 9:32 AM, EDT
Name: Celestine
I fell asleep a few weeks ago listening to Pandora Radio on my iPod. I was awaken out of a deep sleep by Eva singing “Fields of Gold”. It was as if an angel had visited me in the night. I bookmarked the song and went back to sleep.

The next morning I downloaded from iTunes. Eva’s message to me from heaven was to live life to its fullest. Don’t let fear stop you from doing the things you love. Don’t let your fears stop you from loving your love with everything inside you.

With tears in my eyes I thank you Eva Cassidy for visiting me from heaven. I knew it! Angels do have beautiful voices.


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Date: January 9, 2010, 5:23 PM, EDT
Name: Andrew
no writing about it
listening to her music
fulfilling the music dimension
and again…
no writing about it…
but there is so much to describe…
… and again …

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Date: January 9, 2010, 4:36 PM, EDT
Name: Beatrice Estes
I heard her on a commerative Cancer Walk
CD made in 2005 and needed to hear more from her. I was unaware she died in 1996
the year I was fighting cancer. Now I know
I need to hear more from her. Thanks to
you all. I love her passion!

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Date: January 9, 2010, 11:09 AM, EDT
Name: keith h curtis
every time I listen I hear something new with the way she sings a song. such a remarkable voice. taken to soon as was Patsy Cline.
I first heard of Eva on a Sunday morning news program. As a singer myself, I am amazed by her interpretations. would have loved to seen her in person. My heart goes out to her family, and friends

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Date: January 9, 2010, 12:53 AM, EDT
Name: Kevin Varney
Its isn’t a surprise that she left us so young, every time she sang she gave a little of her life to the songs. one of a kind!

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Date: January 8, 2010, 9:10 PM, EDT
Name: Jackie Talley
I too am a “grass roots” fan – my D.C. area niece got me hooked on Eva several years ago, sending me “Songbird” – and warning me to listen first, then read the liner notes. I became a true collector, and have everything I can get my hands on. I read the entire screenplay…I was dubious, but admittedly I was riveted – and I loved it. Still crying my eyes out. I miss my fellow Aquarian…but she lives on through song, memory, and the love of throngs of us who have been so touched by this brilliant soul.

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Date: January 8, 2010, 1:33 PM, EDT
Name: Pamela Juelharte
I just discovered Eva’s intoxicating voice. What a talented soul. She will live on in our hearts.

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Date: January 8, 2010, 9:48 AM, EDT
Name: Trond
Thank you for all the beauty…

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Date: January 7, 2010, 10:20 PM, EDT
Name: Tony
I have been playing this song over and over and over again for many days (off of youtube first entry) and just overwhelmed by Eva’s voice — especially these words:

When you’re down and out
When you’re on the street
When evening falls so hard
I will comfort you

Cathy Bryant and all please listen to this live version and let me know if there is (are) other such moving moment as Eva voiced “when evening falls so hard”? I want to embrace her literally.

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Date: January 7, 2010, 2:36 PM, EDT
Name: Cathy Bryant
I have been listening to Eva Cassidy since 2001 when I was pregnant with my first child. I heard “Over the Rainbow” on the radio. The DJ played the song and asked listeners to please call in with their thoughts, he said she had the most beautiful voice he had ever heard. With tears streaming down my face, I couldn’t help but agree. A moment later he was saying she had passed several years prior, and boy, did the tears really start. I then bought Martha Stewarts “Baby” cd because it had Eva’s recording of “Over the Rainbow” on it. Then I found “Live at Blue’s Alley”. I have shared it with my children, friends, family and students. Listening to Eva sing brings me a calming feeling, fond memories of anticipating my first son and a slight sadness for those of you who really knew her. I can’t imagine what it must have been like for you to listen to your friend sing like that. She will not be forgotten. I will always listen to Eva.

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Date: January 7, 2010, 10:29 AM, EDT
Name: Jon Imondi
Eva Cassidy has the voice of an angel, its breathtakingly beautiful. We have lost her but Heaven has another angel in Eva Cassidy x

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Date: January 7, 2010, 10:06 AM, EDT
Name: tasha n millie
we luv this song

and we luv u eva

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Date: January 6, 2010, 4:41 AM, EDT
Name: tasha
i only discovered eva a week ago now shes become my hero and get lost in her singing. shes my favourrite singer and just the other day i recomended her to my friend who likes rock and she loved eva. thank god for this website and we luv you eva .

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Date: January 5, 2010, 11:29 PM, EDT
Name: Carey
Eva’s voice is, quite simply, perfection.

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Date: January 5, 2010, 12:41 PM, EDT
Name: Laura
I just discovered Eva today,I can’t get enough of her angelic voice. It makes me cry that she is not with us any longer.

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Date: January 5, 2010, 9:05 AM, EDT
Name: Pat Shipton
I love most of Eva’s songs as her voice is phenomenal, but when I listen to Songbird I can get lost in it as she sang it so beautifully and with such feeling it lifts my spirit

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Date: January 3, 2010, 10:41 PM, EDT
Name: Bob
I Just listen to If I give you my heart and bring tear to my eye.

Can Chris Biondo and co. please make another album.


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Date: January 3, 2010, 2:51 AM, EDT
Name: Steve
About 7 years ago my lovely wife Rachel introduced me to this song and Eva’s story. We were drawn powerfully not realizing that a few short years later Rachel’s life song would also end early with cancer.I am sure God made Eva our friend to help me survive the loss.The world lost Rachel at 39.She left a song like Eva did,his name is Jacob and he is 5.They are powerfull women who live on and I’m sure they are friends.

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Date: January 2, 2010, 6:33 PM, EDT
Name: Andrew Zawadzki
Our local radio played this song yesterday. An it was strong emotion for me to listen it.
You recognizes by your heart, at once, that it is so good and beautiful, cristal-clear. I started web searching to find out who is the singer, owner of this angel’s voice, and then I’ve red, that she’s not with us. “He whom the gods love dies young”, sorrow remains.

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Date: January 2, 2010, 2:08 PM, EDT
Name: steve williams
i discovered eva’s music 5 days ago. i found her by accident doing a search on amazon for torch songs. all i can say is “where have you been all my life?!?” i cannot begin to tell you how much i love her. her voice is utterly amazing. i have sit and cried over several songs, they have touched me so deeply. i cannot believe she has gone for so long in america without the recognition she deserves. all i can say is i am so glad i found her. now i want to own everything she has done. i am buying her book today. eva, i wish you were still with us, but thank you so much for what you gave to us while you were here. i want to share her music with everyone i encounter. i’m sure there are plenty more like me out there who haven’t heard her yet, but will be so glad when they finally do.